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I haven't heard that.


Did I hear right that Miyamoto says that Starfox is next on the list for The Year Of?


I'd prefer The Year Of Metroid.


Yes, he said this in an interview, but I guess more jokingly and not in a 'Year of Luigi' kind of way.

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Miyamoto ponders multiple vehicles (including mechs) for StarFox Wii U, calls this the 'year of StarFox'


A portion of an Entertainment Weekly interview with Shigeru Miyamoto...


EW: Can you talk about what it’s been like bringing Star Fox to the Wii U?


SM: We worked on some ideas around Star Fox back during the Wii days. But the problem was that we didn’t have any new ideas to bring to the game. I wasn’t particularly interested in just making another Star Fox game with better graphics and better sound. So we set that aside back then. This time, as we were doing our experiments, and we found this idea of doing the two-screen gameplay. I was particularly interested in a new style of play, where you’d have the cockpit view on one screen, and you’d have the third-person standard Star Fox view on the TV screen, and how those two screens could interact with one another.


The idea of having a helicopter-style game, and being to then to drop a robot down and tether it, and operate the robot that you dropped while you’re controlling the helicopter: [There are] a lot of new and different ideas that we simply couldn’t have had, if we didn’t have that Wii U Gamepad.


EW: Is Project Guard something that will grow into its own game, or do you see it being absorbed into a larger game?


SM: Perhaps if you noticed in Project Guard, there was a Star Fox logo on the cameras! I have different ideas for what would be possible, but I haven’t finalized anything yet. One idea that I had for Star Fox is something like the Thunderbirds TV series, where they had all these different vehicles and Mechs that they could use. I’m not certain, but one thing I think about Star Fox is that, instead of just a ship-based adventure that we’ve seen in previous Star Fox games, there’s multiple different mechs and vehicles and things that they use. And maybe, within that, the Project Guard style of gameplay could be one element of sort of a larger-scaled thing.


The other analogy I’ve been using with the team is that the Star Fox games that we used to make were Star Fox for the movie theater, a big dramatic adventure. And this time, with our focus, it’s a little bit more of Star Fox if it were a TV series. So maybe Project Guard is the TV series of Star Fox that runs late at night, and the main missions of Star Fox are the TV series that runs in primetime.


EW: Out of interest, who is your favorite character to play in Smash Brothers?


SM: I haven’t played Smash Brothers thoroughly yet, but my suspicion is that I would probably play as Star Fox. Playing as Kirby might be a little bit easier, but…


EW: You prefer a challenge.


SM: This is gonna be the year of Star Fox. I’ll play as Star Fox for awhile.



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That's the not starfox I want... I would just want a new starfox with better graphics and sound....


How come they don't have this philosophy with their 2D Marios....?

I was just thinking the exact same thing!


Was their big revolutionary idea that greenlit a new NSMB game, being able to tap the screen to create platforms? :p


In which case allow me to tap the screen to create bollards in F-Zero and we'll all just ignore it ;)

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Skyward Sword says hi.


That was built around the Wii hardware, specifically it's USP which was motion controls. I enjoyed it, some didn't.


Starfox on the other hand is different as it is going to be released on the Wii U. I expect it will feature "normal" controls. Most Nintendo games on the Wii U have a variety of control methods.

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That was built around the Wii hardware, specifically it's USP which was motion controls. I enjoyed it, some didn't.


Starfox on the other hand is different as it is going to be released on the Wii U. I expect it will feature "normal" controls. Most Nintendo games on the Wii U have a variety of control methods.


The USP of the Wii U is the GamePad, so it really isn't that different in that sense.


I actually think they had the perfect control scheme for this game last generation: The Wiimote and Nunchuk. Move with the analogue stick and aim on screen using the Wiimote's sensor. That should be THE way to play the game. You could activate different weapons by using the D-pad. Fire with either the A or B button. C could activate bombs, for example. The control scheme should work. Z would be used to rotate the ship left and either A or B for right. Double tapping both would give you a barrel roll. Easy.


It would be very accurate and fun. I'm not sure how comfortable it would be to aim using the GamePad for long periods of time.

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So, essentially, Project Guard and/or Project Giant Robot may actually be part of Star Fox?




I'm sure the new Starfox will also have a regular control option. Would be stupid not to.


Kid Icarus: Uprising says "hi".


It's literally the same thing, but with motion instead of the touch screen. They'll claim that "analogue sticks aren't good enough" and not give us the option.

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Skyward Sword says hi.


Oh yeah, very good point. I spent that entire game wishing I could play with regular controls. Still a decent game though, let's not forget there was a lot wrong with Skyward Sword outside the motion controls.


Kid Icarus: Uprising says "hi".


It's literally the same thing, but with motion instead of the touch screen. They'll claim that "analogue sticks aren't good enough" and not give us the option.


If the new Starfox game is half as well made as Uprising, I'll play with whatever controls they throw my way. Uprising was worth the weeks of disfiguration to my left hand. I know I'm possibly the only one who feels this way though, those controls relegated the potentially glorious return of a forgotten IP to an easy pass for so many 3DS owners. Not including second stick controls despite supporting configurations with the CPP was a very dumb, dumb, dumb move by Nintendo.




Okay... so maybe Nintendo will force the gamepad controls on us. Ruh-roh. I'm gonna cling to the hope Starfox Wii U will be rad, even if the robot/security games end up as part of the title. Nintendo converted a lot of initial 3D World haters when that game launched, maybe they'll do the same again.

Edited by Guy
I can't stop editing my posts.
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When Miyamoto says that he wasn't interested in making Starfox Wii like it's predecessors just with updated graphics... :(


I don't want gimmicky Starfox. Just give your core fanbase an action packed, fast paced traditional game with gorgeous visuals. He should feel free to experiment with other franchises, Starfox just doesn't seem the right one to mess with.


Though obviously I'll wait before judging fully.

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When Miyamoto says that he wasn't interested in making Starfox Wii like it's predecessors just with updated graphics... :(


I don't want gimmicky Starfox. Just give your core fanbase an action packed, fast paced traditional game with gorgeous visuals. He should feel free to experiment with other franchises, Starfox just doesn't seem the right one to mess with.


Though obviously I'll wait before judging fully.


They've said the same about F-Zero too :(


If they want a gimmick, they should try the 'amazing graphics' and 'online' gimmicks others have used. Seems to work well.

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Oh yeah, very good point. I spent that entire game wishing I could play with regular controls. Still a decent game though, let's not forget there was a lot wrong with Skyward Sword outside the motion controls.



In your original post you said that Nintendo would put in a different control scheme. I was just giving an example where they didn't as I think they won't.

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In your original post you said that Nintendo would put in a different control scheme. I was just giving an example where they didn't as I think they won't.


Yeah but context is everything. Skyward sword was built around motion plus. One of the problems people have with Nintendo is the sheer amount of control options in most of their games - mario, mario kart, pikmin, nsmb, even NES remix all have have loads of different control options.


You're doing a straw man argument, you don't think they will so come up with whatever reason you can to support that. But actually all it does is weaken your argument as now we're talking about that not whether it will or not.


All you had to do was say that the gamepad shooting sounds vital to the gameplay, which it does, so unless it's only a specific mode, this won't be possible to transpose to "traditional" controls.

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No Wii U Fifa 15 confirmed.


There's the shiny PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of course, the ones EA has been publicly demoing and which we've played.


But there's also last-gen versions for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, handheld versions for 3DS and PlayStation Vita, and even a version for Wii.


EA lists these other platforms as getting "a version of FIFA 15", rather than the full experience it has been showing off, and notes that "not all game features are available on all gaming platforms".


As expected, there's no Wii U edition.


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So it's the third week of having my Wii U, and I'm loving it more than I thought I would. As an owner of a TV with no HDMI, the Wii U hooked up via component and with the software included finally gave me a smart TV without upgrading my TV.


I love the gamepad as well, as limited space means I can't use the TV whilst using my laptop so off TV play is a god send. What I will say though is that outside of the immersion offered by ZombiU having you check your bag like a real bag would, the gamepad really doesn't offer much to the gameplay in my opinion. Everything could just be done on the same screen. I used to think that maybe it'll be like the DS and having a second screen would be handy, but its not immediately below the main screen like the DS and having it set up like that would be very uncomfortable to hold.


It's an odd feeling. Part of me hopes they ditch it next generation because it really does feel shoe horned into games despite often being unintuitive (heck, Nintendo even skipped using the feature that actually makes the gamepad useful for Mario Kart, no split screen!), but I also really want them to keep it so I still get the off screen experience. Hard stuff.

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Yeah but context is everything. Skyward sword was built around motion plus. One of the problems people have with Nintendo is the sheer amount of control options in most of their games - mario, mario kart, pikmin, nsmb, even NES remix all have have loads of different control options.


You're doing a straw man argument, you don't think they will so come up with whatever reason you can to support that. But actually all it does is weaken your argument as now we're talking about that not whether it will or not.


All you had to do was say that the gamepad shooting sounds vital to the gameplay, which it does, so unless it's only a specific mode, this won't be possible to transpose to "traditional" controls.


I'm not being aggressive but have somehow managed to upset you. I would apologise but I'm having trouble understanding what about my factual information upsets you. Ummm sorry?

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