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Here's an interesting quote by Aonuma about the GamePad.


We realized that having something on the GamePad and looking back and forth between the TV screen and the GamePad actually disrupts the gameplay, and the concentration that the game player may be experiencing. You have your car’s GPS system on your dash. If you had it down in your lap, you’re going to get into an accident!


Finally! Someone at Nintendo admits and gets what many of us have been saying for a while about the GamePad.

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Here's an interesting quote by Aonuma about the GamePad.




Finally! Someone at Nintendo admits and gets what many of us have been saying for a while about the GamePad.

Yeah man, been saying this all along. The argument that it doesn't take you out of the action is the polar opposite to my experience with it. The only time this setup really works is Wind Waker HD since the boat sails itself, so you can keep going while looking at the maps in the meantime.

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Weird they've said this weeks after thinking it was a great idea for the much faster action based Star Fox....


Oh well. This really does heavily heavily imply no screened controller, and even, though everything else points to it, no hybrid!!


So the map can't be put on the gamepad? How about inventory items? Still no? See, these are things which ARE BETTER, so to actively take it out says a lot about NX

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So the map can't be put on the gamepad? How about inventory items? Still no? See, these are things which ARE BETTER, so to actively take it out says a lot about NX


I interpreted it as "we realised you can't have your attention split". Something like a map on another screen doesn't require you to also be looking at the TV so you alternate. Hopefully it will be optional either way (pause on TV or just look at GamePad).

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For me the main benefit of the game pad was off screen play and multiplayer. Unfortunately they well and truly buggered off screen functionality by it only working 2 bloody feet from the console.


The zero lag wireless output on the gamepad is actually brilliant proprietary tech that Nintendo invented themselves. It's seriously impressive. They probably could have got the distance farther but it would have introduced lag and made syncing with the console a nightmare.


I do agree with you though that it should have just been about off tv play and not dual screen gaming. Then again for things like Mario Maker, Zombie U and Wind Waker etc it works well, so maybe having an optional second screen would work best. Maybe that's what NX is.

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Can Majora's Mask be played on the Gamepad? I haven't played it, but it's in discount, so I want to get it.


Also, Devil's third is on permanent discount, I will get that too, I just have to try it :D.


Yes. Majora's Mask is an N64 Virtual Console release, so it can be played solely on the GamePad.

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Thx, great, as it will look a lot better on the GamePad.


Though if you have the option of the 3DS/MM3D remake I'd recommend that, not specifically for the 3D itself but it's quite nice to see it looking so crisp with its graphical update. Probably a bit more of a financial commitment/barrier however.

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Though if you have the option of the 3DS/MM3D remake I'd recommend that, not specifically for the 3D itself but it's quite nice to see it looking so crisp with its graphical update. Probably a bit more of a financial commitment/barrier however.


No, I only have the Wii U, so I've bought that one :).


Btw. I am getting my TV tomorrow :D :D :D :D.

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So, just curious, but where are all your Wii Us now?


Plugged in and ready to play? Stored away? Sold?


Under the telly in our tv unit, but disconnected and unplugged. Can't actually remember the last game I played on the system. I don't sell my consoles.

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So, just curious, but where are all your Wii Us now?


Plugged in and ready to play? Stored away? Sold?

I use it every Thursday for Mario Kart, and still jump into Super Mario Maker every so often too.


It's getting used a bit more at the moment though, because I recently bought Twilight Princess HD (the E3 Zelda hype got me good :hehe:) and am currently replaying that. :)

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So, just curious, but where are all your Wii Us now?


Plugged in and ready to play? Stored away? Sold?


Mine's still plugged in but mostly not been touched so much since I got my PS4 back in September(which, in turn, hasn't seen much touching these past few months though more than the WiiU). Since the PS4 I fell off Splatoon a bit which was the real big thing keeping me going and I struggled to go back - did at Xmas to show my mate when she was back from Japan(and hadn't gotten it yet :o!!) and then was used for a bit of MH3 by my ladyfriend a few months back - since then I think the only other thing has probably been a brief bit of smashing when Marcamillian popped round a month or two ago.


Tbh I'm thinking of giving it on a long term lend to a mate when they're home again with a bit of time on their hands - will probs only take it back for Zelda atm. Had meant to get XCX but just never got round to it.

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