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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Wind Waker Developer Direct.


&ap=%%2526fmt%%3D22&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="615" height="360">


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Lovely poster artwork!


This game looks pretty bogging to me to be honest. The bloom is nasty and there's something off about the lighting on the models.


The original's visual style is tightly refined. It's basically perfect. You don't take something so finely tuned and just go whizz bang look guys shit be glowing now.


I sort of agree, I'm a bit on the fence about the new lighting. It's not as bad as bad as the renders a few months back had us believe though. Plus it does add some nice depth, the original could seem quite flat in comparison.

Edited by Ronnie
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In the developers direct, it was mentioned that the Triforce quest was being reconsidered.





...Really. It's the reason I never completed the gamecube version.

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The boat goes ridiculously fast now! :heh:


But honestly, this looks perfect. If it weren't for this, I might think I was in a bad mood or something, but this is what I want in a game.

Yeah it's like a speed boat pulling up to Outset Island! :p


In the developers direct, it was mentioned that the Triforce quest was being reconsidered.





...Really. It's the reason I never completed the gamecube version.

I didn't really understand what they were getting at there. It sounded like it was being tweeked... but I'm not exactly sure how.


What was the talk about it, or the game, ending abruptly?

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Just watched this back through my Wii U, I think it looks lovely and all but...what a testament to the original art style that I am not watching thinking 'wow it looks sooo much better', more that I am just going to get to play Wind Waker again. Considering the slating Nintendo when it was shown all those years ago, it stands the test of time terrifically!

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In the developers direct, it was mentioned that the Triforce quest was being reconsidered.





...Really. It's the reason I never completed the gamecube version.


Maybe they're tweaking it so that you collect the triforce maps throughout the game rather than having to get them all at the same time later on?


Did seem strange how they were building up to revealing how they'd changed the gamplay, then didn't actually say anything.


Never played the GC version so pretty excited about this. Looks lovely.


You lucky f****r.

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Maybe they're tweaking it so that you collect the triforce maps throughout the game rather than having to get them all at the same time later on?


That's how it currently is, though. You can get some of those maps early on, and then you're told where they are shorty after you defeat the Helmaroc King. You only absolutely need them two dungeons after that.

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I've just realised they've addressed a common complaint about the game...



Watch from 22 minutes 12 seconds, every time you played that song in the gamecube version a small cutscene would repeat the tune before you got pick the direction, slowing things down. Looks like you play the tune, and it goes straight to the compass directions now.


Of course it could have been creative editing on Nintendo's part for this video but hopefully not.

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Do you actually think Wind Waker GC looks like that screengrab? :blank:


Was going to say that. Did he even look at the GC screenshot before he posted that? :p


It's a direct feed, and yes old games look much better in our heads!


It's blurred as hell. It looked nothing like that. If that was the feed then it was a very poor representation of the finished article; I'd blame low red screen cap/camera equipment.

Edited by Sheikah
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You'll need to play Wind Waker GameCube on a CRT television to enjoy a sharp picture.


Wanna know how Nintendo could rule the value of this? Double it up with Four Swords Adventhres rejigged with 3DS support.

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