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49 minutes ago, WackerJr said:

Is Shadow of the Colossus a long game?  I’m excited as it’s one of those games I’ve always wanted to experience.  With my current backlog of games it would be good to know if it’s likely to consume hours of my time so I can plan whether to play it now or wait until I have enough time to fully enjoy it.

It's around 10 hours long on a first play through of the game.

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1 hour ago, WackerJr said:

Is Shadow of the Colossus a long game?  I’m excited as it’s one of those games I’ve always wanted to experience.  With my current backlog of games it would be good to know if it’s likely to consume hours of my time so I can plan whether to play it now or wait until I have enough time to fully enjoy it.

I wouldn't say it was overly long, but not super short either. I haven't played it in a while, but I'd say maybe 6-8 hours or so.

I think you'll know in an hour or two if you want to carry on though if you wanted to give it a try.

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Extremely disappointing given that it's their 10 year anniversary offering. I feel like the extra game is to offset the disappointment people will have about getting NBA, but they've spun it to make it seem like they're giving your more than normal.

Would have been nicer for them to give us the more recent Shadow of the Tomb Raider. While Rise is great, it's been knocking around for ages and I'm sure a lot of people who would be interested like myself have played it by now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, drahkon said:

Might be worth checking your notifications on PS4.

Is this randomly given out or based on how long you've had PS Plus for?

It seems odd if it's random, if it was given out to anyone who has either subscribed or have an active PS Plus subscription, that would make more sense.

I suppose it's a nice gesture from Sony, but it seems a bit arbitrary, some accounts have it while others don't it seems, it would be interesting to know what the variable is.

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Rather good month indeed. More so for Fall Guys than Modern Warfare 2 (I don't remember a huge amoung about the campaign other than No Russian to be honest, didn't really linger long in my mind compared to say World at War the year previous). Was intending to buy Fall Guys so its a nice bonus to have it included with Plus. Little worried about the longevity that the game will have but it looks like it'll be great fun out the gate regardless.

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Yeah, seconding the opinions here: I can't wait to try Fall Guys out. I was on the fence before but having it be a PS+ game pushes that well over the edge, it just looks fun. Hopefully this will be another Rocket League-type situation. 

I put off picking up MW2 a few months back because of its launch price (I bought a PS3 earlier this year and could have just picked up a cheap copy of the original instead), and now I'm glad I did. I played MW's campaign last year and thought it was solid if a little predictable, I'll be fine with the same here. Still a massive shame they didn't include Spec Ops though, that was the main mode I played with my friend back in high school and had a blast with. 

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Jumped on after work, and unsurprisingly servers are getting mashed right now. Apparently I got in just before they've temporarily suspended account creation :grin:

At the moment doesn't want to give me a game. Started loading me into one before it disconnected me from the server :cry:

Going to give it a few more minutes and then just concede for now and try again later, not like I haven't got plenty of other games and things to do! 

EDIT: got a game shortly after. Love the pure chaos and fun :bouncy: came top 10 before someone dragged me into the slime with them on Slime Climb! 

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Servers went down for a bit there, so got myself busy and jumped back on when they went back at 22:30. After a few more hours, got up to lvl 10. 


Having a blast so far, consistently getting to the later rounds but yet to win. Only been getting the same final round, not sure if there are more or just the one? Good mix of fun and competitiveness, but not getting many occasions as you would expect where other players are acting out by trying to spoil the fun - because the game is smartly designed in a way where it's honestly too frantic for it to happen. Good variety of courses and customisation, definitely feeling the pull of the seasonal stuff for the first time. Even when you lose, be it in the first or final round, it feels like relatively low stakes (say, compared to getting the end of other Battle Royale games, where things get real tense) and just a fun time, and whenever I've lost a game and backed out to the menu, I'm back in another game within 30 seconds. Great stuff. 

Ended up dropping £7.99 on the Collector's Pack because even though I'm sure this PS+ partnership has some kind of financial backing behind it, always feels good supporting an indie developer, especially a team with fun and unique ideas like this. Plus, that astronaut suit is awesome. 

No idea if I'll stick with the game for the next week, or month, or until I've reached this season's max lvl...but I know I'll be diving back in to it tomorrow, at least :p definitely worth picking out and trying out for anyone remotely interested, and even if you're not, it's free with PS+, so do it! :peace:

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5 hours ago, Julius said:

Only been getting the same final round, not sure if there are more or just the one?

There are more. Not sure how the game decides which one you get to play (randomly, based on player count), though.
Managed to get about 5 matches yesterday and I have won one of those :D

It's a shame that there's a "win 5 matches in a row" trophy...the game can screw you quite a lot and it's not as skill based as it seems so...not going to go for that Platinum.

5 hours ago, Julius said:

Ended up dropping £7.99 on the Collector's Pack because [...], always feels good supporting an indie developer

I'll probably to the same. With the limited time I had I could already see that I will be playing this for months (especially if the devs keep their promise of adding new events). :peace:

I did the same thing with Rocket League. I've spent about 30 bucks on it because getting it for free on PS+ felt kinda "wrong" :D

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Played a bit more of this - defo working a little more smoothly than yesterday. Won a round! I actually think it could do with a little more tension in the final round (less players, or maybe one more round?) as it's a slight anticlimax at the end.


Nonetheless - Great fun! I think the devs are british - cool spotting the influences; there's certainly some 90s childrens gameshows in there, 50:50 and the like, alongside takeshi's castle and total wipeout. Also a few of the modes remind me of the multiplayer maps in Diddy Kong Racing 64, alongside obvs Rocket League et all


Feels like the race modes are definitely the pick of the bunch; great, funny stuff. The physics seem a bit too off in the football modes though, and the tile match and tail grabbing modes get a bit boring quickly.


Like @drahkon , I'd imagine it might not keep me playing that long but I'll certainly dip back in and out as they add more courses and modes in future. Perfect PS+ game!

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