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you are a corporations dream punter,the kind of guy that spends £400 on a new console, £60 on a second controller, £60 on a game that's already available on a console you own for £30, £40 subscription to play the thing and then another £20 in DLC and all the while, happily trotting along oblivious (or just in plain denial) to the fact you are getting butt fucked.


They are greedy bastards who's only objective is to empty your pockets.


This post just highlights a remarkable level of ignorance, since I don't even have a next generation console yet.


And when I do, it will be to play new and exclusive games. You may not be all that familiar with those.

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you are a corporations dream punter,the kind of guy that spends £400 on a new console, £60 on a second controller, £60 on a game that's already available on a console you own for £30, £40 subscription to play the thing and then another £20 in DLC and all the while, happily trotting along oblivious (or just in plain denial) to the fact you are getting butt fucked.


They are greedy bastards who's only objective is to empty your pockets.

If you're going to insult someone you could at least get your costings right. Edited by Retro_Link
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Too right.


£330 for the console at GameSpot, the extra controller is unnecessary, DLC I almost always usually pass on, and Plus is usually 30 and I already had it since it's a brilliant service.


I don't even know where to begin with his argument. Wii U launched at about the same cost and it's looking pretty doomed right now. PS4 has a really good lineup already for the year.

Edited by Sheikah
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Plus there's some kind of weird assumption that people don't choose how to spend their money, but are influenced by those mind-controlling advertisers.


Who is to judge how anyone else spends their money? If you want a new console go buy it! If you want to spend the premium on getting a Macbook rather than a comparable Windows computer, have fun! If you want the latest Nikes rather than some cheaper Airwalks, all for you!

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They better not waffle on about DKCTF. We've already seen enough of that and I wanna know what they are gonna do to plug the gap between that and Mario Kart.

They also need to be showing us more from MK8 already, let's know what the deal is with online, MKTV, etc...

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They better not waffle on about DKCTF. We've already seen enough of that and I wanna know what they are gonna do to plug the gap between that and Mario Kart.


The Wondeful Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze... Will be released... On Febuary 21...

The Wondeful Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze... Will be released... On Febuary 21...

The Wondeful Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze... Will be released... On Febuary 21...

The Wondeful Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze... Will be released... On Febuary 21...

The Wondeful Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze... Will be released... On Febuary 21...

:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

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Warner Bros. Montreal is rumoured to be working on a new title, which is apparently coming to Wii U, too.


Studio hasn't announced anything new lately, have they?


EDIT: Also, Child of Light from Ubisoft is coming to Europe on April 30th. America has the price of $14,99 and while European pricing hasn't been confirmed, I bet it will be around 15€.

Edited by Andyliini
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I just could not warm up to the WIIU so far, being a hardcore fan from the SNES to the WII :sad:


Wish the must have Zelda or Mario would come sooner


Hello and welcome to the forum! What made you buy the WiiU in the first place and what games have you played on it? This isn't meant to be a criticising your choice, as I'm in exactly the same boat - I think a lot of us are so I'm curious as to people's motivations for buying it atm.

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I don't have 3D world, so I don't know how 'must have' it is. A proper 3D mario will likely be more 'must have', or a new Zelda. In fact, I think I know more Wii U owners(which isn't even a lot) with ALBW than with Mario3DWorld. For the same wii u owners, I'd say it's about equal numbers for WWHD vs 3DWorld.

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I don't have 3D world, so I don't know how 'must have' it is. A proper 3D mario will likely be more 'must have', or a new Zelda. In fact, I think I know more Wii U owners(which isn't even a lot) with ALBW than with Mario3DWorld. For the same wii u owners, I'd say it's about equal numbers for WWHD vs 3DWorld.

Super Mario 3D World IS a proper 3D Mario game.

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Super Mario 3D World IS a proper 3D Mario game.


It's 2D Mario gameplay in a 3D world, similar to 3D Land on 3DS. You can't even compare it to say Mario 64 or Sunshine, don't even try. COMPLETELY different styles of games. 3D world barely pushes the Wii U other than some pretty graphics at times. It's a very self contained and simple game and it wouldn't surprise me if they could have just made the whole thing on the Wii.


I get what @ZeldaWard82 is saying though. This is brand new hardware that is significantly more powerful that the Wii; where are the new games that show off gameplay and worlds that just aren't possible in older hardware? At the moment they have just made sequels and remakes of previous games, which makes it very difficult to justify the hardware as the games could easily have been done on different hardware.


Heck, even in the recent interviews with the Donkey Kong producer he said it was just like the Wii version.


Okay, they've said that they've got a game coming up that will be new AND make use of the GamePad but it's a bit late for that.

Edited by Goron_3
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I don't have 3D world, so I don't know how 'must have' it is. A proper 3D mario will likely be more 'must have', or a new Zelda. In fact, I think I know more Wii U owners(which isn't even a lot) with ALBW than with Mario3DWorld. For the same wii u owners, I'd say it's about equal numbers for WWHD vs 3DWorld.


This came up during a couple of podcasts I listened to over the past month or so. Both 8-4 and NintendoWorldReport have staff members which loved ALBW but some of them hadn't bought Mario and didn't feel any excitement towards it.

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It's 2D Mario gameplay in a 3D world, similar to 3D Land on 3DS. You can't even compare it to say Mario 64 or Sunshine, don't even try. COMPLETELY different styles of games. 3D world barely pushes the Wii U other than some pretty graphics at times. It's a very self contained and simple game and it wouldn't surprise me if they could have just made the whole thing on the Wii.


The main difference, if people really can't see it:

How many levels in Super Mario 3D World are floating platforms in the sky, with falling off = death/infinite abyss, and have a linear route to the finish? Now, how many in SM64?


Still good, but I'm glad that separation exists because then it means the other style is hopefully still out there.

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