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When did you first learn about...


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Sex. (I didn't put it into the title as it's a family forumz)


Taught a lesson on stained glass windows the other day, including a window that featured the Virgin Mary. Got the inevitable question, "what's a virgin?" Cue half of the class sniggering and the other half being confused. :shakehead


I remember being a kid, around 10 years old and being allowed to watch the Terminator for some reason. Didn't think my Dad had any idea what it was about, and it was on telly so he just assumed it was fine for me to watch. The sex0r scene between Kyle and Sarah made me confused. They're just kissing, right? RIGHT?! Why are they naked?


I also remember looking up naughty words in the dictionary and having no idea what a vagina was. Or where it was. Mind was blown when I found out.


Edit: I made a mistake in the title. Please fix, please. For great justice.

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I was 9 or 10 and I had to give my parents a permission letter to watch a sex-education video in school. Loads of parents refused to sign the letter but my parents didn't. So it was me out of 15 students in our whole year who saw the video. Weirdly enough though, it didn't freak me out. I had a few questions like "Why do girls have to wait nine months?" and stuff but other than that, I was okay with it. I remember saying to my teacher: "I didn't know women have hair down there as well!", the kids laughed and so did the teacher.

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A street friend told me about it when we were extremely young. I think he also showed me some pictures from a magazine his parents owned? I remember debating with another young friend about the concept of ejaculation and whether or not you had to wee into the girl at the right time to get the semen out.


I also have a similar sex story concerning The Terminator. No, it doesn't involve time travel.


My parents used to always switch movies or shows over whenever there was a sex scene. They were insanely good at detecting impending sexual encounters and one of them, I have no idea how they decided who, would instantly leap from the couch, grab the remote and CHANGE THAT FUCKING CHANNEL.


My parents weren't especially reserved about discussing sex, they answered any questions I had very fully as a child, but I'll always remember how confused I'd feel every time they'd randomly change the channel. I eventually figured it out of course, but seeing Terminator for the first time with the sex scene was like... what? When did this happen?


Unfortunately they didn't apply the same protective measures to horror movies and proceeded to show me plenty of films I probably shouldn't have watched as a young lad. Poltergeist ruined me for months.

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My parents used to always switch movies or shows over whenever there was a sex scene. They were insanely good at detecting impending sexual encounters and one of them, I have no idea how they decided who, would instantly leap from the couch, grab the remote and CHANGE THAT FUCKING CHANNEL.


My dad always did this. For quite a few years (maybe up until age 11/12). However, as you can tell from my previous post, I knew exactly what was happening, and all it served was to turn sex into some dirty little secret, making the concept very appealing to a young me, and making me a little bit obsessed with the idea.

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My dad always did this. For quite a few years (maybe up until age 11/12). However, as you can tell from my previous post, I knew exactly what was happening, and all it served was to turn sex into some dirty little secret, making the concept very appealing to a young me, and making me a little bit obsessed with the idea.


I grew up associating sex with the channel changing so much that I can't conduct my business these days without a YouTube reel of old commercials playing loudly in the background.

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My parents used to always switch movies or shows over whenever there was a sex scene. They were insanely good at detecting impending sexual encounters and one of them, I have no idea how they decided who, would instantly leap from the couch, grab the remote and CHANGE THAT FUCKING CHANNEL.



My Mum was terrible for this. She even went further and used to turn it over even if it was kissing. Anything more than a peck would mean the channel would get turned over and then the classic phrase, "Ohhh, they always have to ruin it, don't it?"

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I knew what a vagina was when I was really young, but I thought it was just where girls pee out of.


I had no idea what was there. I thought it was just like a barbie doll and it was just all skin. When I thought about where women peed from, I went with the idea that as they sit down on the toilet that they must pee through their arse.

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I know I had a vague idea of lust, and that something weird happened between men and women. I also thought "sex" was a thing only women did. I guess I didn't really think (or wanted to think) about the specifics until 5th grade, when a friend just gave me the blunt "sticking a penis in a vagina" explanation.

(My father suddenly told me and my sister a virginity/sex joke around that time, now that I think about it. I think he was just trying to mess with our heads, but I had seriously started to think about the subject already)


Before that, there was my parents saying the man puts seeds in the woman's belly, but changed the subject whenever I asked how, or where the seed comes from.

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I was somewhere between age ten and twelve and flipping through a book called something along the lines of Old Ladies Don't Lay Eggs in the school's library. I eventually turned to a page with a naked cartoon man and a naked cartoon woman and an arrow pointing from the penis to the vagina with the words 'this goes here'. The concept seemed so bizarre to me that I decided the whole book must be an elaborate joke.


And that was the last time I ever thought about sex.

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Can't remember if I was 8 or 10, I just know my friend told me about it and I just thought "Really?" I knew where babies came from, I just didn't know how they got there in the first place. Didn't really freak me out or anything, I just thought it was a bit surprising.

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When The Bard crashed at my house :shakehead


I remember the first time I saw porn was around the age of 13-15 (memory isn't my strong suit), so around then I guess.


I distinctly remember waking up in the middle of the night, pretty much naked with my arm half around Ashley's quivering body, thinking "this is really weird," and trying to remember when and how I got into bed.


If someone had lit a match in that room, there would have been a moderate to large sized explosion.

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I distinctly remember waking up in the middle of the night, pretty much naked with my arm half around Ashley's quivering body, thinking "this is really weird," and trying to remember when and how I got into bed.


True story.


Weird night.

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Y'know, I don't actually remember wondering about it much when I was young and I'm not sure if there was ever any specific point I lost my innocence. I think I sort of collected the knowledge from documentaries on TV and it all built up. Also high school had decent sex ed, and then internet happened.

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I think I'm too old to remember when this happened.. *sigh* or at least.. i dont remember really being taught anything besides picking up on stuff from others.. whenever my school did it's sex education, i already knew about the birds and the bees anyway.

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I was 3 and at home one lunchtime watching the Open University on BBC 2. They had an episode which was just these backlit white line drawings against a black background of a beach.


I'm still turned on by backlit drawings even today...



I still don't really know what a vagina is.


Sometimes they have teeth. You're well out of it, to be honest.




I had no idea what was there. I thought it was just like a barbie doll and it was just all skin. When I thought about where women peed from, I went with the idea that as they sit down on the toilet that they must pee through their arse.


A friend of mine was a bit freaky - he would eat toast without butter, milk with sugar and cornflakes without milk... He used to stuff Barbies down his pants then take them out and cover them with talcum powder.




When The Bard crashed at my house :shakehead


I remember the first time I saw porn was around the age of 13-15 (memory isn't my strong suit), so around then I guess.


I found my Dad's stash at 12, some friends and I were playing Warhammer 40,000 for the weekend, so I took them over with me.



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I was at my friends house and he recently got a 'chipped' ps1 off his dad with like 50 or so games (of which I'm assuming were from a dubious source). For weeks we got through this huge pile of games and they were all perfectly fine (especially Tom and Jerry, what a title) until we came across this one which was just blank on the front.


We put it in, curious as to what it may be, and a menu popped up with naked ladies on it. We clicked on the one lady and a video started to play. We had no idea what was going on, we just knew that the lady was really enjoying something WHILST NAKED and that the guy had the biggest penis we'd ever seen.


I went home swiftly after and held my N64, shivering in a corner.

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