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DuckTales ( Wii U )


I finished this last night and it was a hell of a ride. It really took me back to my childhood, not just because of the TV show but also because I played the hell out of the original on the NES.


The quality of the music, graphics and animation is exactly what I have come to expect from WayForward and I didn't have any of the freezing issues or disappearing pogo sticks that others have experienced. I did have a weird glitch where the helicopter blades sound was still going during the credits, despite the cutscene being finished. :D

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Last game I beat was Luigi's Mansion 2. Excellent experience, worth the wait.


Same here. Just finished it last week. Got a bit bored in the middle, but glad I stuck it out as the last mansion was awesome! Found most of the Boos and the Gems but not too bothered about going back to find the rest. Last game i've completed for ages to be honest, last one before that was probably Skyward Sword! Mind you, I dont get as much time to play so any completions are pretty satisfying.

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My last games:


Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure (3DS)

Was massively disappointed with this game, it was actually a struggle to complete! :woops: Got it on the cheap anyway, but yeah... nowhere near as good as the demo suggested it would be. :nono:


Pikmin 3 (WiiU)

Took me quite a long time to beat (I'm simply terrible at multitasking :heh:) but it was lots of fun. Looking back on the series as a whole though, think I still prefer Pikmin 2. This game would have been more enjoyable if it had the real-life items from P2, instead of just loads and loads of fruit. :zzz:


Just Cause 2 (PC)

Hilarious game. :laughing:

It's like all of my favourite 80/90's action movies in video game form. I also found it very enjoyable playing as a Latino that basically doesn't give a shit about anything. :D Gameplay is incredibly repetitive, but it's so much fun causing chaos that it doesn't matter. Beautiful looking game too, jaw-dropping in places. :o

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Thomas Was Alone ( Vita )


I got this for free off PS+ and it has just been sitting waiting to be played. With W101 not doing anything for me I decided to start this yesterday afternoon and ended up finishing it the same day.


Man, what a game! I played a fair few games this year and this has to be one of the best. The story, narration, music, everything is fantastic. Despite just being about a bunch of blocks bouncing around a level, thanks to the things I mentioned above, the game really makes you care and gets you to have an emotional response. At least it did for me anyway.


If it wasn't for PS+ I would never have tried the game. PS+ delivers again! :bowdown:

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I haven't actually completed any games for some time. I seem to get bored nowadays, even never going back to many games even though I'm on the last level.

The last game I finished was Guwange, 1CC of course. An excellent game, good scoring system, and probably would take most people a while to finish.

*Note: I don't consider these types of game to be finished if using a continue.

Edited by obscure
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Seriously? I liked the writing in Thomas Was Alone, but there's no complexity to the puzzles at all. I think there were, like, two levels that I thought were somewhat clever, but the rest mostly just devolved into building the same stupid stairs over and over again.

Edited by Magnus
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Kid Icarus

Was bored the other day and wanted something I could play through in a short amount of time and looking over my Wii U menu screen I went with this. I had finished the 3D Classic remake but not the original, until now.


I like how the game starts off hard and gets easier as you go along, which also makes sense since you start in the Underworld.


You know, for all the effort you put in to rescuing the Centurions, they're completely useless in the boss battles.

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I completed pikmin 3 yesterday, and it was pure nintendo magic! It's been a really long while since I experienced such a pure and fun game. It was short and oh so sweet. I bought my WiiU for this game 3 weeks ago, and I haven't regret that decision for one second :)

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Tomb Raider


Yeah, i'm slow to the party. Had this game near enough at launch, took me 5 months to get around to beating it. Brilliant game, loved the story and the exploration. Had a 72% completion on my first attempt, may go back later to get the 100% rating.

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Completed Pikmin 3 tonight. It was good fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. Took my time with this one but if I wanted to I could have completed it within a weekend. Did not obviously want to rush this "launch" game.


Its actually my first Wii U game that I have conpleted. All my other games I have started then left to start another game. Buying MH3U and playing it almost every night for four months straight obviously had an impact.


Now onto that backlog of Wii U games...

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Taking the topic in a more depressing direction ,


If you knew the world was going to be destroyed what would be your last game you ever played if you knew the end was near.

You really should post this as a new thread instead of hijacking Cube's thread. :p

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Jak & Daxter ( Vita )


Quality title free of charge thanks to PS+. I loved this back in the day and the game still remains a classic. It's just a shame the Vita port isn't that great, with the game stuttering due to framerate drops at various points during the adventure. Still loved playing through it again though.

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Pikmin 3


Just finished this beauty this afternoon. The whole game was a brilliant laid-back experience, I took my time doing everything, with very little multi-tasking (my end results stated it took me 45 days).


Therefore the last level felt too stressful, at first, as if I had to cram everything into one day. When I worked out I could take my time and plug away at little bits of it, getting a little bit further each day, it vastly improved the experience.



Hope we get some decent DLC for this. Still will enjoy the multi-player for a while to come. It's one of my son's favourites.

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Metro: Last Light - It was as atmospheric and enthralling as I had hoped and I recommend it to everyone. It's one problem is a very rushed-feeling final 10 minutes, which is a real damn shame because almost everything right up until that point is exquisite.


Have you tried any of the Stalker games? They're significantly less linear (and seeing as they're a bit older, not quite as pretty) and have the same fudge thick atmosphere, and the illusion of a perfectly contained world. I think that's sort of a du jour thing with Ukrainian games, which I completely love. They arrive at a sense of place and visual narrative so much stronger than western games which tend to be more focused on mechanical function.


My copy of Metro 2033 stopped working for some fucked up reason, want to finish that before starting Last Light.


For me...




Sequel to the best RTS ever made. Mechanically, very similar, visually superior. Still the best RTS ever made.


Nope. :D


I started with Pipex who eventually became Talk Talk. I have never had any issues with them and always had great connection/download speeds, which is why i'm so reluctant to change.


This is such a perfect explanation for your Nintendo fixation dude :heh:

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