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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Looking forward to that DLC now, The new armour looks cool, hope each gives a special ability too.


Actually love the sound of Hero's Path, I've played for over 150 hours, I would be very intested in see the path I travelled in that...and as the feature suggests see where I haven't been.


The Korok mask will come in very handy too, I got 213 so far, found 7 new ones last night, the Korok masks ability will at least mean I won't have to resort to a guide in the future yay

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Different languages for voices only is great. Looking forward to playing through it again with Japanese VAs.


I haven't played much since I finished it, but my g/f is playing it a lot! A great introduction to gaming, I think by the end of it her dual analogue skills and gaming puzzle solving will have gone up tenfold.


Well guys, finally got my Switch back from service! Started up Zelda, and now, here's the fun part....


I'm back at square one!


I had every legendary horse, every Shrine, every Beast, the sword, every fairy, lvl 4 clothes and 110 hours worth of play time...

All of it, deleted and not recoverable. Gee, thanks Nintendo, cant wait to play 4.5 days again. Yeah I'm angry. Get your cloud saves fixed or get out.

In early Switch days, I saw someone on 'gaf say they got their Switch back from Nintendo and it was wiped, but then a cloud icon appeared and it downloaded some saves. Guess that's not happened for you then?

Edited by Shorty
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Kinda makes me happy that I have to start all over again. Gonna do it with japanese voices now. But man, it's so bad having to do it all again. Now even the Stone Talus are a big challenge.


Gonna beef it up with loads of Amiibo goodies and enjoy it, just because the game is so well designed. Looking forward to my 6 hour train ride next sunday because of the Switch and Zelda.

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Gonna beef it up with loads of Amiibo goodies and enjoy it, just because the game is so well designed. Looking forward to my 6 hour train ride next sunday because of the Switch and Zelda.


I love the amiibo usage in this game. The costumes are great but it's more the fact I like how it saves you from having to forage for a lot of stuff. You can build up quite a large amount of meat/herbs/fish in a very short space of time, providing you have the amiibo for it. It comes in real handy early on. Scanning my amiibo was one of the first things I done when starting my Switch playthrough.

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Aw man, I'm gutted for you. :(


What exactly was wrong with your Switch that you had to send it in?


I'm thinking that if anything went really wrong with mine - so far just negative colours briefly after playing Mario Kart - it would have to be unplayable for me to consider sending it in knowing that they would delete everything. :hmm:


System transfers and cloud saves really need to be sorted out asap or even just a way to backup data locally. :sad:


Isn't it an option to transfer games saves to sd card??

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Isn't it an option to transfer games saves to sd card??


Nope, I've been using a 200GB micro SD card since day one and while all of my game data installs etc are on the card, all of the saves are locked to the Switch console itself.


I'm guessing, cloud storage and system transfer coming at a later date... ::shrug:

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I wasn't bothered about the season pass but dat Tingle outfit.....


Chuffed to bits we now have audio options. I started my Switch playthrough over the weekend and will be changing to Japanese audio ASAP.


I'm tackling this playthrough of the game a little differently from my other. Last time I played the game I activated all of the towers as soon as I could and spent a lot of time gliding around to various destinations. This meant that any secrets or shrines that were hid in little nooks I probably missed.


I decided that this time i'm mostly sticking to the ground and only activating the towers if I just happen to be close by. Playing this way I have already encountered a couple of shrines that I didn't find originally.


This was inspired by listening to the RFN guys on their spoiler podcast. It was interesting to hear how their experiences differed due to how they played the game. My original play through seemed to mirror what James was doing, as he also stuck to exploring and moving around via gliding.


I really like the fact that the player can choose how to play the game. I went through my play through similarly to how you are playing it now.


Also, good to see that you have a Switch. Looks like you have the exact retail games I have too. I'm just catching up on the forum i've been too busy celebrating Sheffield United's promotion and winning the league :D

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Finished the game after 142 hours. Really loved the exploration in this. My only issues with it were the frame drops in towns / fighting multiple enemies granted i was playing it on Wii U and main bosses being a tad too easy.

I didn't 100% the game I plan on doing that once i get my Switch later in the year with the guide book for sure otherwise I'd be lost in Hyrule for centuries. @Hero\-of\-Time love that outfit it's going to be my go to set for my next play through, dlc 2 should be out by then i hope.

I've only just finished it but I'm already looking forward to playing it again.

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Im new to Zelda! Had a Gamecube and N64 way back but been a PS3/4 Mark for the past 10 years! Now coming back into Nintendo, loaded this up for an hour and wow I wish I had never left!


What a game this looks! As stated only an hour in and just activated all the towers - I take it now I can kind of go do what I like?!?!

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Yeah, i'll be picking that one up when the time comes. If i had known about these amiibo hacks hell yeah i would've gotten one :grin: Fierce Diety Link looks soo badass!


Just give me your address and i'll send you the card. I've gotten my use out of it now. I'm not sure the sword has been programmed into the card, though. I tried for ages to get it to unlock but all that kept popping up was the outfit.

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Welcome to the 120 Shrine Club buddy :)


I'm up to 224 Koroks now...found 10 the other night...what I am doing is using the sensor to look for Chests, then try go to a part of the map I feel hasn't be explored yet and go in the direction the chest sensor takes me. If I spot something on route that I think might be a Korok I take a detour. :)

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I think after Ganon I'll shelve Zelda and the Switch will go back to being a handheld primarily on my journey to work. I'll be digging back into numerate games on my PS4, I've got a hell of a backlog!

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I'm up to 85 Shrines at the moment and has just done the third Divine Beast (Zora's Domain, Gerudo Valley, Death Mountain). Will try to find that long side-quest with the carpenters soon and look for some more Shrines. Also, I only need one more memory to complete - I think it's in Hyrule Castle, though.

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