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Job woes/wins


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I think most of those people are in it for the prestige or the money, or are really interested in cars to begin with. I can see why a lot of people apply.


I never applied there as I don't really like cars and don't care that much about prestige.


Money wise, if rather be earning less and not have to work weekends/evenings and put up with ridiculous beaurocracy and overbearing managers.


@Zell what department was your project in?

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I've been working as a Chef for around 2 years now. I recently moved and got a job in a new rather fancy Hotel. Which has been a step up in terms of the quality of food and produce I get to work with. I do find a few things frustrating. Long days, weeks without a day off, low pay for highly skilled work and management that are employed on high salaries because there Grandfather owns the place.


On the positive side though I do enjoy the core aspects of my job. We started a new menu yesterday and a few dishes I created got on it. We get good feedback of most customers. I enjoy creating new dishes and this place lets me do that.


Basically I'd love my job if I was given a couple of days off a week and had to deal with a less lazy management. It's still much better than my last kitchen which was a stressful hell that failed to pay me multiple times.


EDIT: And as if to hammer home the point about lack of time off. I've been called in to work tonight on my first day off in two weeks. Yay!

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Another issue with call centre work, is that the customers (especially in my line of business) expect to have their hands held and guided through everything. For example, if i ask for a full estimate for the Current Year (13/14 tax year) before and after any changes, they give you an hourly rate, and number of hours and say "work it out for me". Sorry people, that is not my job. And that isn't what i asked.

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I did not get the Student Services Assistant job. =(


Back to square one for me. Though if I can't even get a receptionist/admin job, then I don't know what my chances are of getting anything else. So far no other job has gotten back to me. Am crai.




Edit: and now we have just been told we will have to go through an interview this week to see who can keep their position as a QA. Seeing as 5 people will have to leave the team and I have the least experience, my chances are very slim. =(

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I've been thinking of quitting my job for quite some time now but something always pops up that makes me stay. My plan has been to save money, move to Tokyo, go to school for 3-6 months and then take it from there. My current role is likely to change so I look after all research for the company which would of course look great on my CV. Add to that living in San Francisco and the crazy money people earn over here and it's a really tough call to make.


When I spoke to my boss about all of this he offered to look into a transfer to our Tokyo office for me - I think that would be by far the best thing that could happen, but put the chances somewhere between slim and none.

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I'm currently holding down a 4-day-a-week retail job (very easy, extremely quiet place, coworkers are nice, days are just a bit boring for lack of customers...) and am soon to start the big "delete my CV and start all over again re-writing it for a CAREER rather than a job". :wtf: just not really sure WHAT job title i need to be shooting for... I want to be in community management... or event planning... but i think i'd also make a really good company rep (hello, Nintendo...) i don't know.. and the contacts i have that could offer advice aren't being very forthcoming (i know they're busy.. but...)

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Time to discuss all of those ups and downs of the 50 year sentence we call a career.


I've just been accepted for an interview. Good news, although it's in Leeds on a wednesday (means travelling up tuesday night, coming back weds night). Not sure how I can get the time off, we're pretty busy at work. Might have to pull a sickie. Also, it's in Leeds, so that's a lot of travelling.


Why am I putting it off? Well it's a fixed term contract until the end of 2014. I really want to move but it seems like it might be a bit silly to leave a fairly well paid job, to have no guarantee of future employment after 8 months.




Bloody well go for it! If you aren't happy where you are then move on the greener pastures. Green pastures = Happier and better life :D And you're in the north. You could take a drop in wages and wouldn't even notice.


Saying that, I hate my job. The work isn't bad at all, it's just not enough. I'm bored, I'm not challenged enough and the wage is utter rubbish for the hours I work. So yup, I'm packing my bags and leaving (along with 80% of the department)!


The good news is that I've recently secured a few interviews for the NHS Scientist Training Programme (Cardiology and Audiology), which is definitely more my kind of thing! So fingers crossed I can pull it out of the bag!

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Well, i'm back into the full swing of job searching. I have no idea why i re-applied for my job, but with the busy period coming up we will have approx 60 staff to handle the hundreds of calls. Management will be piling the pressure on to handle as many calls as not humanly possible, there will be no hour off a week to "invest time" aka log down holidays, read up on updates. There will be no 4 times a week "15 minute team meetings" as they wish to push the limits of the staff beyond breaking point. They'll say it's due to "call volume", but we all know it to be lack of staff to take said calls.


And the extra staff they bring in will be useless as last years lot were. Not doing the job, leaving us with the angry, stressed people.


Joys (not)

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My extra-curricular attempt to get a bank to stop being a bag o' dicks took a positive step - got a direct email to someone who actually knows what they're talking about, and not just the gatekeeper type customer service guys who have no power. This guy's going to chase up what's going on with my letter (sent a letter 5 weeks ago pretty much threatening legal action. Against a bank. Wtf).

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Anyone know about becoming a teacher?


Ive got a law degree and been practising for past few years but due to various circumstances fancy a career change. I would teach History I think. Got an A level in it at Grade A and did enjoy it. I was toying with the idea at the time buy chose to do law instead.


Would I need to do a history degree?


If you're interested in becoming a teacher, you need to get yourself some experience in schools first. Talk to a range of teachers about their experiences and what the job is actually like.


I'm actually in the process of leaving teaching, so my experience isn't the most positive. However I'd be happy to give you some information if you'd like?



p.s Started my new job yesterday! I'll be convincing young people (whose parents have never been to University) and mature students that studying a University course in healthcare is super awesome and worthwhile.

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Great topic. I try to stay away from Chit-Chat to avoid the politics, but just feel I must put down my experiences this year.


I was basically made redundant at the end of Jan - No notice period, no forewarning - I actually got a promotion with a 4k increase on the 2nd week of Jan.


The MD literally asked us all to come in at 12pm next day for a meeting - after days of pretending to be at events - and tells us we all effectively jobless. P60s (or is it P45s?) were handed on the day while the office was getting emptied. Apparently, it was financial problems... Yet remember I got a promo a week prior.


Going home to tell my partner was the hardest thing, I was actually calm and already focused on finding my next role... It was so surreal.


In any case, I took on looking for work as a job in itself from the next day: over 50 job apps a day, all targeted by the hour with fingers constantly poised on the refresh button. Great sites I used were: Job Serve (TOP), Reed, CV Library, Business People and jobs.ac.uk (as well as London Council sites - both offer ridiculously high wages with extra benefits).


Needless to say, I got a new job in approx two weeks, with two offers from two different companies both paying 4k more than what I was getting - having two offers allowed me to haggle with my basic salary with the other company. Luckily, I got the job just in time to at least get a small end of month salary paid in too.


Moral of the story: If you're hit with redundancy please don't give up! Be positive, and its actually great to think of the near limitless possibilities of where your career can take you - Ive seen a good level of Junior/entry roles with good salaries for entering new fields too.


Also, be cautious when entering small companies (like my former) - do a company check, check their assets and liabilities etc, and if you do go into a small company be cautious of extravagant MDs and pseudo-Directors who rake up the expenses as if they are in a pipe-dream.


And lastly, if you go to an Employment Tribunal, be quick... and pay the fee (160gbp) as soon as poss - judgement typically takes about three months from applying. Applying for Redundancy pay via the Insolvency company is good and going straight to Job Seekers Allowance... Which also takes forever to process.


If I can do it... Trust me, anyone can!

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Moral of the story: If you're hit with redundancy please don't give up! Be positive, and its actually great to think of the near limitless possibilities of where your career can take you - Ive seen a good level of Junior/entry roles with good salaries for entering new fields too.


If I can do it... Trust me, anyone can!


Guess it depends on your location as well though. There will be loooots of jobs going in the London area, but in other places it is a bit different.


I have been looking for a few weeks now, but only found about 8 jobs or so I could apply for. Only got an interview for one of them, which was only thanks to a friend who works there. Didn't hear back from others, have been unable to find anything else in the last week.


While my friend who is moving to London hasn't even been looking for jobs, yet she has had recruiters offer her different jobs and interviews, for lots more money than I would be getting here.


So yeah, location can be a bitch. All that seems to go here right now is customer service roles, sales and accountant jobs. =(

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Guess it depends on your location as well though. There will be loooots of jobs going in the London area, but in other places it is a bit different.


I have been looking for a few weeks now, but only found about 8 jobs or so I could apply for. Only got an interview for one of them, which was only thanks to a friend who works there. Didn't hear back from others, have been unable to find anything else in the last week.


While my friend who is moving to London hasn't even been looking for jobs, yet she has had recruiters offer her different jobs and interviews, for lots more money than I would be getting here.


So yeah, location can be a bitch. All that seems to go here right now is customer service roles, sales and accountant jobs. =(


Sorry Eenuh, didn't mean to sound ignorant of regional differences regarding job opportunities.

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Sorry Eenuh, didn't mean to sound ignorant of regional differences regarding job opportunities.


Oh no it's fine haha. I know that London has lots of jobs going, but sadly I can't move there (though to be honest I wouldn't want to live in London). Just makes me wish other areas had a bit more going for them as well.

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I'd just like to take a moment to apologise to all the customers who's lives are so empty & pointless they need to harrang & threaten me at work in order to feel like they have some control & self-worth. I would like to invite all of them to approach me outside of work so I can demonstrate their personal value to the universe by inserting my fist into their oesophagus.

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Pretty accurate representation of this week. Turn up on time when you book tables.


Reminds me of when I worked in a gym - btw I must add working in the Leisure industry, though usually filled with over-pompous managers and ritualist worship of the Directors - The gym provided some of the most memorable positive experiences in my life...


I remember after one Christmas night out, we all came back to the gym (opened it), and had a sleep over in the studios on the mats... Including the GM who brought in a nice chick for a cheeky romp.


A good place to be if you're young and single. :)

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Aren't recruitment agencies absolute arse holes.


What you have to remember about recruitment agencies is that they aren't providing a service to you. They're providing one to their client. You are the product that is being sold. They don't care if you get the job all they care about is that anyone they put forward gets the job.

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What you have to remember about recruitment agencies is that they aren't providing a service to you. They're providing one to their client. You are the product that is being sold. They don't care if you get the job all they care about is that anyone they put forward gets the job.



I know, I know :)


I'm just finding it all frustrating. They are sales people not career counsellors.

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I'm getting a pay rise next month which works out at roughly an 18% increase, bringing me to an actual normal (if still quite low) wage for my skill level. Woo..!


With my job it was always kind of "I don't want to leave, because I quite like what I'm doing and if I go elsewhere, I could wind up unhappy with the people/role. But the pay is not great, so there's no future in it at this rate."


Now I'm kind of balanced out a bit more, which makes me feel more settled going forward.

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I came here for like a week's worth of work, and somehow almost three years later(sounds mad to actually say it) I'm still here. I really don't think I have much in the way of job woes. I'm technically ad hoc/zero hours but have stayed so somewhat through choice - I can come to work when I like and leave when I like putting no burden on me to dick around with flexi/time owing, nor on my department to spend dead hours on me. A downside is the work ebb and flows, and I only average out about 20-25 hours a week, so I then end up having to take a bit of sunday work elsewhere(IF I can get it) to try and boost up my wage. Having said that my wages aren't terrible, but there'll be little room for payrises because I'm NHS.


Having said that - you'd have to give me a serious pay rise to go elsewhere. I can get to/from work in 20 minutes in the car on a good day, I manage my own time/workload, with few people dependant on me(I only let myself down, really), and for the research trials I'm doing we've been one of the top recruiting trusts for the country - to realise that's down to your own hard work is a great feeling. Though admittedly recruitment has still be universally shit, so I can't be too excited there. For another bit of work I do with them we've just been shortlisted to the top 3 in the country for a NICE shared learning award which is also pretty top stuff. I work basically in a department full of mums who are all lovely and there's not even any politics and shit here(except one person who ruins it a bit, but I don't have to deal with her much), on top of which the office that I live in has lots of queries come through it and I'm amazed sometimes at the amount of things I've learnt just through the osmosis of being here.


My boss is fantastic too. Top of her field and contributes to national guidelines, but I didn't even know that for ages because she's so humble and has time for folks(she wasn't around for a few weeks when I started, turned out she'd been paid for to talk at a conference in australia). The oppurtunities she's given me and the faith she's put into me has been unbelievable. The experience I've gotten here has been invaluable and irreplicable too. It's amazing working for someone that still seems so sensible and down to earth despite all that. It's very easy to quickly see the respect held for her by anyone that I meet who knows of her. Top it all, I actually used to work with her daugther before I ever worked here, and she's an absolutely cracking lass too!



I tell you guys, if you can - find something that makes you happy. Even if it's at the cost of a bit of money. If I had to be working up london, slaving on this or that and having all the woes a lot of other folks seem to get, man. I imagine I'd have gone mad already. There's obvious woes in my job(a lot of work with little payoff sometimes, managing yourself, no one to really help/share) - but the pros of my environment far outweight the cons.


It's exactly one year since I started being a carer. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it. But I can't see myself doing anything else.


Out of interest what sort of care work do you do?

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