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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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The only real problem with WW if you ask me is the slow sailing, that makes everything else all the more excruciating. As said, if they improve sailing speed/possibly add more warp points - it'd help. One thing WW DID have though...was exploration, no doubt. Man, mapping it all out was quite the journey! Full of secrets etc too, I liked it.




The whole decoing of the maps thing should be done away it too to speed things up, you find teh map it tells you where to look and that's it...or at least make them not cost as much rupees or something if they really must have it


Iirc correctly, they somewhat countered the decoding cost - most places where you get triforce maps you could actually find shit-tons of cash monies, just had to look around.

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If they kill the blue filter they seem to have on, it'd look even more spectacular

Tbh these are just stills with bloom and filters added to try and add a little more "next gen". If they had real models and renders done they would've shown a clip, but these were obviously put together just to whet our appetite and perhaps suggest what it will probably look like.


In other words, I doubt these are straight extractions from the final product, but rather they're a way of saying "we're not just doing what other HD remakes have done and upping the resolution and improving a few textures, we're rebuilding it to look amazing."

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I still hold out hope for that hitting the 3DS one day :D


I still don't see why it doesn't! They must have half the assets already complete from OoT3DS!


Kinda related, they've very much just ripped textures for a lot of those windfall looks from what I see; so it makes me wonder quite how much work/cost actually goes into a HD remake like this.


EDIT: Or it could be what @Shorty has said.

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That's right, Wind Waker Link has a circular/spherical head, whereas Link from Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks has an oval head (not to be confused with the WW screenshot on page 4, as that's simply squashed to 16:9). WW and PH Link is meant to be the same one though, @Rummy. ;)

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Why is it that people complain that the Zelda formula is stale and needs change(Aonuma confirmed there will be changes in the next console Zelda in the video today) yet they lap up a remake of a game they've already played and has that same stale formula they've moaned about? Seems a little hypocritical to me.

Edited by Wii
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Why is it that people complain that the Zelda formula is stale and needs change(Aonuma confirmed there will be changes in the next console Zelda in the video today) yet they lap up a remake of a game they've already played and has that same stale formula they've moaned about? Seems a little hypocritical to me.


I can see where you are coming from and to be honest I cannot say why i really interested in a 10 year+ game when ive also been moaning that the series is going a little stale. Maybe its because people really enjoyed wind waker. Similar reasons as to why you would play virtual console games-to replay classics.

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Why is it that people complain that the Zelda formula is stale and needs change(Aonuma confirmed there will be changes in the next console Zelda in the video today) yet they lap up a remake of a game they've already played and has that same stale formula they've moaned about? Seems a little hypocritical to me.


Because they've generally been complaining that newer ones have not managed to re-capture what Zelda is about, thus feeling stale/un-new. Of course, a remake isn't going to feel new, but it's of a game that the very large majority felt had the magic.


EDIT: Should clarify, by newer I'm generally talking since WW - ie TP on.

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when windwaker was anounced i was furious lol when it first came out on the gamecube, but when i played it, i actually liked it.

but i rather wanted a Majoras mask Hd Remake.

majoras mask had the magic all over, sinds then i was a fan of the Fierce Deity link lol :P

i always wanted nintendo to keep the mask as a special power for link, also the ocarina fluit it had something magical.


Why? They're not going for a cheap port. They're redoing it all.


then i just have to wait for a video :p on how it all looks

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I think this strategy is quite good and should appease most people. WW will be the classic Zelda, reborn in HD with cartoon graphics.


The new Zelda will be something very different.


Hopefully those who want a 'classic' Zelda will get what they want and those who want something new will get what they want.


But when people start talking about the 'classic' Zelda formula, they usually are ignoring the NES titles which were open world - especially the first one. In fact Zelda is a series that has become more linear over time and far more focused on dungeons than exploration.


I will be getting both!

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Seriously though, what happened to the cel shading? And also, okay, sure, it's early days yet and the game isn't out until later this year and lots of things can change, but Nintendo announce a remake of one of their most beautiful games ever and this is how they choose to do it? Blue lighting, crazy contrast, bloom everywhere and plastic-looking characters? Either they have no idea what made The Wind Waker so beautiful, or Iwata only told them they were making this remake on Tuesday.


I must be getting old.

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Sure, this is probably another dumb question, is there a release date/window for this?


"This Fall" ;)


Seriously though, what happened to the cel shading? And also, okay, sure, it's early days yet and the game isn't out until later this year and lots of things can change, but Nintendo announce a remake of one of their most beautiful games ever and this is how they choose to do it? Blue lighting, crazy contrast, bloom everywhere and plastic-looking characters? Either they have no idea what made The Wind Waker so beautiful, or Iwata only told them they were making this remake on Tuesday.


I must be getting old.


You and me both :heh: This isn't how I imagined an HD Wind Waker to look. I kinda expected to see a full on cartoon vibe.. so I'm disappointed :hmm:

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I was instantly excited when I read about this!


Can't wait to see this for real in HD and I only played through Wind Waker once so very much looking forward 2 playing this again.


I loved playing through OoT on 3DS again even though I had played it loads on N64!


The only negative I remember is sometimes all the sailing did feel a bit 'meh'.

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