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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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I beat Champion Road last night with Mario having made it to the final area a few times before, only to have fallen of or been killed towards the end :heh:


I thought it was a great way to end the game and I loved flying through the first few sections of the level after getting the timing nailed down. I almost wish I had been able to record how I went through it each time as I watched a video on

there now with someone using the Tanooki suit and was filled with constant thoughts of "Hey.. that's cheating!" and "Pfft.. you're doing it wrong :indeed:"


I'm not sure where it all ranks in comparison to my other favourite Mario games but it was a great ride and the sort of experience I just don't think I would find anywhere else. I had reservations about a couple of levels, such as the ones with wider open areas, and also found that I died quite a few times from not really being able to judge just how far Mario was into the screen when making some jumps :red:


Overall, though, all I can really say is what I posted on Miiverse last night..



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Just out of curiousity but without giving too much away can someone tell me after that "moving water bit" with the spike blocks, how close am I to the end of Champion Road?


Didn't get a chance last night to give it another go hopefully will do later

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Just out of curiousity but without giving too much away can someone tell me after that "moving water bit" with the spike blocks, how close am I to the end of Champion Road?


Didn't get a chance last night to give it another go hopefully will do later

You're close :)

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Just out of curiousity but without giving too much away can someone tell me after that "moving water bit" with the spike blocks, how close am I to the end of Champion Road?


Didn't get a chance last night to give it another go hopefully will do later


I would say that it is highly beneficial to be powered up when entering the final section as getting hit at least once is likely :heh: It's exhilarating, though :bouncy:

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You were stuck on the water bit?? That was the easiest section!


Ah it was one of those silly things, I had only made it there 3 or 4 times at the time I considered myself "stuck" there (though the rythm blocks were still the hardest part and took most my lives), that when I did get there I'd do something stupid like go too fast and fall out of water, go too slow and fall out of water when it "turns" or stupidly hit a spike become "small" and panic and hit another spike :heh:




Anyway I FINALLY FINISHED IT last night :D

(Yeah I used the Tanoki suit to get over the headache of the rhythm blocks :heh:)



Woohoo...loved that final pipe bit :wink:

And the stuff at the flag :D



Though was slightly disappointed there was nothing extra at the end after finishing it like a 2nd (different and better) credits sequence or something, it just puts you back to the map as normal, I was hoping for something I dont no what but yeah I don;t know haha


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Is there any way of storing items for use in levels? Like you can do in SMB3 I think. There's a couple of levels where you need a certain suit to get a star but when you get it, and then die later in the level it really rips my shit that you can't restart the level as you were.

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Finally got my hands on this for the first time last night - maybe for about 30-60minutes, playing 2 player with my mate as Luigi and me as Toad with a wiimote. It is rather lovely looking(flash bastard with his 55inch tv!), and I have to say the multiplayer didn't feel too bad with the two of us - don't know what it'd be like with more folks though. We did try to push it(see how far we could go apart) once or twice, as well as messing about mildly competing - I can see that maybe getting a bit more interesting if we wanted to take it seriously. Think we played some levels from world 1, world 2 and world 3(including that one with the dinosaur river thingy) - seemed fun enough though I'm not going to say it was filled with heavy challenge or anything; we were played half mindedly whilst chatting. It felt a tiny bit grating in one level where there were a few gamepad-neccessary-interactions, so I couldn't do anything unless co-ordinating with my mate(who somewhat amusingly was trying to stop me getting too high a score this time round anyway). Found myself a bit tricked by the angles/depth sometimes elsewhere, thought I was totes about to jump on an enemy a couple times but landed a bit of a way off - camera didn't get to be enough of an issue to grate but I don't know if I saw enough that was representative. There were a few bits where we didn't quite know what was going on/where we were because so much seemed to be happening, too.


All in, for the bit I played - I can see it being a good enough game only really let down by being more of the same old mario that I've been skipping out on for a while now. However, given I've skipped - I might contemplate picking this up at some point if I can ensure I'll get some multiplayer fun out of it with some other folks.

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It's not there. All the jumps mentioned on the previous page are still there, but the triple jump is gone. Which is weird because it made its way into the 2D games but was left out of this one. And a shame because it was one of my favorite moves.


I love this game, but in my opinion the one thing it's missing that SM64 had in droves has nothing to do with controls, visuals or camera angles. It's something much more fundamental, the sheer atmosphere of the game. The secrets, the magic.


Remember the castle? Bowser's laugh? Jumping in your first painting? The way the level looked different each time you went back in? Finding a secret star that wasn't the one you went in for? The infinite stairs, the stained glass window, the mirror, the light in the lobby, chasing the rabbit, draining the moat...


I'm sorry I've completely lost track of my point because I need to go play SM64 right now.


Yeaaaaaaaaah. This is my thoughts exactly on SM64 compared to its successors. When I played SM3DW last night I was checking out the moves/jumps straight away, and one of the first I tried to manage was of course the triple jump. Took a few tries to realise it wasn't actually there, rather than me just getting it wrong. Not sure why they took it out :(


Everyone says the game only gets better after those early worlds anyway, so probably would be a worthy purchase for you.


Maybe I'll bite the bullet and buy the game...I'm trying to be really good atm though as I've yet to finish Pikmin or even open W101 or Injustice. And I've just seen GTAV is going for £20 on amazon...


Which pretty much sums up my gaming life right now. Too many games, never enough time/commitment. Hoping to change that soon though.

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Well don't get GTAV for a start. And buy this game. The worlds most over rated, painfully childish game in existence; or the most creative fun game of 2014 :D


I've still not completed GTAV. Mario is JOYOUS though. The logic throughout is laser focused as well. Any game that has you trying to 'out think' the creators for cognitive reward is god tier. Green stars and Stamps are brilliant additions.

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I've still not completed GTAV. Mario is JOYOUS though. The logic throughout is laser focused as well. Any game that has you trying to 'out think' the creators for cognitive reward is god tier. Green stars and Stamps are brilliant additions.


Are there stamps in DKCTF or will I have to wait for the reviews to hit to find out?

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So I've spent around 5-6 hours this weekend trying to beat Champions Road. I've got to te boost pad ending section around five times in 200 odd attempts. I've never been beaten by a game, but I'm about ready to throw in the towel.

I'm playing as luigi because his super jumps are beneficial for the 1 second switch platforms. I have nothing left :(

How many attempts did it take you guys? (For those who got that far)

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So I've spent around 5-6 hours this weekend trying to beat Champions Road. I've got to te boost pad ending section around five times in 200 odd attempts. I've never been beaten by a game, but I'm about ready to throw in the towel.

I'm playing as luigi because his super jumps are beneficial for the 1 second switch platforms. I have nothing left :(

How many attempts did it take you guys? (For those who got that far)


It's not that bad once you get the level sorted. Take a Tanooki suit with you and you should be alright. You are right at the end of the level. DONT GIVE UP!

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At the risk of sounding like a dirty cheat, I got so pissed off with it that I used this tactic:

start off wearing a tanooki suit with another tanooki suit as a spare too. If you can get all the way to the boost pad ending without loosing the suit (very achievable) then when you get to the main boost pad finale bit, if you go straight on after you collect the green star drop the suit mid running, even before you get hit. Now pick up a few of the coins while getting hit, then when you're small pick up the suit again and you have another 3 hits before you die.


Am I ashamed? Yes....did I complete the game? Yes! It got to the point where it didn't matter how, it just had to get done! :D


On a separate note, trading this in tomorrow. Enjoyed my time playing through and did it all as Mario, but I really don't have the desire to go back through with all characters and get a full 100%. Shame but perhaps I'll pick it up again in a few years if the desire ever returns!

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