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Job woes/wins


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Bursar had a meeting with me today at work and asked if I would be interested in applying for the Development Assistant position that they are advertising. A lot of the technical side is basically what I already do for them now but I hadnt applied because I wasnt interested in the "schmoozing" side of the job. I think I probably will still go for this though as its basically double my current salary and I think dealing with posh alumni will just have to get easier the more I do it. They have said though that they know that area wouldnt really interest me and would be willing to try and work around that. They do still want to let me go fulltime in my current job but still cant get the money for it so I think it'd be better for me if I went for this new job instead.

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basically double my current salary


I think most people would jump at that short of selling one's own soul! I know I probably would - you're working for money, and yeah sometimes it's shit, but doubling up for what probably isn't double the work/stress/hassle definitely sounds worth it to me! You'll get used to the shit new bits hopefully.

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I think most people would jump at that short of selling one's own soul! I know I probably would - you're working for money, and yeah sometimes it's shit, but doubling up for what probably isn't double the work/stress/hassle definitely sounds worth it to me! You'll get used to the shit new bits hopefully.


Yeah. Now I just have to make it through the interview :p To be fair though I have basically been doing half of this job for around 6 months which is probably why they've asked me to interview.

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Worked my first month as a student assistant for a PhD candidate. Working in a lab is fun :)


However, I got sick at the worst time...the PhD student is on vacation and I was supposed to finish an experiment this week. But fever, cough and other stuff prevent me from doing so...


I'll have the days off from next week 'til early January, too so...this sucks.


I might just have go to work on Thursday and Friday and possibly next week the days before Christmas :blank:

Edited by drahkon
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Had my interview for the Development Assistant job today. Went ok (was never going to be brilliant as I'm just not the most confident person in the world). Should probably hear if I got the job tomorrow I assume. It was going to be today but its been so manic at the school as its the last week of term that nobody had a chance to sit down and talk about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So almost overnight I have an idea for a consultancy gig... if I am able to pull it together I think I could be in with a shout. I've had a chat with some friends who know what they're talking about and they agree the timing could be potentially massive... so I'm in a position where I could invest a lot of time over the next 3 months and potentially be in for a great little business.


I'm so excited and terrified... I don't yet have the self-belief that I could pull this off - but at the same time I have some nuggets of confidence to know that I genuinely could do this, I just have to not let myself down.


I need to keep the motivation up. It's so difficult not knowing anyone else with the same level of knowledge that I have who also has market experience - they would be able to tell me how foolhardy I am... Aaaaiii!

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I have a new job. Yes, it's in retail but my friend is the manager. I've worked with her before and we both work well together because she knows to just leave me to what I do best: Sell. I'm a supervisor but all I'd have to do is sell, open and close the shop. It's 30 hours and the pay rises every time you take this test to certify you know your shit. I also get proper qualifications out of it as well, which is pretty cool.

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So almost overnight I have an idea for a consultancy gig... if I am able to pull it together I think I could be in with a shout. I've had a chat with some friends who know what they're talking about and they agree the timing could be potentially massive... so I'm in a position where I could invest a lot of time over the next 3 months and potentially be in for a great little business.


I'm so excited and terrified... I don't yet have the self-belief that I could pull this off - but at the same time I have some nuggets of confidence to know that I genuinely could do this, I just have to not let myself down.


I need to keep the motivation up. It's so difficult not knowing anyone else with the same level of knowledge that I have who also has market experience - they would be able to tell me how foolhardy I am... Aaaaiii!


Have half the faith in yourself that Kanye has in himself and you'll feel better.

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I have a new job. Yes, it's in retail but my friend is the manager. I've worked with her before and we both work well together because she knows to just leave me to what I do best: Sell. I'm a supervisor but all I'd have to do is sell, open and close the shop. It's 30 hours and the pay rises every time you take this test to certify you know your shit. I also get proper qualifications out of it as well, which is pretty cool.

So that's a no on the becoming a carer then?



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So that's a no on the becoming a carer then?




For now, yeah. Since Grandad died, it's been hard thinking about it. Like, I would still like to be one one day but I can't right now. Every time I think about it, I just think about the last moments.


So basically, in short, it'll happen one day but not right now...

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I've just got myself a second job.


I bumped into the guy who owns the local game shop and he asked if I was still looking for jobs. I told him I just got one but he said we can talk negotiations and stuff. Said I'd have total control of shifts and stuff and said he'd understand that the job I have now comes first.


All I'd have to do is sell games and memorabilia and manage his Twitter account. Sounds like a dream. Just finalising stuff tomorrow.

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Starting a new Job on Monday :)


Still within the same company though, been working in a call centre last 22 months now, for little over a year now I've actually been dividing my time between taking customer calls like a normal agent and supervising new hires in their first 3-4weeks on the phones.


Thought I had myself on the road to becoming a team leader, but start of December a position opened in IT, for a User Access Administrator, I thought sure might aswell apply and see how it goes.


Got a call the other day just before Xmas, unfortunately didnt get that role but the IT heads liked me enough that they wanted to offer me a different position and thought I would be more suited to the companies actual IT service desk so offered me a trainee position which I said "hell yeah" to :D


Hopefully all goes well and will be given the position full time followed by a raise :D

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Still looking for an analyst based role, any know any great agencies for the Finance/ Business analytics sector?


Not a great time of year. People are only just back from holiday and new budgets / headcounts haven't been set yet.


I'm expecting it to get much busier in the next few weeks so I expect to see more roles available then.


In the mean time, apply for anything related to MI, BI or data analytics. Have lots of buzz words and skills (including software) in your CV.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my friends went full retard in work today.


We were in assembly and stood listening to the headmaster. She slides along next to me and says, "Jim, can I ask you a question?"


The way she did it, I was expecting something serious. So, I waited for it...


"I have a picture on my phone. How do I convert that into an MP3?"




She looked really offended. So, I asked her what she wanted to do exactly.


"I have a photo on my iPhone...I want it on my computer."




I told her what to do, but I'm not sure if she believed me. I couldn't stop laughing. I want to cry so much but then everybody would have looked at me and thought that I was the weirdo. Lost it.

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How old is she? Because if she's younger than 120 then she's too young to be asking that question.


She's 32. Sadly, she provides the lols on a weekly basis. :heh:


You can actually convert an image into an MP3, but the result is generally less than a second long and almost always a high pitched wail. It would have been hilarious if you'd converted it for her only for her to listen to it and be horrified by the sound.


Super fucking tempted to do this now.

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After months of sending CVs, the only positive answer I receive is from a scholarship program that helps me find a job by moving to Germany and look there. So, a couple of weeks ago I moved to Frankfurt, and I already received two answers... from companies that got my CVs months ago and are only now responding. One of which from Leeds, of all places.


So, I suppose the program really works, I guess.

Edited by Jonnas
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It's almost been two weeks since I started my new job and at the moment, I'm absolutely loving it. The stuff I'm learning about nutrition and health is really interesting and at the end of it, I get a couple of qualifications as well after I do my tests. I actually get commission on everything I sell as well as a good discount too. I've had a TON of positive customer feedbacks as well and I've slayed my sales targets too.


I've had one slight problem and that was that a customer came in and started being aggressive to my colleague and called her an arsehole. She looked upset and stressed, she's never had to handle anything like it before. She's one of the politest people I've ever met and wouldn't say boo to thin air. Obviously I have a big gob so I went to him and spoke to him about an offer he couldn't understand but refused to listen when it was explained. In the end, he started getting aggressive with me, security was called, he said, and I quote "You, sir, are a fucking tosser" to which I replied "And you, sir, are a colossal twat who isn't getting served". Obviously, he stood there waiting to be served and my colleague went to serve him but I said "Don't serve him because then it'd be saying to him that it's acceptable to treat you the way he did". The security guard removed him and banned him from the shop. I immediately spoke to my manager the next chance I got and told her what happened because I didn't want her hearing it from anyone else. She actually said "Good on you, I'd have personally told him to fuck off" so yes, I still have a job, haha.

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