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Except for higher frame rate. See, when it comes to resolution and frame rate, higher is better!


60 > 30

1080 > 720


See how that works??


Nobody really wins because:


Aye, pretty much spot on. No sense bearing grudges and reviving these shitty arguments at any opportunity since it'll just end up again with 2 people vehemently arguing their contrasting views, long past anyone else giving a fuck.


It's even more pointless considering the argument originally came from a discussion about The Last of Us, where I'm pretty sure you had the option to go for either 30FPS or 60. So...everyone is happy.

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I don't agree with patronising children - it's for kids, it's okay it's shit! It's painfully written, some of the worst, forced rhymes, pointless off shoot conversations, videos characterisation. It was pretty much unbearable!


Wait. I didn't realise we were talking about Mario!



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Hang on. Can you not directly message someone via the Wii U? What?


You can. It's in Miiverse or friends list. I forget which it is. The problem is the person you send it to gets no notification that a message has arrived other than the GamePad light flashing. If your not looking at the pad you would never know. Even if you do happen to look at the pad, if it flashes it could also mean a friend has just signed in. Such a crazy and backward system. :shakehead

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You can. It's in Miiverse or friends list. I forget which it is. The problem is the person you send it to gets no notification that a message has arrived other than the GamePad light flashing. If your not looking at the pad you would never know. Even if you do happen to look at the pad, if it flashes it could also mean a friend has just signed in. Such a crazy and backward system. :shakehead


Well, at least you get some kind of notification. On the PS4 you get no indication whatsoever that a friend has come on.

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Well, at least you get some kind of notification. On the PS4 you get no indication whatsoever that a friend has come on.


The Wii U may as well not have the notification, seeing how useless it is. At least with the PS4 it pops up on the screen when a person starts/joins a party. It's an easy work around the problem, unlike the Wii U where it's all or nothing.


No idea why the PS4 is once again being brought up in this thread again. I didn't even mention the thing.

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The Wii U may as well not have the notification, seeing how useless it is. At least with the PS4 it pops up on the screen when a person starts/joins a party. It's an easy work around the problem, unlike the Wii U where it's all or nothing.


No idea why the PS4 is once again being brought up in this thread again. I didn't even mention the thing.


Oh I know you didn't. It wasn't intended to shit stir. I was only a ninty gamer before so the PS4 is what I compare the Wii U too.

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You can. It's in Miiverse or friends list. I forget which it is. The problem is the person you send it to gets no notification that a message has arrived other than the GamePad light flashing. If your not looking at the pad you would never know. Even if you do happen to look at the pad, if it flashes it could also mean a friend has just signed in. Such a crazy and backward system. :shakehead


Also, some parts of games (such as when you're online in a Mario Kart lobby) block access to the home button.

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Miyamoto on 'Amiibo,' 'Zelda' and 'Mario' Movie


Shigeru Miyamoto seems giddy and with good reason.


The veteran Nintendo designer behind such landmark video-game franchises as "Mario Bros." and "Donkey Kong" is happy that after three years of sluggish sales for Nintendo's touchscreen-centric Wii U console, the Kyoto, Japan-based gaming giant is bouncing back, just like the famous springy plumber dreamed up 33 years ago by Miyamoto.


With the recent popularity of "Super Smash Bros." and "Mario Kart 8," as well as the successful launch of the "amiibo" interactive toy figure line, Miyamoto has a few reasons to smile.


Over a cup of coffee, Miyamoto as translated by Nintendo product marketing director Bill Trinen discussed the possibilities for "amiibo," the latest installment of "The Legend of Zelda" and the future of the "Mario" franchise.




AP: It sounds like "amiibo" has been a success since it launched with "Smash Bros." You've announced that "amiibo" will be compatible with upcoming games like "Mario Party 10" and "Yoshi's Woolly World," but how else do you see the figures being utilized in the future?


Miyamoto: We'll continue to make future games that will have functionality with the "amiibo" characters as an additional present for people who bought them. Beyond that, we're looking at how we can use the "amiibo" functionality in the future, including cards and whatnot.


AP: If you discontinue certain "amiibo" figures, will you continue to include them digitally in future games?


Miyamoto: We're not making promises for certain figures, but the way "amiibo" is designed is that certain games can have "amiibo" specifically for that game. Other games can take advantage of past "amiibo" that developers want to make their game compatible with. In the future, we have the option, if certain "amiibo" figures are no longer available in stores, to release an "amiibo" in card form with the same functionality.


AP: You recently previewed gameplay footage from next year's "Zelda" installment. What's your strategy for "Zelda" on the Wii U?


Miyamoto: One of the main things we wanted to do was go back to the open-world concept of the original "Zelda" games and design with that in mind. That's really the direction the team is going in. This time, we've brought back Link's horse, Epona, and his bow and arrow, but what we've decided is really fun is being able to freely walk around in this world and choose what you want to do and how you want to explore. I can't talk much about it, but one of the things we're working on right now is that, as you play, the world will change and be affected by what you choose to do.


AP: You're personally working on a new "Star Fox" game now. It feels like a long time since we've seen Fox piloting his Arwing. What's he up to now?


Miyamoto: I like to create gameplay mechanics more than I do stories. The story might not be too different from past "Star Fox" games, but the gameplay mechanics are going to feel very different because of the two-screen system of the Wii U with the GamePad and TV screen. It'll make for a very fun and unique way to play.


AP: There was correspondence that came out of the Sony leak that mentioned "Spider-Man" producer Avi Arad was working on a "Mario Bros." animated film. Is that true? If so, what would your role be in the film, and what do you envision a modern "Mario" film would look?


Miyamoto: I heard something about that this morning. What's interesting is that over the past 20 years, people come to us on a fairly regular basis about creating "Mario" movies. There are times that those ideas end right when they bring them to us, and other times we'll listen to presentations. It's not very unusual, and it's something we've been doing for a very long time. I don't particularly have a vision that the next iteration of "Mario" is going to be in film.


AP: Mario has been busy on the Wii U with "Super Mario 3D World" last year and now "Mario Kart 8." Is he taking the next year off? What can we expect from that franchise in the future?


Miyamoto: Since we first created Mario, people have compared him to Mickey Mouse. I've always said Mickey Mouse evolved with each evolution in animation. You saw Mickey Mouse each step of the way. From early on, I wanted Mario to be that character in the digital world, so that with each digital evolution, he was there to usher in the next era. I think that maybe when we release the next hardware system, you can look forward to seeing Mario take on a new role or in a new game.


AP: I know you're working on "Star Fox," but beyond that, will you continue to design games for the Wii U, or are you already thinking about new hardware?


Miyamoto: We're focused on providing a robust line-up of Wii U software for next year. It seems like we've managed to do that this year and people are very happy with what we've done on Wii U. For the time being, our focus is on the Wii U hardware, but Nintendo as a whole has groups working on ideas for new hardware systems. While we're busy working on software for the Wii U, we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be.



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if certain "amiibo" figures are no longer available in stores, to release an "amiibo" in card form with the same functionality.


That's good. Grab the ones you definitely want as figures, then get a bunch of card for your B-listers/ones you weren't quick/fortunate enough to get :)

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That's good. Grab the ones you definitely want as figures, then get a bunch of card for your B-listers/ones you weren't quick/fortunate enough to get :)


It's good on a functionality level, but my main reason is wanting the figures so I hope I never have to resort to this.

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If the cards are much cheaper, there are a few characters I wouldn't mind in card form. I think card form has certain advantages too, it is easier to carry a pack of cards for a start. And I'm sure most people remember sticker albums, Match Attax Album style Amiibo cards could take off nicely amongst younger collectors. And hey, why not release customisation packs - a bunch of stickers to really personalise your amiibo :D

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The amiibo saga shambles on

We're hearing multiple reports that Toys "R" Us in North America is cancelling amiibo orders left, right and centre, with representatives suggesting that Nintendo has failed to supply enough stock to cover initial pre-orders.

Cancellations include Lucario, a figure which is exclusive to the toy retailer.


There are some conflicting reports floating around at the moment, but it would appear that this being some kind of computer error has already been ruled out. If rumours are to be believed, Toys "R" Us has taken the step of cancelling pre-orders because its stock has been "delayed" by Nintendo, and the numbers supplied by the Japanese company are actually far less than expected. It is also being suggested that Wave 3 will be delayed beyond February. To add further confusion, it would appear that pre-orders went live again after cancellation emails were sent out.

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Eternal Darkness Trademark Renewal Increases Hope of Franchise Return


"Product or service research or development" is an "ongoing effort"


Some of you may have heard this before — Nintendo has renewed a trademark application for Eternity Darkness, the highly regarded GameCube title that pushed boundaries and provided a unique experience on the console. The latest renewal, the second of this particular record, has brought back optimism that Nintendo is planning to use the IP in some way.


This takes us back the a trademark established in summer 2013, with an update of 17th December this year representing a second renewal. The key difference when this particular trademark was opened in 2013 was that it included "downloadable electronic game programs” and “downloadable electronic game software" as relevant areas; what's brought some additional optimism in this latest renewal is a declaration that there's an "ongoing effort" with "product or service research or development".


That, naturally, leads to speculation that the franchise, which has been dormant since the GameCube release — with the doomed and controversial Shadow of the Eternals project being a failed and unofficial follow-up — could return in some form. The wording implies that some work on a product is taking place, with potential projects being a straight-up Virtual Console / eShop release, a HD Remaster or even a new title. Though it's fair to point out that the original — developed by Silicon Knights but published and owned by Nintendo — wasn't a commercial smash-hit, any fresh release would garner attention from long-term fans and give either of Nintendo's current systems a unique new offering. It is, of course, all speculation.


Also of interest is a renewal for Wii Vitality Sensor, the quirky accessory that was held back due to technical limitations, which has the same terms of ongoing effort; with Nintendo preparing for its first QoL product, exploring projects in the health field and — no doubt — for future gaming hardware, it's possible that the basis of the technology is still being investigated and tested.


Trademark listings can, in the end, come to nothing. We can take hope from the statement of ongoing effort, however, and this is a time of year for optimism.




So do think we'll see a sequel or a HD remaster? I'd be happy with either option. And is it a coincidence that it and the Vitality sensor are both renewed on the same day? Will they be intertwined?


I won't bore you with the technical jargon but here's the links to said patents.










It could all come to nought.

Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
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I wonder will there be muppets on Metacritic now reviewing some of these games trying to get the average down below 8.5?


I've 7/8 of the Wii U games. I don't own SM3DW, wasn't happy that they decided to make it like they did. If you read the interview I posted on the last page with Miyamoto it kind of sounds like we won't be getting another mainline Mario title on Wii U. Which would be $h1t and only makes me think the next console is coming sooner than a lot of people think.

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