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Batman: Arkham Knight


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It's typical, my TV decides to break just as i finish installing everything. Had to borrow one from a different room until the weekend, but what i've played of this is fantastic. The Batmobile is certainly interesting, very easy to control.

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Just finished my first proper play session on this, after playing it for four hours or so, I can definitely see myself spending a lot of time in Gotham City over the next week or so and possibly beyond. :D

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At the beginning this game felt exactly like Arkham Origins, just with a little average batmobile-ing on top.


Then around the first main story mission, everything ramped up a gear and got so good. Wow.


The only thing I don't like is making L1 the batmobile function. I keep pressing it by accident when I want to change item. I tried swapping d-pad down with L1 using the PS4's own accessibility options, but that means prompts don't match up and leads to other issues like with scrolling through menus.


The controller cover Tesco gave is shit, feels and smells weird. Left it on for about 10 seconds.

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My initial impressions were mixed but I'm really starting to enjoy it now. Still miss the laser focussed Asylum though. Bigger doesn't always mean better especially when you spend most of your outdoor time gliding/driving about, missing a lot of the detail.

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I didn't get a controller johnny from Tesco. How dare they.


I've got a few DLC codes though, how do I put them in, or do I have to complete the game? Got some Waynetech I wanna throw in, as well as able to use some different skins? Wanna check out the original Batman one, the way this mask spikes at the sides looks like a grin.


Started yesterday and stopped after the first stint in the Batmobile, wasn't bad. Glare on TV spoiled it a bit. One thing which pissed me off was lack of tutorial. I played the previous Arkham games on 360/PS3, and I've played many similar games since that with different schemes. So even a small refresher would've been nice.

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Been playing this today.


First thoughts really are that I'm playing Grand Theft Batman.


Bat mobile is not my thing at all tbh.


Kinda agree with Dog-amoto in that it's so big you can hardly appreciate the detail. That's kinda how I feel anyway.

Will sink some more time into it and hopefully I'll enjoy it the more I play.

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In PSN Store, "Redeem Code".


I felt like the whole game up til the first main mission was essentially a tutorial. I was glad not to have one.


It's got to rank up there as one of best tutorial but not a tutorial there's ever been? Was really impressed how they pretty seamlessly managed to incorporate it in.


As for game itself I'm about 4 hours in and really enjoying it. I've found the shoehorning of the Batmobile slightly annoying. Whilst there can be no denying its really cool and the way batman enters and exits. There also been some nice uses for the Batmobile's other functions for example if I say "the lift" people will know what I'm getting at. However the constant tanks stalking the streets are not particularly entertaining. Also some sections feel very much like they have been created purely to justify it's inclusion. For example why the hell is the tunnel down to the police parking lot area so damn long!


I'm hoping as the game goes on there are plenty of the traditional inside areas that we've grown accustomed to in the past games. Whilst people always hold up Asylum as the better out of the previous games I've always thought City did a fantastic job of mixing the two gameplay styles. I hope this doesn't lose too much of that.

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It's got to rank up there as one of best tutorial but not a tutorial there's ever been? Was really impressed how they pretty seamlessly managed to incorporate it in.


As for game itself I'm about 4 hours in and really enjoying it. I've found the shoehorning of the Batmobile slightly annoying. Whilst there can be no denying its really cool and the way batman enters and exits. There also been some nice uses for the Batmobile's other functions for example if I say "the lift" people will know what I'm getting at. However the constant tanks stalking the streets are not particularly entertaining. Also some sections feel very much like they have been created purely to justify it's inclusion. For example why the hell is the tunnel down to the police parking lot area so damn long!


I'm hoping as the game goes on there are plenty of the traditional inside areas that we've grown accustomed to in the past games. Whilst people always hold up Asylum as the better out of the previous games I've always thought City did a fantastic job of mixing the two gameplay styles. I hope this doesn't lose too much of that.


Ditto, i loved the mix that City offered. Again, hopefully the game isn't all about outdoor play. Not saying it's a bad thing, but would love the indoor stealth sections as well.

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Ditto, i loved the mix that City offered. Again, hopefully the game isn't all about outdoor play. Not saying it's a bad thing, but would love the indoor stealth sections as well.


Yeah that's the thing it's not necessarily bad just not what the majority of us are looking for in this series.

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Yeah that's the thing it's not necessarily bad just not what the majority of us are looking for in this series.


Just hoping all them indoor sections are not limited to the combat sim areas, that would annoy me a little and put a damper on the game.


Decided to rock the Adam West look in-game for a while, because why not.

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Just hoping all them indoor sections are not limited to the combat sim areas, that would annoy me a little and put a damper on the game.


Decided to rock the Adam West look in-game for a while, because why not.


Yep agreed. I'm thinking how good some of the puzzles were in past games!

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Well so far I'm enjoying the rest of the game but I completely agree with the reviews that said the Batmobile sections feel unnecessary and tacked on.


Haven't played much, but so far I don't mind the Batmobile sections. Especially when the vehicle is used for Riddler's challenges.


But I can see myself getting sick of the Batmobile when I've played more...

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Personally I'm really enjoying using the batmobile, don't really get the complaints!
Same. Although the forced combat is starting to get a little bit annoying now. I do love the chase sections though, and that slow-mo when you immobilize another vehicle is delicious. :awesome:


I'm going to destroy The Witcher before I start this. My copy has arrived and I'm basically going to plough through both of these games back to back. Bring it ooonnn.
You are going to love this game I reckon, especially all the bits that have been making me crap my pants. :heh: Yeah, the devs have really gone to town with the jump scares in this game, or perhaps I'm just getting old. :grin:
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Well my laptop can't run it very well and I see WB have pulled the PC version. Though I think my issues are more to do with my laptop being old/it's a laptop then the game itself.


Dunno if I will pick up the PS4 version or just wait and play it on my new PC.

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Really not a fan of the cornering on the Bat-Tank. Anyone else finding that? Am I doing something wrong with the handbreak?


I have the same problem, I kept pressing L2 thinking it was brake/reverse but it enabled the battle mode instead -.-'.


Maybe try this method. Cut the throttle and press square to brake and L-steer + X to use evade thrust whilst tackling a corner and use afterburner to regain the lost momentum.

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I think i read somewhere that they've now delayed Arkham Knight on the PC, which makes it a first. Releasing a game, pulling it and delaying it until the Autumn so they can fix the issues in-game. That does indeed blow big time, i've never heard of a company do this*


*Could be wrong, correct me if i am

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I think i read somewhere that they've now delayed Arkham Knight on the PC, which makes it a first. Releasing a game, pulling it and delaying it until the Autumn so they can fix the issues in-game. That does indeed blow big time, i've never heard of a company do this*


*Could be wrong, correct me if i am


It was released completely broke and unplayable for most. People with £500+ gpus were getting stutters and just generally horrible performance.

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Really not a fan of the cornering on the Bat-Tank. Anyone else finding that? Am I doing something wrong with the handbreak?


I think the Bat-Tank bits are very game-y but I love them.


I'm beginning to feel the same about the Bat-Tank as well. It's like they decided the Batmobile was really cool to have in the game but then also realized it doesn't traditionally (in Comics, TV and Movies) do what they wanted it to do, hence the birth of the Bat-Tank in all it's strafing glory. I'm coming round to it's use for sure and especially as I'm getting further into the game and there is more of the regular Arkham experience.

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Haven't played much, but so far I don't mind the Batmobile sections. Especially when the vehicle is used for Riddler's challenges.

I've only done one Riddler challenge so far, but I'm getting a feeling that they're all going to be time trial/physical shit instead of riddles/mental shit.


Confirm/Deny anyone?

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So every time I do the triple x to glide from a grapple, I sink straight down.... Then when I do the training it worked perfectly. I then wondered if I was double tapping x, but afterward, triple tapping. I sink straight down again... Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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