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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


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Moar Donkey Kong Country is always good news :) I know we all wanted Metroid or Starfox or... something else but can't we just be happy for now? ::shrug:


No not really. Im feeling disappointed. It may be due to all the hype though. Maybe i will think that this is absolutely amazing announcement in a few days or maybe not.

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To me it looks like something that could have been done on Wii.


And tbh I don't want another Donkey Kong so soon, when there are so many other Nintendo franchises.


But the worst is that this is what Retro have been working on all this time.


Retro are gone.

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I haven't seen this yet (at work) but all I can say is DKCR is probably one of the greatest platform games I have ever played.


So anything that builds on that or even provides more of it is welcome for me.


I think it's unfair to say it's a waste of their talent when for me DKCR showcases exactly how a platformer should be made. Notihng comes close to it in the last 10+ years in my opinion so bring this on.

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@Aneres11 when you have the talent of Retro Studios... to not put them on a system seller/Wii U showcase/new IP feels like a clear waste.


Who knows, maybe the talent within Retro Studios is gone now?... with 343 and the like?


Nintendo have made Retro feel like Rare under Microsoft.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Nice to see that swimming/underwater levels are back.


The end of the year is looking like a good time for platform fans with this, Rayman and Mario!


Not too sure on the title - makes it sound like the game will only contain Jungle and Snow themed stages?

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@Aneres11 when you have the talent of Retro Studios... to not put them on a system seller/Wii U showcase/new IP feels like a clear waste.


Who knows, maybe the talent within Retro Studios is gone now?... with 343 and the like?


Nintendo have made Retro feel like Rare under Microsoft.


Yeah but that's exactly what I'm saying. That talent you speak of created that game that was a clear show case of their talent... ::shrug:


I would personally love to play another game in this series if it is anywhere near as good as the first which I have every hope it will be.


I think new IP's are all well and good every once in a while, but I also like it when they utilise existing franchsies and DK is a very good one to choose IMO.

I get it if people are disappointed though.

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While it's nice to get a new DKCR it's clearly a waste of the talent within Retro Studios. Can't believe we waited so long, thought God, it must be epic so if they couldn't show it at last years E3, getting it just right to unveil their major project and then.....deflation. No wonder there was news of their creative talent leaving. It's like they're being shackled, I just hope Nintendo don't turn them into modern day Rare.

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Moar Donkey Kong Country is always good news :) I know we all wanted Metroid or Starfox or... something else but can't we just be happy for now? ::shrug:







I'm just bitter at the moment, I'm sure DK will be good fun, and I'll end up enjoying it, But I just thought / hoped / wanted it to be something else. A different existing IP we haven't seen for a while, or something new altogether.


Would appear we all did really.

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Same as everyone. I LOVED Donkey Kong Country Returns, and this looks fanatstic, the graphics and art do look amazing. But... it's not that old; it's literally just been released on the 3DS, do we really want to play another one this soon? It's how I feel about 3d world, yeah it'll be amazing, but so soon after 3d land feels a bit much. Mario Universe and Metroid prime 4 would have been playing it safe; this is on another level!!

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Well, it's been a few years since DKCR. And to be exact, Rare's DKC Trilogy was made yearly (94,95,96), they looked exactly the same, and offered the best platforming ever. No one complained.


I think people are too harsh on Retro, who knows they might still pour their soul into this game, just as much as before.

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Well, it's been a few years since DKCR. And to be exact, Rare's DKC Trilogy was made yearly (94,95,96), they looked exactly the same, and offered the best platforming ever. No one complained.


I think people are too harsh on Retro, who knows they might still pour their soul into this game, just as much as before.


They aren't rare (who made lots ogames). And also, they were all on the SNES; if this game was on the wii a year after DKCR I would have loved it. But it's the FIRST game from Retro on a new HD console. It's not wrong for us to expect more than a "yearly cycle" sequel

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A sequel to one of the best Wii games?




But more importantly....DKC. And more importantly still....






So fucking happy.




Also'; worst thing about DKCR - the TERRIBLE enemy design - this has FUCKING WICKED COOL enemy designs!

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