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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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I don't understand why it's not cel-shaded either. My only explanation is that cel-shading was a good way of making something look cartoony when they were limited to Dreamcast/PS2/GC/Xbox type tech, whereas newer consoles offer much more sophisticated lighting and shading, making it hard to resist using that instead.


All I know is that I like cel-shading and I like what I see here. Either way, I'm keeping my GameCube.

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You and me both :heh: This isn't how I imagined an HD Wind Waker to look. I kinda expected to see a full on cartoon vibe.. so I'm disappointed :hmm:


I sort of agree with you both. The blue filter, contrast and bloom don't look great, and it's lost a lot of the appeal of the original graphics.


It's a bit like the OTT yellow filter and the strange green water in OOT 3D.

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Genuinely more interesting in these 'gameplay alterations'. I expect that they'll give you the option to equip items using the touch screen like in the E3 demo. I would love to be able to annotate sea charts and maps using the stylus like you could do in Phantom Hourglass.

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That's pretty good. Was worried since we didn't see any video (or did we? My mind is genuinely numb at this point in the day).


I don't think there will be many games out this Autumn.


Nothing in the video was shown moving and we have no way to know if these are genuine captures or target renders.


Whilst a Nintendo game missing its intended release date wouldn't be remotely surprising, they really need this out this year. If they are struggling to get their launch window games out in the launch window, I think it would be unwise to bank on the likes of 3D Mario and Kart U coming out this year as the big name holiday titles... and that's where this comes in.

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Looking nice, although I really wasn't that much of a fan of the original's graphical style. Not that I'm against cell shading - I really like it, in fact - I just thought a lot of the character models were ugly, and I think I prefer cell shading with black outlines. In any case, I'm also more interested in the gameplay tweaks this will get. If they can make it easier to change direction in the boat, get rid of the tedious fetch quest at the end and make exploring the many islands a bit more rewarding (giant rupees and treasure maps aren't exactly exciting), I'll definitely want to give it another go.

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Wonder if they will orchestrate the music. I know it's "just" a remake but Wind Waker has my favorite Zelda soundtrack and it will sound amazing orchestrated.


THe already have a lot of orchestral music so they could certainly add some, and well this is nintendo hopefully they will decide its better if its all orchestral :D

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Wonder if they will orchestrate the music. I know it's "just" a remake but Wind Waker has my favorite Zelda soundtrack and it will sound amazing orchestrated.


Wow, that's a good point. I hadn't thought about the music.


THe already have a lot of orchestral music so they could certainly add some, and well this is nintendo hopefully they will decide its better if its all orchestral :D


Another good point. The Wind Waker set on the 25th anniversary CD is amazing.

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I really wouldn't hold out for new dungeons/no triforce hunt.


I agree but it would be a missed opportunity IMO. It'd drive sales up for sure, and I can't believe there isn't concept art/level designs from the missed dungeon(s) sitting around somewhere. There must be something to work on. I suppose it'd shine a light on the GameCube version as being incomplete and probably not something Nintendo want to advertise. There's also the question of what item would you get in said dungeon and how it would fit in with the rest of the game, but I suppose they could come up with something.

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It really would mean them completely re-writing the second half of the game.


I think integrating Wii U capabilities is the way to go, and the more fun one at that, things like...


- Taking photo's with the Gamepad, both for the in-game quests and just for fun.

- Drawing/writing on and mapping out your sea charts with the Stylus.

- Using the Gamepad for slideshows of your photo's and figurine gallery.

- Having this game play-out on the Gamepad screen



... and it would be great to include it as a separate digital download so you could play it in multiplayer at anytime.



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Why would it mean re-writing the second half of the game though? I understand the first two dungeons are linked with the latter two in terms of Medli/Makar but dropping in a third dungeon early on shouldn't HAVE to effect the second half of the game. It could stay as is, including the triforce hunt. I agree it probably won't happen, but I suppose it may depend on how much work they'd done on the missing levels before ditching them.


I like the rest of your suggestions though :) The end of the year can't come quick enough!!

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