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Just got back from seeing F&F6, and thought it was nuts. Totally fun. Absolutely ridiculous, obviously. It contained every action movie cliche ever but it was just brilliant. Didn't think it would be as good as Fast Five, but it was somehow better.


The action scenes were all brilliant, it was just a jizz fest.


And I am really glad I avoided the spoilers for the reveal of the new bad guy because (and I was hoping that it wasn't something that linked back because I can barely remember anything from before the last one) and it is just a great actor or actress reveal but DAYMN. yes.


F&F7? Sign me up.

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Theres just something about the Fast and the Furious movies that makes me throw any usual complaints about stupid dumb movies right out the window, I love all of them (apart from 2).


I thought 6 was really good as well (Goafer wasnt too impressed with it). Some great, crazy FF moments along with the usual character stuff which I think is probably one of the things that helps these movies stay watchable.


It was nice to finally have the series catch up to Tokyo Drift, although I will miss Han. I had seen the spoilers a couple of months ago so I knew what was going to happen with Statham but it was still cool to see.



At the moment for the FF movies I would say my favourite to least favourite would be:


3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2

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I'm not 100% sure I've seen Tokyo Drift.


I loved Han too....kinda gutted. I guess the good side of losing two people is there are less characters to concentrate on for the next one.


Also, I guess its safe to assume Statham is playing Shaw's brother? (or similar).

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I'm not 100% sure I've seen Tokyo Drift.


I loved Han too....kinda gutted. I guess the good side of losing two people is there are less characters to concentrate on for the next one.


Also, I guess its safe to assume Statham is playing Shaw's brother? (or similar).


Yeah he is playing Shaw's brother. I was surprised they didnt make it more clear in the movie, the spoilers made it seem like it was more obvious. But then again they also said that he threw in Shaw's dogtags and not Letty's cross.



You absolutely need to watch Tokyo Drift then if theres a chance you havent seen it. I think its just the most ridiculous of the lot. Some of my love of it though may come from the recurring joke Goafer and I had, laughing at the movie everytime they made a comment about the main character being underage or "was going to be tried as an adult" when he looked about 30 years old.

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The most ridiculous thing about Tokyo Drift is that an apparently poor kid got a taxi from Narita airport to Shibuya, which is 50 miles away.


I only watched about fifteen minutes, but it can't have gotten any more ridiculous than that, right?

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Bought the first 5 movie Blu-Ray box set after seeing it in HMV a while back, at the time i had only seen 1 and 2, the other 3 were way better though, thought Tokyo Drift could have been better. Probably won't go and see 6 in the cinema but I probably will buy it once it comes out.


also regarding Tokyo Drift I thought this was kinda funny :D


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Any of you seen Torque? Its one I never bothered with as I just assumed it was a pointless rip off from the first FF movie but the Giant Bomb guys (who love all the FF movies as well) talk about it occasionally and go on about how its just as nuts as the FF movies, maybe moreso.

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Toyko Drift sucked so much balls it was unreal. But the whole drifting concept was impressive, especially in the tight spaces.


I've only seen the first and didn't think it was bad. But haven't touched the series since (I don't consider Tokyo Drift part of it since it blows too much)

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Just seen it Fast 6.


Excellent, fast paced, high octane action flick. The stunts and car chases are amazing. A lot of bang for your buck with this one. A couple of shocks and twists aswell.


Nice scene during the credits so be sure to see it.

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Shall be seeing FF6 next Week and cannot wait for it.


I love the series. The first one is just soo quotable... Specifically Ja Rule...


"It ain't how you stand by your car, it's how you race your car"


"SHIT He's got enough nos in there to blow himself up period!"



And Johnny Tran is equally awesome...


"TORRETO.... SWAT came into my house.... disrespected my whole family because somebody narc'd me out... it was you!"




come to think of it 2 fast is very quotable too purely due to Roman "romey romes" Pierce.




love it.

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Saw Fast and Furious 6 last night.


Holy Shit, I didn't expect it to top Fast5, but boy did it. I was smiling the whole way through the film...


The Intro, reminder to what had happened previously in the series. Was good that they referenced Tego & Rico and their gambling in Monaco.


Was awesome to see Braga back, and really glad they explained how Letty survived the 'shooting and car crash' that she suffered, Loved the cut back to the funeral when Braga was talking explaining how the events really went down with Letty.


I also love that they've managed to make Tokyo Drift relevant to the series, I always loved Tokyo Drift, but felt it was completely different cannon, the end of it with Dom racing Alabama Boy / Drift King and saying he knew Han... I always wondered how they would rectify that... and then with the revitalization of the series with "Fast and Furious" seeing Han working with Dom.


Just wouldn't ever of expected they could make these 6 somewhat random films link, but they have.


anyway, back to Fast6, when Gisele mentions Tokyo to Han, you just know they're going to kill her off. And when they did... wow. Felt gutted for Han (Clearly the best character in the franchise)


This film was also hilarious, Roman and Tej bro love... it's just brilliant. Roman is so funny in this film, his little digs at everyone, then his reaction to people saying he has a big forehead.


And The little Marvel references, Samoan Thor... "Hey Captain America!".... "Oh we're working with the Hulk Now??" YES brilliant.


The end credits scene... mind blown, so so happy it's going full circle. I just hope Sean Boswell features in Fast7, he's got to as he's racing Dom at the end of Tokyo Drift, I'm assuming Dom's there to recruit to bring down Statham/Shores brother.





This series... <3 I love it.

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Theres just something about the Fast and the Furious movies that makes me throw any usual complaints about stupid dumb movies right out the window, I love all of them (apart from 2).


I thought 6 was really good as well (Goafer wasnt too impressed with it). Some great, crazy FF moments along with the usual character stuff which I think is probably one of the things that helps these movies stay watchable.


It was nice to finally have the series catch up to Tokyo Drift, although I will miss Han. I had seen the spoilers a couple of months ago so I knew what was going to happen with Statham but it was still cool to see.



At the moment for the FF movies I would say my favourite to least favourite would be:


3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2


OMG - someone else who thinks the third one is the best. I love the third one!!

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I'm very late to the party and only saw this last night but i absolutely loved it!


I loved the intro catch up at the start mainly because it allowed my girlfriend to catch up since on the way in she was saying she was confused on how they all fit together etc, so it was certainly nice to do, especially since this move was the one thats finally tied the franchise back together and brought tokyo back in from the cold


I'm glad they did a full flashback of Letties "death" since she had no scar to show a head shot, i was wondering how she'd survived, i did have to laugh at the unrealistic way she was blasted down the hill, from in front of the car on the road, to flying perfectly horizontally away and down a hill which was about 30 feet from the car in the previous shot


I was sad to see Giselle go, i had hoped they'd just part ways and she'd be back to avenge Han, but i knew she'd get killed off, and it was quite sad and heart felt for an action movie. I'm actually glad her death was acknowledged by the cast after Toretto survived, quite often in movies people die and the reaction is unrealistic, in this everyone was so happy Dom had survived until they saw Han and knew Giselle was gone


The End credits movie series tie in was great, but all the way through it (the same in tokyo drift) i sat there hoping that Han survived some how, hell i'd love it if they unrealistically shoe horned him in like Lettie since he's the second best character in the entire series


Gonna miss Han, he's been in 5 films now so he's a huge part of the franchise, think i had a bromance for that guy


can't wait for 7



This has to be one of those franchises where my usual movie snobbery goes out of the window, and no amount of cliched cheesy bits puts me off the films (well except for Tokyo drift but that was down to the guy who plaid Shaun's terrible acting)

Its like the individual elements although bad, add up to something far far greater than its individual parts

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