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You were clearly insecure about being seen in a 'professional' environment reading about Nintendo, so it is clearly not inconceivable that some people would be embarrassed or insecure about being seen playing on a 3DS or playing a game that may be perceived as 'babyish'.


Nope, because you could just play your 3DS or Wii U in your house, as most people do. See? It's such a ridiculous argument.


And I am happy to encourage @Serebii. Whereas he comes here to talk about something he clearly loves and enjoys, you come here to bitch about a company you no longer like.


No he doesn't, most of his deal is refuting other people's posts with illogical arguments and derailing topics by comparing everything to PS4/X1. If you look around here, most people will disagree with you about Serebii's 'deal' about these parts. You couldn't be further from the truth.


Also, given you posted here to cause an argument, that is very bleeding rich from you.


Also, @Kav nailed it. You weren't bothered about Space Marines or grunts in armour - you were bothered about 'babyish' characters. You proved Serebii's point, so maybe you should stop encouraging him?


This is totally made up. Where did I say I would be fine if it was a marine?


Yes, Nintendo is worse in a professional environment because it is inherently childish in appearance. That's not to say that other games on banners wouldn't look immature or unprofessional either. A Resi style zombie/blood filled banner would also be pretty NSFW, too.

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A Resi style zombie/blood filled banner would also be pretty NSFW, too.


Wait. WAIT. NSFW = "Not suited for work" and not "not suited for women"?




Also I feel really dumb for thinking it was "not suited for women" for like...ever... :(


Good thing we never went through with that planned Senran Kagura Burst banner...


It was planned but you never went through with it?


K thx bye. Worst site ever.

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The more you go on the more it makes me laugh @Sheikah, yes, just because of the images being babyish and yes, simply because it keeps popping into my head that if someone asked what you were looking at or where the picture was from you'd be too embarrassed to say "from a Nintendo computer game". As opposed to it being, let's say, fantasy football... yes, because what simply runs through my mind is you being like "I'm a man, I like football. Thats ok."


It just makes me chuckle. If you re-read my posts I just say I find it funny and say why after you asked. I'm not saying Serebii is right that people are embarrassed to buy and play the games.


Why would I lie about it if someone asked me? If someone cared enough to ask me, I'd just tell them. Hiding the banner in an open plan office just seems like common sense to me. Why publicise what you're on to everyone? If it was football, I'd also hide it, because that doesn't exactly send off the professional image either.

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This thread is too funny. The desperate clawing of one person trying to get out of yet another hole... Complete with comedy gifs, and comedy responses, this is more entertaining than at ever poke-bollocks is about it about announced.


Old faithful, just on time. You also think there is a link between wanting to look more professional at work and not wanting to indulge in Nintendo whatsoever at home due to some weird paranoid beliefs?


Everyone else, let's not feed the troll here.

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Old faithful, just on time. You also think there is a link between wanting to look more professional at work and not wanting to indulge in Nintendo whatsoever at home due to some weird paranoid beliefs?


Everyone else, let's not feed the troll here.


Oh come on, surely you see the comedy in this whole situation? Sit back, take it in, and laugh about it. You don't have to be so defensive all the time.

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Depends where you work really and it's very situational. Not a convo for this thread though.




Oh it's just so good. Almost as good as...






And I love that gif! Thread is certainly keeping me entertained.


Jesus guys, @Sheikah might think the banner's babyish, but it doesn't have shit on the content of this fucking thread.



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Watch Dogs is excellent...That is all.


Oh and I cant find my Wii U gamepad charger...I had a clean around yesterday and now its gone walkies.




I hate how it's yet another proprietary plug of sorts. I think mine's got one of those annoying cable kinks(for want of a better word) where something doesn't work unless the wire's just right - meaning I'll need to buy a new one.

Also a problem because the WiiU gamepad's stupid functionality essentially means it's dead every time I go to have a quick browse on my WiiU. Essentially making me want to use the bloody thing less and less than I already do.


Also, you said yes to my question at the end, which fits in with what I'm saying all along. To a gamer, (a seasoned gamer - a gamer who has a lot of experience with the medium, spending season after season gaming) a console line-up looks better with Metroid than it does without.


So, not sure what you're getting at really with the whole realism thing. You must view things in binary if you consider F Zero and Metroid "realism", which is...I don't even-


Let's not bring up the seasons thing again...;)


Btw I feel compelled to mention after your earlier comments - you're so full of shit @Serebii, or just plain dumb - how you can even dare to tell someone to learn the english language after you apparently misconstrued 'serious' to mean 'realistic' in this context;

Add in a serious racer like F Zero, and suddenly the WiiU line-up looks more appealing to a seasoned gamer
I apologise. I misconstrued the use of the term serious to mean realistic.


Who the fuck has EVER considered F-Zero a realistic racer? You sure you're a seasoned gamer??


Getting real tired of your bullshit, man.

Edited by Rummy
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I hate how it's yet another proprietary plug of sorts. I think mine's got one of those annoying cable kinks(for want of a better word) where something doesn't work unless the wire's just right - meaning I'll need to buy a new one.


Man, got the exact same thing with my phone charger. Sometimes the wire has moved ever so slightly during the night and...no charge. :(


It does seem odd that the Wii U gamepad has a charger port that looks ever so much like my 3DS XL one...but isn't.

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Yeah, I understand why the 3DS and WiiU Pad is differentiated - power etc. However my PS3 pads being miniusb make it so much easier, I've still got a ton lying around from various things when it was quite standard(including plus point for WiiU pro controller) so if I'm there with my laptop and dead PS3 pad I can even just pop it in there really quickly, or stick it on a mains usb charger thingy(which I've suddenly realised I'd forgotten about/misplaced). It's a minor annoyance, and somewhat made up with the charger lead being quite long - but the gamepad being dead so often is just starting to get a bit annoying for me as I'm usually just popping on to check miiverse, or eshop, or pull up my plex on the TV via the browser.


Also to not get involved in the previous debate and purely on a theoertical level as I of course definitely don't ever do this - but I find the 'mobile phones' version of the forum fairly low-key(shades of blue) and image free, possibly perfectly suited for a working environment. Less likely to find your boss reading out 'Dannyboy-the-dane' over your shoulder too.


Think you lose your sig though. Theoretically.

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Btw I feel compelled to mention after your earlier comments - you're so full of shit @Serebii, or just plain dumb - how you can even dare to tell someone to learn the english language after you apparently misconstrued 'serious' to mean 'realistic' in this context;




Who the fuck has EVER considered F-Zero a realistic racer? You sure you're a seasoned gamer??


Getting real tired of your bullshit, man.


People have often used the term serious to describe realistic games. It was not that far a jump.


Also, yes. F-Zero is realistic. Futuristic, but realistic.


If you're tired of my posts, then join the others and ignore me. Especially as the argument was finished, an apology was given and then accepted, and you've just reignited it. You're the one being the disruptive poster here.

Edited by Serebii
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When I first had my Wii U the gamepad battery was mentioned a lot, I didn't understand as mine was fresh and lasted reasonably well. Now it's nearly a year old, it just dies too quickly. Almost considering getting a high capacity battery, but I think I'll just leave it plugged in forever


Having said that, a charging downstream USB port gives 5v, 1.5a.

The gamepad runs on 4.75v, 1.6amps.


It's as if Nintendo specifically designed it NOT to work with USB >(


7.6w required for the Gamepad

7.5w from USB.

(if my maths is correct.. which it likely isn't.)


But.. the gaps not that big... if the gamepad was cheap and readily replaceable I would be very tempted to play around with making a bespoke charger from USB. Would .25 of a volt really hurt the gamepad that much? :D

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Wait. WAIT. NSFW = "Not suited for work" and not "not suited for women"?


Also I feel really dumb for thinking it was "not suited for women" for like...ever... :(.


So NSFW isn't a new game called New Super Farting Wario? Worst news ever! :weep:

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