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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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I wonder if the content will double after you finish world 8 like in 3D Land :)


Between this, Ronnie not knowing who David Wise is and Dem0 never playing the original DKC games I think i'm ready to leave this " Nintendo " forum. :D


Don't forget Aneres11 never having played The Wind Waker !

Edited by Ronnie
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And would an orchestral soundtrack be too much to ask? ;)



I had a blast with Super Mario 3D World at the Wii U software showcase this morning. It was easy to fall in love with the game's art style, the return of one of my favorites enemies from Super Mario World, Charger Chuck, and the new cat suit which adds a whole new dynamic to the game.


We were fortunate to get a question in with the game's directors (via the super official Chad Concelmo!), and of course, I was interested in the game's audio. They were able to confirm the return of series composer Koji Kondo and recent-addition Mahito Yokota (Super Mario Galaxy) for the game's soundtrack. When asked about the possibility of live orchestral recordings (which were featured in Galaxy), we got some whispering, a wink, and a coy, "Wait for more information about that soon."


I've been waiting for the next 3D Mario experience, and although it was hectic and crazy fun with four players all going at once, I can't wait to play through it at a more leisurely pace on my own as well.



A wink was all I needed. :)

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There's a couple of things that really make me shudder about this game.


The first is seeing players playing the game using the Wii Remote turned sideways. This will mean they are using the D-pad in a 3D world. This bothers me as that control style is imprecise and if the game is set up to played with less than perfect controls then it will be dumbed down to accommodate.


The second thing that bothers me is the philosophy behind the game. Flagship Mario games on home consoles have always been about pushing the console and producing a stellar and often ground breaking single player experience. This seems to be built around the flawed premise that I'm going to be sat playing it with 3 friends in my living room. I am not.


Tailoring the follow up to Mario Galaxy 2 to local co-op, flat levels and dumbed down controls. How irritating. I mean seriously, are Nintendo living back in 1996? Also the fact it won't be online just shows they have their heads in the sand over some issues.

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I can't believe people wanted Mario Galaxy 3 over this. The alternative would have been equally reviled as Nintendo cashing in on an established Mario title. At least this offers something new in 3D multiplayer. The lack of online and d-pad multiplayer controls will definitely hurt 3D World, but nowhere near as much as Nintendo fans are currently hurting themselves.

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I'm going to say what I said before about this game. The obviously tile-based levels with sharp 90-degree edges, together with the locked top-down camera makes me think of Sonic 3D Blast. I was REALLY hoping for a 3D Mario more in the lines of Mario 64/Sunshine.

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Full camera controls within the constraints of the environment.


It's also ridiculous to dismiss this based on the very limited selection of environments seen. The developer direct outlined that this was to be a culmination of every 3D Mario so far, so maybe we'll also see topsy-turvy space levels. As brilliant as they were, lots of people I know REFUSE to try and play Galaxy based upon how disorienting it all seems.


I remember when Sunshine came out. All anyone wanted was a 3D Mario full of the platforming sequences in the sub-space stages. How times change.

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I remember when Sunshine came out. All anyone wanted was a 3D Mario full of the platforming sequences in the sub-space stages. How times change.


I find it hilarious, personally. When Wind Waker came out, everyone was saying they'd rather it was another Ocarina or Majora. When Sunshine came out, everyone wanted another SM64 instead.


Now, everyone wants Sunshine and Wind Waker. :p


Personally, I think it looks great. What do they have to do to satisfy the hardcore? Simple. Zoom the camera in right behind Mario, like a Mario 64 POV, and everyone is happy.

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I find it hilarious, personally. When Wind Waker came out, everyone was saying they'd rather it was another Ocarina or Majora. When Sunshine came out, everyone wanted another SM64 instead.


Now, everyone wants Sunshine and Wind Waker. :p


Personally, I think it looks great. What do they have to do to satisfy the hardcore? Simple. Zoom the camera in right behind Mario, like a Mario 64 POV, and everyone is happy.




This image has never been more accurate.


I'm all for a 4 player 3D Mario. Everyone has been asking for Mario/Luigi co-op for years and when they finally get it, it isn't enough because Mario isn't running upside down in space.


If people are gonna complain, they should make legitimate complaints. D-pad in a 3D world? Oh dear. Lack of online? Oh dear. BLUE SPOTS ON TOAD? OH DEAR. I'd even go so far as to say the main environment we keep seeing, WORLD 1-1 most likely, is a little stale.


You're all going to buy this anyway, so why not give it a chance?

Edited by Guy
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This image has never been more accurate.


I'm all for a 4 player 3D Mario. Everyone has been asking for Mario/Luigi co-op for years and when they finally get it, it isn't enough because Mario isn't running upside down in space.


If people are gonna complain, they should make legitimate complaints. D-pad in a 3D world? Oh dear. Lack of online? Oh dear. BLUE SPOTS ON TOAD? OH DEAR.


I love that image.


I can understand the criticism to some extent, because Galaxy was outstanding. It's a tough act to follow. But, not every game can be a Galaxy. The more I see of this, the more I warm to it and I'm sure others will, too. Ultimately, if the gameplay is great and people have a blast playing it, then surely Nintendo have got this one correct.

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I'm sure Nintendo will re-release Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 in HD over the next few years.


As for this, it's good they're at least trying to combine the best parts of New Super Mario Bros and the 3D Mario games into something new that lots of people can enjoy playing. Whether it'll pay off is another matter, but I'm happy for them to try. It won't be worse than Sunshine at least.

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No i dont want 4 player co op. Yes it is a valid crtiicsm.


None of my mates in real life give a shit about nintendo games. So again. As always a multiplayer game without online is just a waste for me.


Its a shame as the multiplayer does look fun. Heres hoping the single player is just as good as previous home console marios!

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The morning after the night before...I am really excited about this! Initial reservations about 'hang on, is this a continuation of the 3DS game?' Has given way to 'HANG ON, IS THIS A CONTINUATION OF THE 3DS GAME?!' Which is an absolute stonker in my books. Worlds look lush, gameplay looks like an absolute riot, and it's from the same team behind Super Mario 3DLand AND the Galaxy series. Not some Tom, Dick and Harry developer, but the creators our our last few Mario games which have been amazing! and it's out for Xmas.


Christ, if there is a price cut on the console parents will lap this up at Christmas for their kids. "hey, didn't we buy that for little Timmy on his 3DS?" "yeah, and he loved it so much, he would be over the moon with this for Christmas!..and WHAT? A new DKC aswell?! I loved that as a child and would be over the moon with this for Christmas, this is THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER."...is how the conversation might go :D Very much looking forward to this :)

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It's a sad state of affairs when a 3D Sonic game looks better than a 3D Mario game.


And maybe therin is another factor that actually lead to this new direction for Mario...


think about it this sega and nintendo partnership will have been in the works for a long time, as will sonic lost world.


what if nintendo and sega wanted to have different looking games to differentiate between the two, Sega needed the boost for sonic, nintendo had already had the critically acclaimed and much loved 3D land, so went with that style



and funnily enough that /v/ image is again apt, they choose to use the new style of 3D mario that everyone loved and *BAM* fans crave the previous style once again



if they were doing mario galaxy 3 it would destroy sonic lost world, and then you can kiss another 3rd party good by because nintendo went up against them with a similar game


yes different releases but not too far apart, and close enough people might wait


i do wonder why this seems so hated from showing off what looked like 1 level, especially when its done in the 3D style that this time last year everyone was orgasming over

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i do wonder why this seems so hated from showing off what looked like 1 level, especially when its done in the 3D style that this time last year everyone was orgasming over


Yep it is a great 3D style....for the 3DS game. It honestly looks like an upscaled 3DS game but is going to be released for the Wii U.


Its not what I was expecting nor wanted. I imagine thats why people are disappointed.


The game is screaming to be released on te 3DS if it was then id be hyped!


Dont worry though nintendo fans!! I am going to buy it. It does look fun and I really enjoy the 3DS prequel.

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There's no denying I'd rather play this game on the 3DS, it certainly looks closer to something that would suit a handheld than a console.


Another thing is... I hope the single player game will at least be fun without more players. If it's similar to Mario 3D Land then I suppose it will be... but the New Super Mario Bros games work really well in single player, but they're kind of irritating in multiplayer. I guess that's due to the 2D viewpoint and everyone colliding. That should hopefully be alleviated with 3D.

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Yep it is a great 3D style....for the 3DS game. It honestly looks like an upscaled 3DS game but is going to be released for the Wii U.


Its not what I was expecting nor wanted. I imagine thats why people are disappointed.


The game is screaming to be released on te 3DS if it was then id be hyped!


Dont worry though nintendo fans!! I am going to buy it. It does look fun and I really enjoy the 3DS prequel.

It really doesn't. The textures, models etc. are far beyond a 3DS game.


It's only "upscaled" in the essence that they use the same base art style.

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yeah thats where i am with it, its the same style like Phantom hourglass and spirit tracks were to Wind waker, they certainly weren't down ports to DS from GC, same style new everything else, well in my opinion anyway



i can't wait to see more levels, i'd bet money there is a very galaxy like level or world

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