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I would say my body is a mixed bag.


Let's start with the positives. I'm quite tall, 6'2", which always comes in handy in a lot of situations. I've always been reasonably athletic and energetic even though I go months on end without proper exercise. I was a fussy eater as a kid which made me quite skinny up until my university years, I'm currently around 11 and a half stone which is the heaviest I've ever been. I think I've got a pretty good metabolism considering I eat a fair amount of junk food and still remain fairly lean. No allergies or conditions, no broken bones or long-lasting injuries, all organs working in fairly good shape. Pretty decent tolerance to alcohol and good lung capacity thanks to swimming a lot when I was young.


Now on to things I don't like. I have pretty oily skin and naturally get a lot of acne. Not so much on my face, but on my back and a bit on my chest. Anyone who's ever had severe acne can know how much it can affect your self-esteem. It pretty much cost me sex one time at university simply because I was afraid of taking off my shirt. I always thought that after puberty it would slowly go away, but if anything it got worse once I went to university and by my second year I had had enough and started investing in some proper treatment for it. Nowadays it's all fairly under control, but still comes back from time to time if I forget to apply my regimen as strictly as I should. Still it means my quest for achieving a better body is now focused on other areas, like going to the gym and staying in shape.


The other thing I don't like is my teeth. Thanks to genetics I had rather large front teeth with a bit of an overbite. When I was 11, I fell over and smashed my face, chipping on my of front teeth. I've had caps on them ever since so they don't look very pretty. Combine this with having a retainer to fix my overbite and me not being very disciplined with my brushing means my teeth are yellow. I'm pretty good at keeping my teeth healthy nowadays though. One day when I can be arsed I'll go and get them properly whitened.


Other little things: my eyesight used to be awesome, but it got worse around the time I left school and started noticing in my second year at university when I could no longer read the black boards from the back of the lecture theatre. I don't need glasses yet, but it's still a bit of a bummer. I also get a decent amount of torso hair, but because of my weird genetics it grows unevenly. It looks silly, but then again shaving is a pain.


Anyway, I would say my body is a work in progress. I've conquered my main adversary, my next quest is to get into shape and gain some muscle, because I'm a weak fuck. Biggest barrier really is trying to fit exercise into my hectic working life. It was a lot easier to find time to do these things before I got a full time job. But I'm going on holiday in December so I have a goal to get into shape by then.


I started reading this and then realised that there were a fair few similarities between us, not exactly the same... I'm 5'8" for a start and barely even 8 and a half stone :p but still...


Yes I have been quite underweight, I always have been... some people might say 'that's a problem?' in short it is, it can be just as much of a problem as being overweight in extreme cases, admittedly though I don't think in my instance it's drastic but it has been an ongoing issue for me which I only really properly acknowledged in the last 3-4 years. :hmm:


I just don't seem to put that much weight on, even if I eat loads... it's both a blessing and a curse I suppose. ::shrug:


My only condition that I have is asthma but it's not bad, nor has it been for many years but I still take medication daily for it, as for bones... I've never broken any so I suppose I've just been lucky there; spots I also get these on my chest/back from time to time but probably not as severe but it is a bit of a pain especially when you wash regularly and they still come back. :sad:


As for my teeth, I have a pretty bad overbite but I don't let it bother me as it's never caused me any pain so I will never have it corrected... all I've ever had done is two teeth taken out to avoid over-crowding, my eye-sight used to be good but now not so much, I do have glasses which I only ever wear if I'm sat typing in front of a screen for hours - sometimes - or for if I ever drive.


Well done for going out of your way to better yourself though, I could do a lot more on than front... I plan to, I will but I just... need to stop making excuses for myself :indeed: I think I'll get there eventually though, I hope. :)

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Just because someone thinks that being a normal weight is attractive, it doesn't mean everyone follows that rule. I'd rather go out with a bigger guy with the right kind of personality (like @Animal)


I like larger women...this isn't a joke or me making a point, I always have liked larger women. I'm also in the same viewpoint as Raining.




Anyway, I'm rather fond of my body. It has a lean, slightly gangly quality I really enjoy about it and overall I feel I'm in pretty damn good shape for an astmatic with a horrible retail job who tends towards intellectual pursuits. I enjoy a moderate level of fitness and would enjoy adopting another physical activity though, as I've said before, the skill & social elements are much more important to me than the fitness element.

Edited by gaggle64
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My body is pretty radical, it's really come along this year since I did the whole bulking/cutting thing (I cycle aout 70 miles odd every week, gym big weights usually four times a week and play a couple hours of five-a-side every Sunday - also eat super healthily too, just to give an idea of where I'm at; I take things to extremes). Someone told me I had the perfect body the other day - and while I appreciate the compliment, hyperbole and all (it's laughable really) - it essentially comes back to 'Thanks, that's the product of genetics and hard work; I was lucky with the former and the latter is just how I live'. It's not especially fulfilling.


tl;dr - I look ideal...



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Thought I'd leave that there to simmer.




Anyway, I'm rather fond of my body. It has a lean, slightly gangly quality I really enjoy about it and overall I feel I'm in pretty damn good shape for an astmatic with a horrible retail job who tends towards intellectual pursuits. I enjoy a moderate level of fitness and would enjoy adopting another physical activity though, as I've said before, the skill & social elements are much more important to me than the fitness element.






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  • 2 weeks later...
I would say my body is a mixed bag.


Let's start with the positives. I'm quite tall, 6'2", which always comes in handy in a lot of situations. I've always been reasonably athletic and energetic even though I go months on end without proper exercise. I was a fussy eater as a kid which made me quite skinny up until my university years, I'm currently around 11 and a half stone which is the heaviest I've ever been. I think I've got a pretty good metabolism considering I eat a fair amount of junk food and still remain fairly lean. No allergies or conditions, no broken bones or long-lasting injuries, all organs working in fairly good shape. Pretty decent tolerance to alcohol and good lung capacity thanks to swimming a lot when I was young.


Now on to things I don't like. I have pretty oily skin and naturally get a lot of acne. Not so much on my face, but on my back and a bit on my chest. Anyone who's ever had severe acne can know how much it can affect your self-esteem. It pretty much cost me sex one time at university simply because I was afraid of taking off my shirt. I always thought that after puberty it would slowly go away, but if anything it got worse once I went to university and by my second year I had had enough and started investing in some proper treatment for it. Nowadays it's all fairly under control, but still comes back from time to time if I forget to apply my regimen as strictly as I should. Still it means my quest for achieving a better body is now focused on other areas, like going to the gym and staying in shape.


The other thing I don't like is my teeth. Thanks to genetics I had rather large front teeth with a bit of an overbite. When I was 11, I fell over and smashed my face, chipping on my of front teeth. I've had caps on them ever since so they don't look very pretty. Combine this with having a retainer to fix my overbite and me not being very disciplined with my brushing means my teeth are yellow. I'm pretty good at keeping my teeth healthy nowadays though. One day when I can be arsed I'll go and get them properly whitened.


Other little things: my eyesight used to be awesome, but it got worse around the time I left school and started noticing in my second year at university when I could no longer read the black boards from the back of the lecture theatre. I don't need glasses yet, but it's still a bit of a bummer. I also get a decent amount of torso hair, but because of my weird genetics it grows unevenly. It looks silly, but then again shaving is a pain.


Anyway, I would say my body is a work in progress. I've conquered my main adversary, my next quest is to get into shape and gain some muscle, because I'm a weak fuck. Biggest barrier really is trying to fit exercise into my hectic working life. It was a lot easier to find time to do these things before I got a full time job. But I'm going on holiday in December so I have a goal to get into shape by then.


Acne, my teeth and my eyesight are also my bad parts!


Born with an overbite which has mainly been corrected but now when I'm just stating normally apparently I don't look happy so people pickup on that when Im perfectly fine.


I go to the gym two to three times a week now which is helping my self esteem since I'm no longer quite as weedy.

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I have a fairly malleable body - 5'11" and I used to be on my University's boxing squad at 12.5 stone and 8-9% body fat, which was pretty much ideal for me. I've been letting that slide pretty much for the last two years since finishing Uni though. I'm down to 12 stone and the body fat has shot up too. One thing I really love about my body is that it doesn't take me a huge amount of time to get fit - same as Daft, I have a tendency to take things to extremes, and at the moment it's been extreme laziness that's been dictating my daily schedule. Getting back to Uni will hopefully shake things up.


Being a pure bred Paki I have a reasonable amount of chest hair, which I used to get rid of when I was a bit younger, but I've gotten compliments on it (which might be facetious) from most girls that have had the privilege so I've decided to keep it :heh:


My head is too big (literally, not figuratively).


Also, Zechs, if you're going to help someone, do it by offering more than platitudes any fatuous tit knows about managing weight, presented in an acerbic, presumptuous and frankly cuntish manner. People offer comfort to others in that position because they need some positive reinforcement and emotional encouragement, not some caustic forum fucknut's self congratulatory guide to six-pack abs.

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I'm a fairly short person, standing at only 5'8, but overall I have a decent body.


I used to be over 250lbs, but am now down to around 132lbs which is awesome. Just need to tone it a little.


I have a few issues here and there, however. I neglected my teeth as a child which has caused them to be essentially horrible and they still need work here and there. Eyesight has taken a slight hit due to the constant staring at a screen, but it's still better than most.


I am severely asthmatic, to the point of almost death several times, which limits me a little, but I manage it well these days.


There's also something really weird when I've been out in the sun. I tend not to burn, but even say an hour in the sun, if I haven't taken an antihistamine will cause my fingers, forearm and elbow to start bumping up. Not quite a rash but just bumps that take forever to disappear. I call it a sun allergy, but in honesty I have no idea what it is.


I'm also allergic to cats, dogs and dust.



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In light (lol) of the posts above, another thing I love about my body is being brown.


I'm brown as fuck, son.


Brah, they left the tea bag in for too long with you.


I'm not that brown, but I have a slight tan. I actually burned at certain points during the summer. Didn't think that was possible. :o

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Can @Raining_again and @Animal please get together? I think I'd be more happy than the pair of you if you did..!


If you guys could change your body cosmetically, would you? I've always said to myself that if the NHS or I had the funds for myself, I'd get a breast reduction. Its something that's upset me since I was a teen and I really want them gone, gone, gone!



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You know something, I actually wouldn't change anything aesthetically. Even though there's probably a lot that could be done.


When I lose all of my weight, I'll probably need skin removal, but only because my skin is at big risk of breaking down etc with my skin condition. In that case I would have surgery.

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When I lose all of my weight, I'll probably need skin removal, but only because my skin is at big risk of breaking down etc with my skin condition. In that case I would have surgery.


I was looking at a bodybuilding forum and somebody there made a thread about some serious weight that they lost. Tons of that shit. But, in his "after" picture, he had all of this excess skin. How demoralising. You lose all of that weight, and you still have that there. You'd need the surgery to cut the excess skin, right?

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Brah, they left the tea bag in for too long with you.


I'm not that brown, but I have a slight tan. I actually burned at certain points during the summer. Didn't think that was possible. :o


Mate, they just overdid it with the milk in your case. Same character, deceptive complexion :woops:

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I was looking at a bodybuilding forum and somebody there made a thread about some serious weight that they lost. Tons of that shit. But, in his "after" picture, he had all of this excess skin. How demoralising. You lose all of that weight, and you still have that there. You'd need the surgery to cut the excess skin, right?


I would say once you get past the 30/40lb lost mark, your skin can't recover naturally. No amount of bullshit cream will cure anything at that stage.


In a way I'm lucky, without my psoriasis, loose skin would be a purely cosmetic thing and I'd have to pay for it myself lol

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