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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Don't you mean I'm going to, or I'm gonna? What's this "imma" nonsense.


Sorry grammar police.




Forthwith I shall endeavour to meet the truly altitudinous level of speech required by yourself for all further posts concocted by myself.


I can only apologise for any distress and upset caused by my common slang.



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I don't want to watch anything I don't think. But in general what're people saying, is it all immense praise? Any niggles here and there or anything?


Immense praise! So excited!!!


I've only seen one con...



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I don't want to watch anything I don't think. But in general what're people saying, is it all immense praise? Any niggles here and there or anything?


I've only skimmed but I haven't read any negatives. Nintendo have only let them talk about the first 5 hours though, so there aren't many specifics, just general, overwhelming praise.

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I've only skimmed a few of the previews but the take away from the ones I've looked at is that the game has gone back to the NES Zelda days and are now offering a good amount of challenge, with many saying it's very much like a Souls game in terms of difficulty.


I played through Bloodborne last year and I'm currently finishing off Nioh. Both games are known for their difficulty but offer a great sense of satisfaction when a boss is conquered or an area is cleared. If Zelda can replicate this feeling then it's going to be something special indeed.


@Blade I guess you should have stuck with Bloodborne and got some practice in. :D

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From Eurogamer impressions:


1. It's good. Very, very good.

2. It's the most radical shake-up the Zelda series has ever had.


Both very good things (particularly for me, since as you may know I've been calling for shakeups to various Nintendo series for years). Sounds as if it will go down a storm with Eurogamer!

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The terms 'Zelda' and 'Breath of the Wild' have been trending on Twitter in the UK this afternoon. I'm trying to avoid reading or watching any previews but it's great to see that the general consensus us extremely positive. Going to be hard to contain excitement.


Best comment I saw on reddit in regards to previews 'they're not even trying to contain the hype, they're pouring gasoline onto it - I can't take this'. One week to go.

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Dear lord.


Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda.


At this stage we’d shocked if this didn’t turn out to be the best Zelda since Ocarina Of Time. It may even surpass it, and since many still regard that as the best video game ever made it becomes almost impossible to overstate just how good Breath Of The Wild is.

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Can somebody ban me from this thread until there is a no spoilers thread for BotW?


It's difficult enough to not be exposed to spoilers without lurking here so I don't want to make it even more difficult :D


(Unless a thread ban doesn't prevent me from reading it)

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I would be majorly surprised if that's really true. Literally every Zelda game has been easy as fuck (yes, even the first one) so I'd be happy if the new one is difficult. :)


It remains to be seen whether it is actually as challenging as a Souls game but the snippets I've read certainly make it sound like you can't take any enemies too lightly. People are getting killed and even one shotted by normal enemies who are just roaming around the areas, not to mention being hit by lightning in thunderstorms, which can also bring Link to his knees. It definitely sounds like a lot of battles will require patience and timing.


To be fair, when Skyward Sword was released various outlets said the battles in that game required timing and strategy and that simply waggling the Wiimote to victory wouldn't work. I proved them wrong. :p

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Watched some new vids, the recent ones.


The people who get to play it at day one are going to be in for a really big treat. The people who dont play it on launchday, but at a later moment will also enjoy it.


Pre spoilertagged spoiler, spoiler alert: SPOILER incoming [spoilertagged, no worries. Just dont read it.]


I saw those guys who spit rocks at you from the water. Bounce them back with the shield. Like in the first one! <3



This game is going to make me buy a Switch. At a later stage, when there's a console + botw package.

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To be fair, when Skyward Sword was released various outlets said the battles in that game required timing and strategy and that simply waggling the Wiimote to victory wouldn't work. I proved them wrong. :p


I'm also sceptical as I remember all of these outlets also going crazy over Skyward Sword and labelling it as the best Zelda since Ocarina, the best Zelda ever, etc. It's very similar to how BotW is being hyped up.

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