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Do Nintendo's Game Droughts Make You Game Elsewhere?


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technically I do have a bunch of Wii U games to finish, it's just I like to have more than one game on the go :p


I have 20 retail Wii U games ATM (Though a couple are lame mistakes :P) and 5ish eShop game and all the 30p VC ones. Oh and Earthbound, that was the one VC game I thought was worth the asking price!

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The Wii U droughts have pretty much knocked away any enthusiasm I had for the platform. I will still get the games that come out but there isnt enough.


Honestly speaking if someone took my Wii U away it wouldnt effect me that much while I dont think I could say that about 3DS and PS4.

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I consider myself as a PC gamer now. Nintendo don't offer enough for me to think of the Wii U as my main way to play games so I focus on what's coming up on PC. At least it means when a Nintendo game does come out, I won't be so starved of games that I'll blitz it in one day and have to wait months for another one :)

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Droughts don't really push me away from Nintendo's consoles because I'll eventually buy everything I'm interested in anyway.


I keep a list (mostly mentally, but sometimes written!) of the games that I want to buy and play through eventually across every platform in existence. In many cases, there are games that I will want to play for years before I actually get round to buying them (the Panzer Dragoon series is a good example for me. I've been wanting to play them for at least 5 years or so and I've only just gotten Panzer Dragoon 1,2 & Saga just recently - still need Orta too, goodness knows when I'll get round to getting it! Oh and I still need to get a memory cartridge or an Action Replay 4-in-one for the console, which is why I haven't played the later two yet - damn things are so expensive! Just gotta find one for the right price on eBay...)


The problem for me is that (with single player games here), I need to be in the mood to play them. Right now I have a bunch of Wii U and 3DS games that I have either not finished but played a lot of (SM3DW, Etrian Odyssey 4, Tales of Graces F, Puppeteer, NES Remix), barely started (Ace Attorney 5, Deus Ex HR DC, NSLU) or haven't even touched yet! (Mario & Luigi Dream Team, Denpa Men 2, Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger, Bravely Default and more!) but I just don't feel in the mood to play any of them right now...


Something is just putting me off playing them, even though I'm enjoying them. With the case of the Wii U games, I think it's partly due to the bad situation surrounding the console that bums me out whenever I turn it on - but with the PS3 and 3DS games, goodness knows!


Lately I've only really been in the mood to play multiplayer games (mainly the Mario Party games, MH3U, Perfect Dark and Super Mario Strikers) and the occasional mission or so in Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing. Then suddenly I felt like playing through Castlevania AOS again and I ploughed through it like a mad man! :D


I'm never actually lacking anything to play, even during a tremendous drought (and if I ever do play through everything and am not in the mood to replay any of my older games - I can always dip into the near endless list of games that I still haven't bought yet but want to eventually :) ); but my droughts are usually kind of self inflicted as I sometimes struggle to find anything that I actually feel like playing... PSYCHOLOGY!!! :confused:

Edited by Dcubed
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Switched from Sony to NINTENDO about 10 years ago, never looked back.


I get to experience Playstation gems through my girlfriend and other friends who have a PS3 so I'm still good on that front though.


Backlog is massive when it comes to DS, 3DS, Wii, WiiU, eShop, Kirby and GameCube games, so, just as some other people on this forum, I'm good for a lifetime.


I live in the following analogy:


I am a traveler who deals in water heading towards a town where no water is present.

Yet, when I arrive, it starts to rain. When the rain stops, the people go chase the clouds.

I, on the other hand, have collected this rain in order for later use, and occasionally drink this fresh rain along with rain I collected ages ago.


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F-Zero GX STILL looks amazing. They just need to HD port it and it'd look incredible



The game was ahead of its time.

Urgh, what is that gameplay? 'cheat' tactics like that suck! :hmm:


Does look incredible. Barely needs a remake at all!


*checks thread*





*goes back to playing Burnout 2 on the Gamecube*



What a game! Edited by Retro_Link
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I have Animal Crossing: New leaf, I still play it every day in short sessions, so that keeps me entertained enough in normal weekdays. When I have some more time in the weekends I try to play through wind waker HD some more, but after all these playthroughs on the gamecube it gets old really really fast haha! Luckily Pikmin 3 stays fun haha!


So yeah I really could use some more games from nintendo! Especially since I don't plan on buying the new donkey kong (it just doesn't interest me at all for some reason? )


I don't have any other systems though, so I just have to wait :)

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During times like this I dip into my enormous back catalogue of Nintendo games. The recent Lets Talk Games on Chrono Trigger rekindled my interest in downloading this gem. So that's what I'm playing at the minute. Loving it.

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My question is, what do you do during these awful droughts? Do you go back and play your older Nintendo games, do you go 'retro' and begin hunting on eBay or do you move to another system?


: peace:


I feel these droughts were the cause of my lack of gaming today - Nintendo have effectively helped diminish my old love for gaming.


I have always been conservative with regards to the number of consoles in my home. I never quiet felt comfortable with two - it felt very over indulgent where I like to be as efficient as possible - so I have only preferred one console per time.


Its a strange thing. Because of the emotional connections I have had with games like Ocarina of Time, Smash Bros 64, Majora's Mask and others, its always been hard to abandon a Nintendo console completely. As amazing as all those cool and trendy Playstation games were, none could really hit that emotional spot.


Eventually I just became a sole Gamecube/Wii/Wii U owner and the droughts just hastened the opportunity for me to neglect gaming and do other things, and then later sell the consoles. I might just be willing enough to buy the console back for a Brawl or Skyward Sword but after that its gone again.


Nintendo funnily enough has made me less of a gamer, almost an anti-gamer - beginning to see the practice as a waste of time - something my mum would say or otherwise ignorant non-gamer.


Now going by how Pokemon X/Y made me an addict again (severely late nights ie game over sex, playing on lunch breaks, on transport etc), Nintendo still has that certain something to draw the likes of myself - I can't see any other time for them to pull their finger out other than NOW. Bitches.

Edited by King_V
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Technically yes. Like many here I have a backlog of games but cannot be bothered to start them up, in December I started playing Crono Trigger for the first time after buying it from Rummy(?) ages ago. Then I stopped playing it so I could play A Link Between Worlds, and haven't touched it since.

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No, like others I have quite a backlog as it is, plus I like to play my older consoles and games a lot so droughts never bothered me. I love re-playing games , I wouldn't keep a game if I didn't want to replay it sometime.


Plus gaming is just one hobby, so even if I was waiting for a new game I'm sure I'd find something else to do.

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Mostly I buy whatever games I feel worthy of its price.

I bought Battlefield 4 for example, because I saw it for 20€ with a DLC pack included. I think that the main paradox with the Wii U is that, despite software not selling very well, stores seem extremely reluctant to drop any prices whatsoever. When I go to the local game store, I see Mass Effect 3 at full price, while the used game rack has at least ten copies laying there, also at very close to full price. They're behaving like it was an extremely sought-after game, while in fact they should make deals like "buy any new Wii U game, get any used game for free" or something like that.


The problem however isn't just the drought, it's the lack of variety more than anything. While I am hyped to see new 3D Mario games, Mario Kart and Smash Bros, the major problem is the heavy focus on sidescrollers and minigame compilations.

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Yeah they have. When the N64 had droughts I bought a Dreamcast, when the Gamecube has droughts I got a PS2 and when the Wii had droughts I got myself a Xbox 360.


I'm a fairly recent Wii U owner, so there are still several games I've yet to play and it'll be a while before I can say I have nothing to buy for the console that I'm interested in. But Chances are at some point I will have to get another console as there is no way Nintendo can fill the console library up on their own over the next few years.


The problem however isn't just the drought, it's the lack of variety more than anything. While I am hyped to see new 3D Mario games, Mario Kart and Smash Bros, the major problem is the heavy focus on sidescrollers and minigame compilations.


I completely agree. As much as I am looking forward to Mario Kart etc, the lack of third party offerings and lack of different genres from Nintendo means that if I want to play certain kinds of games I have to go elsewhere.

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I feel these droughts were the cause of my lack of gaming today - Nintendo have effectively helped diminish my old love for gaming.


I have always been conservative with regards to the number of consoles in my home. I never quiet felt comfortable with two - it felt very over indulgent where I like to be as efficient as possible - so I have only preferred one console per time.


Its a strange thing. Because of the emotional connections I have had with games like Ocarina of Time, Smash Bros 64, Majora's Mask and others, its always been hard to abandon a Nintendo console completely. As amazing as all those cool and trendy Playstation games were, none could really hit that emotional spot.


Eventually I just became a sole Gamecube/Wii/Wii U owner and the droughts just hastened the opportunity for me to neglect gaming and do other things, and then later sell the consoles. I might just be willing enough to buy the console back for a Brawl or Skyward Sword but after that its gone again.


Nintendo funnily enough has made me less of a gamer, almost an anti-gamer - beginning to see the practice as a waste of time - something my mum would say or otherwise ignorant non-gamer.


Now going by how Pokemon X/Y made me an addict again (severely late nights ie game over sex, playing on lunch breaks, on transport etc), Nintendo still has that certain something to draw the likes of myself - I can't see any other time for them to pull their finger out other than NOW. Bitches.


I really enjoyed this post mate, thanks for sharing it. I used to be same actually; whenever there was a game drought I would have time to do other things much more frequently, and rarely did this include gaming on another system.


I'm somewhat different now as I've found that there are experiences on the PS3 which give me that feeling that Nintendo games used to (Journey is a great example) so the droughts now have just expanded my interest in other systems.

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The great Nintendo drought of 2011/12 really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for console gaming. I've always been a Nintendo only guy when it comes to home and portable devices - other products only ever entered the home via my brother - so it hurts a little more when these things happen.


But since getting a computer capable of playing games again in 2011, that's where I've spent most of my time since. A lot of it has simply been catching up on games that never came to the Wii due to hardware limitations. Picking up modern classics for peanuts in Steam sales has shown me how much I missed out on last gen by sticking purely to the Wii. And that's not to say I regret that decision because Nintendo's Wii games, for me, decimated their Gamecube counterparts that the lack of third party games wasn't a big deal - not that it didn't have a few great exclusives from them too.


Playing all those other games though has completely opened my eyes to how much more there is to gaming than just what I was getting from Nintendo so I guess I should be grateful but the flipside to that is that I no longer see Nintendo as the only place to get games I'm guaranteed to enjoy. And the games are not just an endless list of grey corridoor shooters, QTEs and unskipable cutscenes that some people would have you believe.


It used to be that the thought of not being able to get the next Mario or next Zelda game made the concept of getting any other console over the Nintendo product seem ludicrous. But getting to play games like Deus Ex, The Elder Scrolls, Batman, Castlevania, X-Com and Borderlands for the first time has felt so fresh that I would like a bit more of that in the future and given I only have so much free time, that's got to come from somewhere and it's going to be Nintendo gaming unfortunately.


The issue has now become that since I'm gathering so many games in one place, it's put me off home console gaming altogether as I like the thought of having everything on one device (last gen only games that are still hitting PC, like Castlevania - LoS2 and South Park, also making it very difficult to move on) - the software pricing also plays a big part in it.


Luckily, the 3DS blew it out of the water last year and went some way to making up for two weak years but really, the damage was already done by that point.


So yes, their droughts do make me go elsewhere and it's fundamentally changed my relationship with not just Nintendo, but with gaming in general. I'm substantionally less invested with them emotionally with Nintendo Directs having gone from a "clear my schedule" attitude to a "I can't be bothered to watch the video but I might read a summary later" one because if Nintendo can't give me my fix of gaming goodness, there are plenty others who can. I just never realised that until now.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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It's SUCH a shame they don't make racers like that any more :hmm:


There's next to no... pick a car, pick a track, style racers.

Everything nowadays has an open hub world where races just play out on the streets you drive around on anyway, or where in the past a take down ace was a novelty that added variety, now it's the foundation for an entire game.


Hopefully The 90's arcade racer may go someway to filling that gap, except the tracks will obviously be 'arcadey' :p

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Yeah, Burnout 2 is my favourite as well. Never did like how the sequels kept adding so much junk on top (really? Crashbreakers!? WHY!?)


The arcade simplicity of it was what I liked about it so much; especially in the Crash mode, where it's just you and the junction. No silly slow mo, no after touch, no crashbreakers; just timing and placement :)


That being said though, I did really like Burnout Paradise though. It's fun (and surprisingly chill) to just drive around and do stuff as you feel like. No pressure, just explore and the races had quite a bit of depth with how it took advantage of your memory of the city layout (keep a note of those shortcuts you find, they'll come in handy!)


The great Nintendo drought of 2011/12 really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for console gaming. I've always been a Nintendo only guy when it comes to home and portable devices - other products only ever entered the home via my brother - so it hurts a little more when these things happen.


But since getting a computer capable of playing games again in 2011, that's where I've spent most of my time since. A lot of it has simply been catching up on games that never came to the Wii due to hardware limitations. Picking up modern classics for peanuts in Steam sales has shown me how much I missed out on last gen by sticking purely to the Wii. And that's not to say I regret that decision because Nintendo's Wii games, for me, decimated their Gamecube counterparts that the lack of third party games wasn't a big deal - not that it didn't have a few great exclusives from them too.


Playing all those other games though has completely opened my eyes to how much more there is to gaming than just what I was getting from Nintendo so I guess I should be grateful but the flipside to that is that I no longer see Nintendo as the only place to get games I'm guaranteed to enjoy. And the games are not just an endless list of grey corridoor shooters, QTEs and unskipable cutscenes that some people would have you believe.


It used to be that the thought of not being able to get the next Mario or next Zelda game made the concept of getting any other console over the Nintendo product seem ludicrous. But getting to play games like Deus Ex, The Elder Scrolls, Batman, Castlevania, X-Com and Borderlands for the first time has felt so fresh that I would like a bit more of that in the future and given I only have so much free time, that's got to come from somewhere and it's going to be Nintendo gaming unfortunately.


The issue has now become that since I'm gathering so many games in one place, it's put me off home console gaming altogether as I like the thought of having everything on one device (last gen only games that are still hitting PC, like Castlevania - LoS2 and South Park, also making it very difficult to move on) - the software pricing also plays a big part in it.


Luckily, the 3DS blew it out of the water last year and went some way to making up for two weak years but really, the damage was already done by that point.


So yes, their droughts do make me go elsewhere and it's fundamentally changed my relationship with not just Nintendo, but with gaming in general. I'm substantionally less invested with them emotionally with Nintendo Directs having gone from a "clear my schedule" attitude to a "I can't be bothered to watch the video but I might read a summary later" one because if Nintendo can't give me my fix of gaming goodness, there are plenty others who can. I just never realised that until now.


Heh, funny. I'm moving down this route too, but it's not Nintendo I'm giving up on but rather the PS360/PS4Bone combo. I'm hoping to eventually wean myself off of non-Nintendo consoles all together for the most part and replace my 360 and the eventual PS4 with a living room PC instead. The lack of BC in both of those consoles is a big turn off for me, especially when there isn't much to separate the PS4Bone from the PS360 really other than a slight visual bump.


The bolded in particular is a big stickling point for me. I REALLY like having as many games in one place as possible :) (especially when it's basically just PS360 part two really) and true console exclusives outside of 1st party games are very rare these days, so I'd be missing out on hardly anything really (though Sony do still make some nice 1st party games on occasion...)

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