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Melted Cheese on Toast


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Ok so does anyone else love this as much as me ?


Ive always liked it but recently ive been living off it. It's now my speciality and all i cook.


I like to use 2 slices of Hovis Thick bread, toast for a bit and then it has to be totally covered in cheese, not one bit of bread showing...then i chuck in a bit of Worcester Sauce and wait for the bubbling! Once out of the grill i cut diagonally across so i end up with 4 lovely triangles of food. I also recommend eating alongside a glass of Milk.


I love it.


Im actually eating some right now why i type this. I guess too much cheese isnt good for you tho huh ?

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I love cheese on toast especially with ham. Also Vegemite and cheese on toast works well.


My current favourite snack is to toast two pieces of bread and thickly spread peanut butter on one and chocolate spread (I use Nutella) on the other, then stick them together and enjoy.

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Saying melted cheese on toast is very nice is like saying the holocaust was a bit over the top. It's so great, it doesn't really need mentioning, but it has, so I'll talk some more.


Used to love it with kilos of the stuff on, but it's nice with just a little anyway. Also liked it with ham. Never had it with Worcester sauce though; is that any good?


Haven't had it in years, now I you made me have a massive hankering for it. death to thee.

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Never had it with Worcester sauce though; is that any good?


Yes it is. I can't eat melted cheese on toast without it. Gives the meal that extra kick of tastey goodness.


I qoute the advet:


Don't forget the Lea & Perrins.
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I love it, Hovis thick, slightly toast. Then put a pile of cheese in the middle and cook it in the microwave until the pile has spread out, it's bubbling and you can smell it throughout the house. Have that with a pint glass of milk and I'm in heaven. ^.^

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I have cheese toasties if anything, I don't like too much cheese in it though. I used to love melted cheese on crackers.



Cheese toasties are the best, i used to have them loads intill my toastie machine brook (it lost the anti stick thing so my mum got rid of it) :(


Edit: reminded from retro lover...cheese toasties arn't the best, ham and cheese toasties are...mmmmm....

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No, cause vegetarians eat cheese. Vegans are the ones who don't.


But cows are killed to make cheese; the cheese is clotted using an enzyme called rennet which is found in cows' stomachs. Unless the cheese is vegetarian, in which case a different clotting enzyme is used.

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But cows are killed to make cheese; the cheese is clotted using an enzyme called rennet which is found in cows' stomachs. Unless the cheese is vegetarian, in which case a different clotting enzyme is used.


"Cows are killed to make cheese"?!!! :indeed: Heh, don't know what cheese you've been buying mate, but the cows I know (some of them intimately) most certainly survive being milked.


As a veggie myself I can tell you that in my local supermarket only one type out of the thirty types of cheese they stock uses animal rennet - it's *far* more common that a different ingredient is used.


Back in the the real world, for me melted cheese + marmite toasted on thick freshly cut proper white bread (not the pre-sliced plastic bagged stuff, folks) = the uberest munch ever. In fact, I have a craving for some right now..

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