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*intended as a sister thread to cheapshot's*


for me, every console has at least provided some delights this generation. to start with dreamcast, powerstone, sonic adventure, rez and space channel 5 impressed me a lot, powerstone especially. over on gamecube there's been little to capture my imagination, although the pikmin series has been superb, so superb in fact that it caused me to buy the whole plushie set :) xbox's panzer dragoon orta and ps2's ico top off my list for my favourite game sthis generation. buying all the consoles has been tough on my wallet, but i've played some pretty amazing games, leaving me optimistic for next generation, especially with rare's comeback, and the increasingly plausible possibility of squenix going multi-platform :)


p.s) can we keep this thread friendly, there's no need to bash each other's tastes.

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Personally, Halo 2 struck me as one of the best games. Sure, the single player was pretty poor, but the sheer brilliance of multiplayer (before all the modders and IP-Banners joined) was brlliant.


God Of War: PS2

GameCube:..... I don't know....


Half Life 2: Never liked the first one, but gave this one a try anyway. And Im glad I did, cause this is the best FPS Ive ever played.


And then theres SA and TWW.

SA was just one crazy experience. The story, characters, humor and the gameplay, it was all great. And its the game Ive spent most time with this gen.

TWW comes 2'nd after HL2.


For me, the game of the generation would have to be Knights of the Old Republic. The immense storyline, the force, the light side dark side dynamic, the twist. It was all good. I've finished it twice, and I'm still not bored. There's plenty of side quests, mini games and things to collect aswell, so you'd never run out of things to do. Definately the best game of the 21st century so far.


Honourable mentions to Timesplitters 2 and Super Smash Bros. Melee aswell, for their awesome multiplayer too. Also enjoyed Eternal Darkness and Burnout 3: Takedown, aswell.


In no particular order...


Half-Life 2 - taking a crowbar to a police state, superb vehicle sections (especially Water Hazard) and general excellence.


Metroid Prime - this generation's Ocarina of Time. :bow:


Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time - genius update of a classic (with the classic itself as an unlockable bonus!), great platforming and artistic style - and a perfect ending.


I'm sure I'll think of more. Paper Mario as well, Pikmin, Grand Theft Auto 3.


Resident Evil 4, Halo, Halo 2, Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack, Paper Mario 2, Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime, San Andreas, Tales of Symphonia (in my opinion), Wario Ware series, The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Kart Double Dash!!, Zelda Four Swords...


Those are just some of the great games I've played this generation, and games people will continue playing like classics of past generations. We've been pretty lucky this generation, although for the Nintendo players N64 era was better in some respects... unless you're a Metroid fan.


My most standout games this generation:


Skies of Arcadia Legends

Tales of Symphonia


Final Fantasy X

Half Life 2 (not my kind of game, but I appreciate that it's a stunning piece of game design)

Burnout series (all of em, classics!)


Star Ocean 3

Gitaroo Man

Kururin Squash (import only)


Xbox - Halo 2


PS2 - GTA 3


Overall - Such a tough decision between Halo 2 and SSBM but I think I'll have to go for Halo 2 because of the online capibilies.


GameCube: Zelda: Wind Waker and Mario Kart

Xbox: Halo 2 and Pro Evolution Soccer 4

DS: MARIO KART! (It's not even out yet, but I can't wait)


Super smash bros melee, resident evil 4, super monkey ball 2,timesplitters 2,metal gear solid 2,F-zero GX,Splinter cell, beyond good and evil, prince of persia sands of time


Resident Evil 4, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime 1 and 2,MGS3,Shenmue I and II,Eternal Darkness,F-Zero GX, SSBM,SMB2,Super Mario Sunshine,Viewtiful Joe and probably God of War. I'm not taking handhelds into account.


Tbh; I can't think of any games this generation that I've sat back from and thought 'wow;what an experience'.


If I had to choose though, it would fall between either Half-Life 2(PC) or GTA:San Andreas.


The latter purely for it's freedom and size, coupled with all together fun factor, and the former being because of its technical prowess, immersive atmosphere and brilliant gameplay.


Final Fantasy X really took me on a journey. SSBM was one of those games you kept going back to, even if you were the only player. Zelda WW was pretty darn magical..but i think FFX has been my fave so far.

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