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Shadow of Mordor


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Was thinking of picking this up. Two questions though - do I need to have seen the films/read the books to appreciate this? Also, I see loads of comparisons to the Arkham games, which is great as I loved those, but from the videos I've seen, the only similarity seems to be in the combat. What I really love about Arkham is the exploration, seeing somewhere you can't get to and backtracking once you've acquired a certain item. The same approach with the Zelda/Metroid games. Is there any element of that in this game, or do the similarities end with the combat?


Well I'm not a fan of the Lord of the Rings films (Not read the books). I found the first film boring. Tried re-watching it again this year. Made it through the film with the promise that the 2nd film was more entertaining, I quit about an hour in disappointed. However I was interested in picking this game up based on the similarities you've listed to Batman and Assassins Creed...So with that in mind...


So far I've not come across anything that I feel unsure of. There maybe character names being mentioned in some of the tales that are told, but I've yet to find anything that i'd need an extensive LoTR knowledge to enjoy it.


I'm familiar with your Gandolph or Gollum, and that's about it really. Can't say I can recall a mention of Gandolph but Gollum does feature, although it appears to be in a more game story orientated quests than anything relating to the films (correct me if wrong)


I've enjoyed it immensely so far and haven't felt lost in LoTR lore at all. Orcs are Orcs to me, they can be in any medieval / fantasy setting game.


As said I maybe missing some characters references that are going over my head as I don't know anything really about LoTR, but I'm enjoying this particular storyline I'm playing with these characters and enjoying the Orc slaying and power struggle of taking out the captains and war chiefs.



In terms of back peddling when you've got new skills. I think so... if that helps? Heh. Without giving too much away there are hunter type side missions to achieve, Possible spoilers so read if you wish...


one particular beast is rather large and powerful and I wouldn't dare dream to try and kill it at my current level, but I've been told one of the hunt quests require to get him, So I know i'll have to come back for him later on.




And there are some captains and chiefs that are higher levels, so it's worth completing side quests to get a suitable level or weapon runes to battle them.

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The backstory of one of the characters is from The Silmarillion (which I found difficult to read, so didn't), so if you're familiar with him, you'll know his story straight away. However, the game does explain it over time so the knowledge isn't vital.

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You really don't need to be a LOTR fan to enjoy this game. Don't get me wrong, you'd probably enjoy it that much more if you are a fan but you're still getting a decent game without the LOTR skin.


If you liked Assassins Creed (free running), Batman (combat and combo system) and Far Cry 3 (lots of collectibles,open ended map with lots of side missions to compliment the story missions) then you'll love this.


Only 10 hours into this and can't get enough. Only online FIFA games with my mates is currently distracting me away from it!

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Words really cannot do the nemesis system justice..but I'll attempt with a story.


I had just killed one Captain who was afraid of Caragors and was still on my mighty mount as I entered a stronghold that had another Captain inside. I left my Caragor outside and scaled the walls snuck in and attempted to assassinate from behind which failed (I guess he was immune). So I entered battle with this Captain, an alarm was sounded and before long I was surrounded by Orcs. I held off the Orcs whilst continuing to chip away at the Captain's health. Eventually I landed a blow that caused the Captain to retreat and he announced he was fleeing the scene and would get me next time!


I decided it was time to leave and pursue him as I attempted to get out of the crowd Orcs another Captain arrived, he had a way higher power level then any one I had beaten so far..a few somersaults and I was out of the crowd in pursuit of my original target. I scaled the walls of the stronghold in pursuit.


Now remember my Caragor from earlier in the story? He was only savaging the fleeing Captain to death. His health was down enough that I was able to grab him and interrogate him...he revealed some interesting info about the second more powerful Captain. He was vulnerable to shots in the head to such an extent it would be an instant kill! A few Orcs had followed me out as I had escaped. So I took them out and then hid in some bushes and waited for the rest of the crowd to turn up and subsequently leave.


I returned to the stronghold, snuck in, picked a good spot and plucked an arrow straight into the powerful second Captain's head and BOOM dead.


Just incredible how all this can dynamically happen on the fly.

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Sage wisdom. I might try that in other games, see if it works.



I'll get back to you.


Hmmmm....surely you know what I mean though? In the context of this game....sometimes people can vulnerable to certain attacks other times they result in an instant kill...

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I'm about 80% through this game now having spent almost 30 hours on this. Loved this game but have to say I'm finding it a little repetitive now. Aiming to have this finished by the end of the week hopefully and getting my teeth stuck into COD (whenever the hell Tesco decide to deliver it to me!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question: is there more to this game than overworld battles/sidequests? I bought it, was impressed by the nemesis system, but then quickly shelved it to return to Destiny and Bayonetta, and so far nothing's calling me back. There was more to it than just escalating Batman style fights, right?

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Quick question: is there more to this game than overworld battles/sidequests? I bought it, was impressed by the nemesis system, but then quickly shelved it to return to Destiny and Bayonetta, and so far nothing's calling me back. There was more to it than just escalating Batman style fights, right?


I'd say the nemesis system does have a twist that is worth sticking around for.

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  • 1 month later...

I've just started this and am enjoying it a lot so far.


The captains feel like they have so much personality. I was killed by a random orc called Muggrish who became a captain. I tried killing him again and ended up dying a further few times. Before I knew it, he was working his way through the ranks and duelled with two others, earning him more power. I finally got the bastard just now!


Great game. Thought the introduction was superbly done, too.

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The Nemesis system is fucking awesome.


I'm getting the hang of finding a Captain's weakness and using it against him. I've had a few "oh shit" moments. Two in particular.


1. I was trying to kill a captain and entered a stronghold. Took out the archers and I thought I'd then go to take out the Captain. I get down there and the beacon is quickly lit. No problem, I thought. I've played Arkham City, I'm sure I've got this.


Within seconds, I become swarmed. There's like...twenty orcs. I climb onto higher ground. No way they can get me here. Oh wait, there's more orcs coming my way. Oh shit, they can CLIMB. I climb higher and higher and decide to abandon it all and run off. I run away thinking oh, at some point they'll stop. Here should be fine. I turn around and there's a fucking ARMY of orcs just running at me. From where I'm standing, it's like the orcs are coming over the horizon and it just looks insane. I should have screenshotted it. I showed Ine and said, "come and look, come and look!"


I eventually got to safety, but fuark, my heart.


2. I had just completed one of those power struggle missions and was just fucking around in the field. I see some orcs and stealth kill one or two before drawing another closer to me. Only four of them, two after I stealth kill those ones. Oh, this is a captain, great! No problem. Suddenly, out of nowhere, another captain appeared, must've been closer by without me noticing...ok. Then, oh shit, another orc that I killed previously...and another. FOUR OF THEM. I got overhelmed and quickly died, but it was hilarious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Insane that this thread has only got three pages. I thought that there were more with this game.


I've reached that point now where I've upgraded myself enough so that I can take down swarms of enemies with ease. I did one of the side quests where you had to kill 50 orcs within an enclosed area and I just ruined them.

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100% this on Thursday, really enjoyed it.


Not sure if I'll play through it again though like I plan to with Last of Us, Evil Within & Alien Isolation though but I don't want to sell it either... hmmm


Next game to play and complete - Watchdogs.


I'll buy it off ya mate.

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