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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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On the assumption that this isn't a (rubbish) April Fool...


Look, I respect Aonuma and don't really care if the game is delayed, but let's not kid ourselves - this is its "Twilight Princess" moment. The idea that the scope of the game has surprised them is ridiculous. It was as obvious as could be that it was a huge game and going to takes ages to develop... which made the promise of a 2015 release hard to understand in the first place.


It's highly unlikely they're going to put all this effort into a huge Zelda game like this and not have a version that'll run on their next piece of hardware - the NX. Let's just hope that - unlike the Wii compared to the GameCube - the NX actually has as many buttons and as much controller capability as the Wii U gamepad (minus the actual controller screen - I can do without that).

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The game looked so rough in the Game Awards footage that this really is no surprise. I was dreading it a little that they were rushing out some huge empty half-arsed game, so the idea that they're working on it properly is a bit of a relief.

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After the December gameplay trailer Dcubed and others said it wouldn't make 2015 and were met with this...


Relax. Come E3, we will have our socks blown off. Mark my words :)


They made a point of saying it will be 2015, I believe it.


Love how dcubed is so certain this is xmas 2016 .And so certain of it.


Personally, I don't think they'd make such a specific point of saying next year if they were that far away.


Sorry, guys. Couldn't resist. :heh:


To be fair, Serebii didn't say which E3. :D

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I'm really starting to think this may not be Wii U exclusive with this delay and will have another awkward Twilight Princess release. And what will this do for Wii U? I'm sure Starfox and Splatoon will be great but theyre hardly on the same level as Zelda, Nintendo doesn't really have a 'big' release this year now (X is big in a gameplay sense but pretty unknown to the wider gaming community)


Fucked again, basically :p

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Oh boy.... Nintendo have struggled so badly with the Wii u and have never recovered... Just keeps happening. So now what for this year, Xenoblade is no way a replacement, such a niche title. I fear its going to be animal crossing, that would make me smash my face into my 3ds, but I'm hoping for retros Metroid prime 4!


It really is the lowest state Nintendo have ever been in in my life time... Weirdly not affecting my gaming as it just means more retro games for me :) But it's really horrific. I'd imagine winter 2016 then, it ain't coming out before a proper e3 blowout!

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After the December gameplay trailer Dcubed and others said it wouldn't make 2015 and were met with this...


Sorry, guys. Couldn't resist. :heh:


To be fair, Serebii didn't say which E3. :D


@Dcubed is in such an immense state of Smug Mode that he's actually transcended to a higher plane temporarily.


But anyway, a delayed game is eventually good and all that, so I see this as good news.

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Mario 3D World was announced at E3 and released 6 months later. Same with Donkey Kong although they delayed it a month or two to give it some breathing room.


I'd forgotten about that actually, I'm still very used to their old ways of showing a game off 2 years before release :p


With that in mind theres still hope yet at E3 otherwise I really don't see how they'll keep the system on shelves long enough for Zelda U to arrive.


Heck, just a bunch of HD Gamecube games would do, Wind Waker HD was great in terms of gameplay and sales.

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Heck, just a bunch of HD Gamecube games would do, Wind Waker HD was great in terms of gameplay and sales.


It baffles me that they never gave Sunshine the HD treatment. It was a bit rough around the edges and could have done with being tightened and fixed up a bit.


The second half of the year should see Mario Maker, Xenoblade and Star Fox arrive. There's bound to be at least one other big holiday title.

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I'm sat here installing a my new HDD on my laptop,with the cloning process not working how i want it to, so i'm in less than a good mood....and then i see this!


It best be the best zelda game ever!....Since only Splatoon and X interest me now this year, i suppose they've given me time to finish, Mario Kart 8, Smash bros, captain toad,Hyrule Warriors, Sonic Lost World, LEgo Marvel, bayo 1 & 2 and god know what else i've not finished...best silver lining i can think of

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I've just presumed Starfox would be an eShop episodic title, average with gimmicky controls. Let's hope they turn thst into something special! They have to have a huge game at e3, my bet is a Metroid trailer for spring 2016. Animal crossing this year.


Using their old engines for a new release would make me happy. Pikmin 4 would be amazing!

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That leaves only 1 good game coming out this year now(Xenoblade Chronicles X). Unless E3 has something major surprises. Hugely disappointed but not hugely surprised, it's Zelda. That statement of how they're trying for the Ultimate Zelda, well that's what they aim for with every console Zelda(except Skyward Sword). I'd be a little worried, adding new ideas as they're going along. Did they not have a clear vision and blueprint or are they winging it? I do have faith but not even seeing it at E3. What is going on? And this could well be another Twilight Princess stalling it for the new platform. The exact same things were said about that game when it was delayed. The Wii U has been such a disaster. It'll be 3 years old at least before this comes out and they still haven't solved releases and got a steady stream of games sorted. What's the big game for Christmas now? I love Xenoblade Chronicles X but that's not got Zelda appeal or pulling power. So many questions. Can't give us a Direct, proper monthly releases nevermind weekly releases, the eShop is weak most weeks and now this. It makes you lose a little more faith. It's so sad. All said and done I'll take a delay for a better game in the end. NX launches Christmas 2016 with this as a launch title running at 1080p as opposed to the Wii U version running at 720p.


No Zelda Wii U in 2015 or at E3?! - Discussion



Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
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That leaves only 1 good game coming out this year now(Xenoblade Chronicles X). Unless E3 has something major surprises. Hugely disappointed but not hugely surprised, it's Zelda. That statement of how they're trying for the Ultimate Zelda, well that's what they aim for with every console Zelda(except Skyward Sword). I'd be a little worried, adding new ideas as they're going along. Did they not have a clear vision and blueprint or are they winging it? I do have faith but not even seeing it at E3. What is going on? And this could well be another Twilight Princess stalling it for the new platform. The exact same things were said about that game when it was delayed. The Wii U has been such a disaster. It'll be 3 years old at least before this comes out and they still haven't solved releases and got a steady stream of games sorted. What's the big game for Christmas now? I love Xenoblade Chronicles X but that's not got Zelda appeal or pulling power. So many questions. Can't give us a Direct, proper monthly releases nevermind weekly releases, the eShop is weak most weeks and now this. It makes you lose a little more faith. It's so sad. All said and done I'll take a delay for a better game in the end. NX launches Christmas 2016 with this as a launch title running at 1080p as opposed to the Wii U version running at 720p.


No Zelda Wii U in 2015 or at E3?! - Discussion



Just remember, the Wii was 5 years old when it got its first original Zelda game. I


Also, they do have steady releases now. We've talked about this. They have steady releases, just not ones that please you. That doesn't mean they do not have steady releases.


The fact you also want Nintendo to do WEEKLY releases of games is just absurd.


As for your complaint about them adding new ideas meaning they don't have a clear view of what the game should be, that just shows your lack of knowledge of development. Things always change in game development. Things get added, things get removed. That's how it works.

Edited by Serebii
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Told you all that there was no chance in hell of a 2015 release. It looked waaaaayyyy too early in development when they showed off gameplay (the world had practically nothing in it and reeked of pre-alpha jitters)


It'll come out around Xmas 2016 and will be considered the Wii U's swansong. The next year, support will die off and the next Nintendo console will be released in either November 2017 or March 2018 (the "NX" machine that is due to be revealed next year is the 3DS' successor, not the Wii U's one - the new handheld has to be announced and focused on first).

Edited by Dcubed
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Told you all that there was no chance in hell of a 2015 release. It looked waaaaayyyy too early in development when they showed off gameplay (the world had practically nothing in it and reeked of pre-alpha jitters)


It'll come out around Xmas 2016 and will be considered the Wii U's swansong. The next year, support will die off and the next Nintendo console will be released in either November 2017 or March 2018 (the "NX" machine that is due to be revealed next year is the 3DS' successor, not the Wii U's one)

Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut. :p


Yeah you were right with this one. Well done :p

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Given that MM apart, every 3D console Zelda has been delayed it wasn't exactly the boldest prediction to say this one would be as well. It does seem like a Xmas 2016 release now, FIVE years after Skyward Sword, seems a crazy amount of time tbh.

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For all we know, it could still hit 2015 (it's just not likely). Aonuma said outright that they're just not making 2015 their number one priority, and that's good...that's classic Nintendo. They don't rush games out to hit a specific release date.


So it could still be 2015, but it probably isn't.

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Let them take all the time they need obviously, it's just a shame they must not have been very far along with it. A lot of people were expecting it at E3 2013, but then they said they needed more time and gave us Wind Waker HD instead, then they revealed it 2014, and now it's not even ready for E3 2015. They must have changed direction, or realised the work that needs to go into making modern day giant openworld games. At least this means we might get new animations and finally move on from the stiff TP/SS ones. Playing Wind Waker HD shows what building one from the ground up can achieve.

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Just remember, the Wii was 5 years old when it got its first original Zelda game. I


Also, they do have steady releases now. We've talked about this. They have steady releases, just not ones that please you. That doesn't mean they do not have steady releases.


The fact you also want Nintendo to do WEEKLY releases of games is just absurd.


As for your complaint about them adding new ideas meaning they don't have a clear view of what the game should be, that just shows your lack of knowledge of development. Things always change in game development. Things get added, things get removed. That's how it works.


Don't remind me of Skyward Sword. What a mess.


No they don't have steady releases and what's been released so far this year hasn't pleased many besides myself included. The weekly thing would be between 1st, 2nd & 3rd party releases. Obviously it's too much for Nintendo to do it on their own. A monthly release would be fine if they were quality, not half @rsed run of the mill tripe. If we had games like Mario, Zelda, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Starfox and Metroid every month the Wii U would be a lot better off. Not mediocre efforts like Mario Party 10 and Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars. If they released as well as, fine, but not instead of.


Yes you can add things but there's a danger of the original vision being lost or diluted or half doing all the ideas instead of sticking to the original goal. Twilight Princess got bigger and bigger but the common complaint about that game was that large parts of the world felt empty. I had no problem with the game.


I'm suspicious of its delay and its no show at this coming E3. Why can't it at least be shown at E3? It can't be any rougher than what's been shown so far. I'm betting it releases next November on Wii U with an NX release in December with whatever bells and whistles the new console affords.

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