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Wii Sports Club - Online HD Wii Sports


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Figure this deserves its own thread


- Wii Sports Club.

- Enhanced versions of all five original Wii Sports games planned.

- Digital only. Sports sold separately.

- Available November 7th.

- Tennis and bowling first.

- "Try Out Pass" - Lets you try out any sport for 24 hours when you first download, for free.

- "Day Pass" - Unlimited access to all sports for 24 hours. (£1.79)

- "Single Sports Pass" - Purchase each sport separately. (£8.99)

- Wii Remote Motion Plus for all sports.

- Training, local, and online multiplayer modes.

- Miiverse integration for online messages.

- "Clubs" - State or regional clubs to join.

- Can compete with just club members, or can compete with your club against other clubs, to increase your club ranking.

Edited by Retro_Link
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£45 for all 5 sports. It'll have to be some port regardless of online to deserve that price but then Wind Waker is overpriced. Bowling is the only 1 worth my money. A HD version of a simplistic looking game won't blow my socks off.


Edit: Golf could be great if it's a deeper experience and there's more than 1 golf course.

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£45 for all 5 sports. It'll have to be some port regardless of online to deserve that price but then Wind Waker is overpriced. Bowling is the only 1 worth my money. A HD version of a simplistic looking game won't blow my socks off.


For the love of...Can we please just have one thread where nobody moans on about stuff? I mean really?

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£45 for all 5 sports. It'll have to be some port regardless of online to deserve that price but then Wind Waker is overpriced. Bowling is the only 1 worth my money. A HD version of a simplistic looking game won't blow my socks off.


Well luckily you can buy only the games you're interested in. For example, I'd probably only buy Tennis and Boxing, so that's only ~£18 instead of paying £30 - £40 and having a bunch of games I won't play as much.


Hopefully means they will add other sports later on down the line.


Nintendo sure are using some odd pricing models for this and Wii Fit U.

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This looks great! You can just buy the sports you're interested in and I'm sure there will be an offer of buy three get all five.


What is all this bowling league?? I want a tennis league!


I am just sad there's no physical disk! I wonder how this affects a possible Wii Sports HD that they teased before with the gamepad showing the golf ball before teeing off?

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Surely they should just add sports every couple of months, maybe every month thinkgin about resort and such too.


I DO think £9 is insanely expensive, £5 would be perfect; but over all this is amazing news. Can't wait. Bowling is going to be immense! Hope you can play AT LEAST 4 player online with it.


The only slight worry and look forward to clarification on, is i says join regional clubs... we better be allowed to create our own clubs. Would be amazing if we could set our own competitions and rules and such. Come on Nintendo, really give s the control with this and mario kart.

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Bring on Wii U Golf!!


Would be great if there was a Sports shop where you could buy clothing and further customise your Mii's.


And even better if they start adding extra DLC Golf courses!


Oh and weather too!!


I guess the sports will have different gamepad camera options, like we saw in that tech demo for Golf and Baseball.



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Well that is a pleasent surprise.


Definately in getting Tennis, Bowling and Golf... if there is an offer where if you buy 3 or 4 and get all 5 like the new StreetPass games I'd go for that :D


Weird that they aren't releasing all 5 games at the same time.


The added Online modes will be awesome.... though I did notice one minor issue.... NO VOICE CHAT????

Use the camera and mic in the Gamepad would ye!




Hope the Golf includes the Resort holes for the full 18 holes.... slightly worried they might release it with just the original 9 then ask for more money to DLC the Resort 9 :mad:


And hope they can add other games to it later. Would like to see a return for teh Archery and Basketball from Resort :D

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I think this is actually a really good offer considering it's all online. That makes it worth the price imo. I will probably end up getting this if we're going to have any kind of n-e league set up :p


I'm hyped to hell and if this actually works it will be fantastic. This kind of thing is something i've been wanting to get off the ground on here for a while now.

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Talk about out of bloody nowhere! :o I KNEW Nintendo still had a trick up their sleeve for this Xmas! :D (A damn shame that they couldn't get all 5 games ready in time for launch though, but hopefully it should still have a nice impact on console sales).


For those moaning about the price, don't forget that Wii Sports was a full price retail game (it was sold seperately in Japan and we payed an extra $50/£40 premium over the JPN Wii console price because we got it packed in).


I really hope that they eventually upgrade the Wii Sports Resort games as well. Would be awesome to Dogfight, fire some arrows and play Frisbee Golf online! :D


If they continue to release games after the five, and have online 1:1 sword fighting....


Sadly though, out of all the WSR games I would imagine that this would be the one game that wouldn't be possible online. The lag would be horrific for that game, considering its 1-1 controls!

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