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Wii U and 3DS Gaming Bargains

Zechs Merquise

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Wonder why...


I'm gonna buy it and take it back on my other receipt though, of course :p Takes a bit of a sting out of the lack of adapter, cos if that comes back at like £20 it's £50 for the bundle which ain't too shabby.

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We bit at that price. Although, I think we went with the mentality of "we're not going to find it cheaper, so may as well" rather than "we want this game, give it naow".

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Nintendo Wii U Game Pad High Capacity Battery (Wii U) £24.99 @ Nintendo Store UK


Seen this over on HotUKDeals this morning. But then other people are suggesting another site for it that is £17.50 but you've to add on delivery and it'll take a while to get over here from Japan.




And another suggestion again, this one is really cheap, from China, not official of course but a higher capacity. It's £4.39 plus £0.29 for delivery. I went with this option. It's only about €7, if it doesn't work, it's not a big deal and what's the worst that could happen? Besides blowing up my Wii U, melting my gamepad or burning down my house. :) Touch wood none of that happens.




Has anybody bought one of these? Are they any good or reliable? I guess I'll find out in a few weeks time.

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what's the worst that could happen?


Well it could go horribly wrong and explode while you are holding the game pad, mutilating your hands and sending shards of gamepad in the general direction of your face and chest. So the worst case scenario is you could lose the use of your hands, your sight, sense of smell, hearing and taste. You could have serious burns on your face and nerve damage that leaves you with chronic pain, and unable to enjoy a good nights sleep. After weeks of sleep deprivation and intense pain in the months that follow your rehabilitation, you hold on to a vague hope of a relatively normal life, only to find out that the Chinese government have decided that the seller you purchased from was a subversive sort, and that you were a sponsor of this deviant. Your government yield to Chinese pressure and deport you to China. What happens next remains a mystery, as though reports of sightings continue through the years, these can never be confirmed...


That's about as bad as I can think of, sure there are more imaginative folk here who could do better. Enjoy your battery :)

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I did it, I then threaded the screws trying to take the back off. Anyway, sent it to nintendo who swapped it over and either a. cleaned it up impeccably or b. actually gave me a new one. All free of charge. Best thing I did swapping the battery over, used to hate it dying on me all the time.

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That's about as bad as I can think of, sure there are more imaginative folk here who could do better. Enjoy your battery :)


Well the battery pack could over heat and explode whilst it's in your lap, blowing your genitallia into oblivion...I'd say that's almost as bad as pestneb's


More imaginative?


Nothing happens and time passes and you get bored of your WiiU and decide to sell it on eBay, you post off your parcel to the new owner, who unbeknownst to you is the child of the then current Prime Minister, they bring their WiiU on a trip with them to the U.S. to play during the flight. Whilst charging as they sleep the WiiU gamepad explodes causing a fire to roar through the cabin, just as the plane is over US airspace, the plane goes down into the UN building killing all on board, and many world leaders, the investigation into the tragedy reveal a small explosion caused the crash and link it back to Wii but don't believe it's a faulty battery and believe it's an act of terrorism, as it was on US soil you are gladly extradited to the U.S. by the new Prime Minister, you are found guilty of terrorism and public ally executed


TL : Dr you could blow up

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Well the battery pack could over heat and explode whilst it's in your lap, blowing your genitallia into oblivion...I'd say that's almost as bad as pestneb's


More imaginative?


Nothing happens and time passes and you get bored of your WiiU and decide to sell it on eBay, you post off your parcel to the new owner, who unbeknownst to you is the child of the then current Prime Minister, they bring their WiiU on a trip with them to the U.S. to play during the flight. Whilst charging as they sleep the WiiU gamepad explodes causing a fire to roar through the cabin, just as the plane is over US airspace, the plane goes down into the UN building killing all on board, and many world leaders, the investigation into the tragedy reveal a small explosion caused the crash and link it back to Wii but don't believe it's a faulty battery and believe it's an act of terrorism, as it was on US soil you are gladly extradited to the U.S. by the new Prime Minister, you are found guilty of terrorism and public ally executed


TL : Dr you could blow up


Those dastardly Chinese. They'll do anything to get those launch codes.



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The most likely thing to happen with the cheap Chinese battery is that it's filled with sand to make you think it's a bigger capacity battery :D Well @Wii when you get it let us know how it performs compared to the standard battery. I'd be surprised if such a cheap battery even manages to last as long as the original battery.

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Keeping my eyes open for any Boxing Day deals. Always go with the Premium right?


I'd say premium all the way as you get more stuff in the box plus the extra storage is useful if you didn't want to splash out on a Hard Drive right away, besides if you are planning on mostly buying retail titles then chances are you won't fill up the internal storage right away but there are plenty of decent VC titles available with more surely still to come. :)


Also as an aside I didn't go with the basic because of the colour, I didn't want another 'White Wii branded console' because it would forever be a symbol of the console that I had fallen out of love with in its last couple of dwindling years; now the Wii was still a great machine with a lot of quality software but for every landmark title there were plenty of gripes too so I just felt like I wanted to get away from that as much as possible but I must stress that this is just a - perhaps partially irrational - preference of mine. :heh:


Incidentally I reordered my Nintendo stand which previously had my Wii with Gamecube on top on one side and my Wii U on the other but I've since taken my Wii plus my GC out of my setup - N64 is still on the shelf below :D - to make room for my Retron 5 and I must say that the two machines look really nice side by side; so currently my Nintendo/Retro rig is now all black/charcoal/grey depending on your N64 colour beliefs. :wink: ('oh no! let's not dig that one up again!' I can almost hear everyone say...)


TL;DR Black Wii U forever! :awesome:

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Ooh no Sam. No no no. :nono:




You know it makes sense... ;)


...well unless all of your other consoles are white too in which case, go with that but I just really like my black Wii U next to my Black Retron 5 and my Charcoal coloured N64 underneath; I must post a pic in the setup thread sometime. :)


Though I must admit, that white Xbox One of yours is very nice indeed, I would have probably gone for it if I could have got the same deal on the Sunset Overdrive pack. : peace:


Anyway, on the subject of bargains I would urge anyone thinking of picking up a Wii U who doesn't have one already to keep an eye on ShopTo as I reckon they'll have a good deal or two, also eBay though as you never know. :indeed:

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You know it makes sense... ;)


Somebody needs to post those completely boggin pictures of the white Wii U Pro Controller that were originally posted a few months ago by someone's filthy hands.. that'll confirm the black Wii U as the only way to go!


I wanna say it was @Aneres11 but I wouldn't want to falsely accuse someone for being a DIRTY STINKIN BEAST :heh:

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I have a white gamecube controller... I can assure you it will remain white ;) I remember back in the cube days I'd clean it up every so often, just to keep everything feel "fresh". I won't be letting visitors at my white controller though!

I've inspected my black controllers up close, and see and feel no evidence of dirt. I wonder if there was a general issue with the white controllers and that is why they cannot be found here? I do really want a couple of white controllers.. but it seems I will never get the opportunity :(

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Somebody needs to post those completely boggin pictures of the white Wii U Pro Controller that were originally posted a few months ago by someone's filthy hands.. that'll confirm the black Wii U as the only way to go!


I wanna say it was @Aneres11 but I wouldn't want to falsely accuse someone for being a DIRTY STINKIN BEAST :heh:


Hahahaha I lol'd.


Alright Nando! :mad:




That's the only downside! But all my white consoles look pretty from afar... So. :laughing:

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