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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Ah yes, I see it's that time when we're experiencing the Zelda-cycle in full force again :D


Also, this was some of the worst animation I had ever seen in a Zelda game and I couldn't believe what was happening.



What otherwise usually is a great moment in a Zelda game, learning a new tune on your instrument or what have you, was a complete let down in this game for me.


Unmemorable tunes and uninspired animation...

Seriously, SERIOUSLY!


I forgot just how bad those section looked.


I always loved the music sections from Spirit Tracks.


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The music scenes in Spirit Tracks were excellent, particularly that one. Probably my second favourite after OOT. MM, WW, TP and especially SS nowhere near as good.


This one is really nice too, love the timing



Great game. Find it amazing that some people somehow prefer Phantom Hourglass to this.

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Ah yes, I see it's that time when we're experiencing the Zelda-cycle in full force again :D


Also, this was some of the worst animation I had ever seen in a Zelda game and I couldn't believe what was happening.



What otherwise usually is a great moment in a Zelda game, learning a new tune on your instrument or what have you, was a complete let down in this game for me.


Unmemorable tunes and uninspired animation...

Seriously, SERIOUSLY!

Just look at that Din's Power performance (1:10) and tell me what you feel inside...


A brilliant example of why the game is so bad. It just typifies the low standards throughout the game. Not only is the music uninspired, the animation awful but do people remember "playing" the harp as well? It was definitely the worst instrument to play in any Zelda game, all it was was waggle left and waggle right. No skill whatsoever was needed.

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The music scenes in Spirit Tracks were excellent, particularly that one. Probably my second favourite after OOT. MM, WW, TP and especially SS nowhere near as good.


This one is really nice too, love the timing



Great game. Find it amazing that some people somehow prefer Phantom Hourglass to this.


It'll be people trying to 100% it without a guide that feel that way. Just try 100% all secrets without a guide. The backwards/forwards on the train trying to figure them out will bore you/drive you insane. I'm guessing it's a hassle even when you know what to do due to repition, but not knowing causes the repition to go to insane lengths trying to finish them (unless you got lucky). I forget much of the game, but I believe THIS was my issue with it. I did enjoy the game, though.

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It'll be people trying to 100% it without a guide that feel that way..


I never had any intention of going for 100% in Spirit Tracks and I still much prefer Phantom Hourglass :heh:


It's been a while now since I played either but I remember finding the dungeons in Spirit Tracks a bit slow and something of a chore, largely down to having to deal with controlling the knight :hmm:

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I loved Spirit Tracks. For me it was a much better game than Phantom Hourglass. I absolutely adore the overworld music in it.


Broadcast Yourself


I'm the other way around, I never actually finished Spirit Tracks. Might give it another go later in the year. I was so close to the end too, but just stopped playing, and when I went back a year ago I had no idea what was happening....

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I have to say that I am not a fan of the DS Zelda games at all.


I'm a fan, but they're both a victim of annoying core elements that are maybe fun at first but then become a chore. Nintendo hit it right with LBW. God that was fun. Minish Cap was awesome. Portable ones can be really good. Still need to play and finish Zelda 1/SS. I think I'd like the next portable Zelda to be the third game in a trilogy of OOT/MM/???, using the graphics engine from MM, with a bit of the free roam of Wii U Zelda. Plus the hidden mini dungeon feature of LBW. Plus the complex side quest system of MM.


A remake of the Oracle games with LBW engine, with it made back into the 3 games it was originally meant to be. Obviously expanded in certain areas. E-shop exclusive maybe, with crossbuy for 3DS and Wii U. You can buy separately, or buy all 3 with a discount.

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Onwards to the DS Zeldas now, I see.

Yes, all according to keikaku, very nice, very nice.


They were a strange bunch o' Zelda games, but valuable additions to the series.

Phantom Hourglass introduced us to the amazing Linebeck and Spirit Tracks poured even more character into the Zelda world by giving us a dead princess Zelda full of charm and sass, and an angsty Wolverine who turns sides.

To me, Spirit Tracks improved on Phantom Hourglass's story and world building and had much more character going on.

The villain, Chancellor Cole, really gave me a Majora's Mask vibe as well. Really fucked up dude.


I do, however, prefer a boat to a train, even though Phantom Hourglass's seas were no WindWaker's.


I really hope we'll get to see the cell-shaded style someday again, because it really lends itself perfectly to conveying emotions and quirk. And I loooove me some quirk:


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Spirit Tracks felt like a much more epic Zelda game in my opinion. The final few hours especially were as grand as any console entry. Loved it. Also I really enjoyed the spirit flute gameplay, and it was nice to have a central dungeon that you didn't have to repeat over and over (seriously, wtf were Nintendo thinking with the Temple of the Ocean King!). The final few floors of the Spirit Tower were genuinely challenging.

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Anyone think there might be a Zelda trailer during the Nintendo Direct?


Nintendo have said it won't be at E3, which as far as they're concerned might just mean playable/on the show floor, as I think that's what at this stage people would have been expecting to get, so they came out and said it wouldn't be there.


Also, the Direct can be watched anytime, it's just time slotted during E3.


It does seem strange that they'd put out a trailer last E3, show live gameplay... the next logical step is a playable demo, so then not to at least be able to give us another trailer?... I dunno, I think there might be something in the Direct?

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Anyone think there might be a Zelda trailer during the Nintendo Direct?


Nintendo have said it won't be at E3, which as far as they're concerned might just mean playable/on the show floor, as I think that's what at this stage people would have been expecting to get, so they came out and said it wouldn't be there.


Also, the Direct can be watched anytime, it's just time slotted during E3.


It does seem strange that they'd put out a trailer last E3, show live gameplay... the next logical step is a playable demo, so then not to at least be able to give us another trailer?... I dunno, I think there might be something in the Direct?


I believe that Zelda will shift to NX where it can have a real impact, and for that reason I'll say we'll hear nothing of it. Geoff Kieley will ask Reggie but be given the brush off, that's as close as we're going to get to any further Zelda Wii U news.

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I don't understand this "it'll shift to NX" thing. We have no idea what NX is, Iwata himself has said it's a brand new concept that shouldn't be seen as a replacement for either the 3DS or the Wii U. They've delayed Zelda because funnily enough making a big polished openworld game takes time.


No to a trailer at E3, a few details might slip out during interviews but nothing more, can't see them wanting to take the focus away from their upcoming games.

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No to a trailer at E3, a few details might slip out during interviews but nothing more, can't see them wanting to take the focus away from their upcoming games.
What do you mean by that, because it is an upcoming game. Xenoblade is out, Splatoon will be out... Woolly World, Mario Maker and StarFox will make for one boring Direct.

That's like saying they won't announce show what Retro have been working on because it will take the focus away from their upcoming games.

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I actually subscribe to the theory of it being released on NX. In fact, I hope it is.


Wii having Twilight Princess as a launch game was a master stroke, and it similar to current situation as well. Do they give a failing console one last hurrah (see GameCube/U) or launch a new one with a reason to own that games system (Wii/NX)


I'm not saying that will happen, but if you launched a console with a huge Zelda geared to the hardcore market, and then a more casual game like Wii Sports, I reckon it's a winner!


Still, I would like to see Zelda in some form at this e3, not playable fair enough, but show us a taster of why this Zelda is going to be an absolute epic :)

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What do you mean by that, because it is an upcoming game. Xenoblade is out, Splatoon will be out... Woolly World, Mario Maker and StarFox will make for one boring Direct.

That's like saying they won't announce show what Retro have been working on because it will take the focus away from their upcoming games.


I meant games that are out a bit sooner than December 2016. I'm sure there's plenty more games in the pipeline before Zelda hits in a year and a half.

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How can a game go from coming out this year to absolutely nothing, not even a peep at E3? I don't expect them to show it but wouldn't be surprised to see it in some form.


As mentioned before I think Zelda will be a swansong for the Wii U but it'll also be a launch title for the NX as well. It has to come to Wii U, it would cause a maelstrom of bad publicity for Nintendo and wouldn't put them in a very trustworthy light if it doesn't.

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I wish Nintendo had never mentioned the NX.


At this point, with the console struggling to gain any sort of positive momentum, there would be a portion of Nintendo fans who would assume Zelda was delayed for the next console. It doesn't matter if Nintendo teased a codename or not, the same debate would be happening.


Zelda U is going to be pretty expensive to develop, Nintendo need to recoup that investment and profit from it. Where will it be more successful, as a launch title for NX or at the back end of Wii U? Sales differences between Twilight Princess and Skyward Bored should give a clear indication.


Blah, blah, yeah, Nintendo will want to keep current Wii U owners occupied but, aside from Xenoblade, we're not seeing big investment on Wii U by Nintendo, everything they're presenting us with (so far) is, I guess, relatively cheap to develop. They're not going to throw in a massively expensive game like Zelda to keep us "satisfied".

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