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Nintendo Direct 23rd Jan - Wii U only - Worldwide


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Plus, unless I misheard, they were messing with Wind Waker as the test for HD engines, or something similar and then that lead to this


They said that following the HDing of TP for the original Zelda Wii U demo, they started doing it with other Zelda games and game to WW and they liked what they saw so they thought they'd crank it out whilst they come up with concrete stuff for the new one which is in no state to be shown.


They need the team to work on something but they can't go send them on a 18-24 month dev schedule for a brand new game (which could be even longer if their current game progress is any indication) as that would push back a new Zelda even further.


So this kills 2 birds with one stone. Doesn't mean I like it as a sconsumer though. Even with new fancy graphics, I've still played the fundamental gameplay before and I wasn't that much of a fan - I wasn't a fan of the original graphics either and now Link and Tetra were looking so plasticcy, it was like an early 360 game.

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I've been praising Nintendo enough for one day.

I'm hugely pissed off about having to pay a second time for my Virtual Console games. For what they cost, I expect to have my VC games available for ALL formats. Not to mention that there still are N64 games that I want that haven't been released for the Wii VC. If Nintendo are going to start over for every single f**king console they bring out, the VC will NEVER get a full library for its formats.


That stupid party game has no reason to exist, Game & Wario feels like another Nintendoland and Yoshi feels like New Super Mario Bros all over again. That being said, I might buy Yoshi, because I won't buy New Mario.

Edited by darkjak
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I've been praising Nintendo enough for one day.

I'm hugely pissed off about having to pay a second time for my Virtual Console games. For what they cost, I expect to have my VC games available for ALL formats. Not to mention that there still are N64 games that I want that haven't been released for the Wii VC. If Nintendo are going to start over for every single f**king console they bring out, the VC will NEVER get a full library for its formats.

You're not paying for your Virtual Console games again. You're paying a much smaller amount for the upgrades such as GamePad pla, customisable controls etc. They're still fully playable already in Wii Mode

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I agree that 50hz in 2013 is pretty pants. I'll have to think twice about building up a big SNES collection if they're not 60hz.


Dude, you didn't even like Xenoblade.


Yeah... to be honest, everything on Wii put me in a bad mood because of the blurry graphics (Wii on my widescreen TV was always far blurrier than my GameCube in 4:3). It wasn't my favourite thing in the broadcast, but I'm willing to give it a go.


(Plus, I love sauropods!)

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So I finally caught up with the ND...






That being said, this one left me with a twinge of sadness. It does feel like Iwata's hand is being forced here (they were blatantly not ready to show off a lot of the stuff they showed) and I'm a bit worried about the Wii U Zelda game (I get a bad feeling that Aonuma is being asked to pander to his audience here, instead of being allowed to make the game he wants to make :( )


Also I do hope that Wind Waker HD is being done by Greezo and not EAD. Would be such a tragedy to see them being stuck working on remakes...


Not sure how I feel about this one... The stuff they announced was all great, but there's an uncomfortable feeling about the whole thing that rubs me the wrong way...

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That being said, this one left me with a twinge of sadness. It does feel like Iwata's hand is being forced here (they were blatantly not ready to show off a lot of the stuff they showed) and I'm a bit worried about the Wii U Zelda game (I get a bad feeling that Aonuma is being asked to pander to his audience here, instead of being allowed to make the game he wants to make :( )


Also I do hope that Wind Waker HD is being done by Greezo and not EAD. Would be such a tragedy to see them being stuck working on remakes...


Not sure how I feel about this one... The stuff they announced was all great, but there's an uncomfortable feeling about the whole thing that rubs me the wrong way...


I didn't quite get the same sense; certainly not about Zelda pandering. What gave you that feeling? Was it the body language? I'll have to check out Aonuma's segment again.


Apologies at the start did seem very abject and somewhat cringey. They've clearly been shocked by the overwhelming shitstorm of negativity towards the Wii U and are responding as best they can. As someone said earlier, the Wii U seems to be a learning curve for Nintendo too and I find their frankness refreshing.


If I'd been in charge of the script I'd have dispensed with a lot of that stuff, as I think public apologies are a silly modern fetish, and maybe even left out the reasurrances about Mario and MK because it's pretty ridiculous that people have been getting into a tizzy about whether these are in the pipeline or not. Maybe some gamers need to hear sorry :laughing: In other respects though I thought it was one of their better (non-Shibata) broadcasts :)


Can't wait for X!!

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That being said, this one left me with a twinge of sadness. It does feel like Iwata's hand is being forced here (they were blatantly not ready to show off a lot of the stuff they showed)


To be fair though they didn't really show off much, this allowed them to quieten a lot of the negativity around the Wii U, without actually revealing much at all. A few seconds of footage or a few stills, apart.

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If I'd been in charge of the script I'd have dispensed with a lot of that stuff, as I think public apologies are a silly modern fetish, and maybe even left out the reasurrances about Mario and MK because it's pretty ridiculous that people have been getting into a tizzy about whether these are in the pipeline or not. Maybe some gamers need to hear sorry :laughing: In other respects though I thought it was one of their better (non-Shibata) broadcasts :)


This is quite the Japanse thing, mind you.

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You're not paying for your Virtual Console games again. You're paying a much smaller amount for the upgrades such as GamePad pla, customisable controls etc. They're still fully playable already in Wii Mode
If you transfer them over and play them in Wii Mode do you not have to pay anything for them then?
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If you transfer them over and play them in Wii Mode do you not have to pay anything for them then?

Nope. I do that all the time with my current titles


If you transfer them over and play them in Wii Mode do you not have to pay anything for them then?

Oh wait, I misread your query.


If you mean you have to pay for the Wii U stuff such as GamePad play and button customisation, then yes. However, it's at a severely reduced price. Like £1 per title. Wii Mode is completely free though

Edited by Serebii
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I know where you're coming from, @Dcubed, in fact I greatly admire you for thinking that. It's like a spoilt kid who begs his parents for his Christmas presents early, right? They give him them 10 days early and it turns out they planned loads of good stuff for him all along. If only he'd waited to get it in due time...


...But the reality is that companies have to offer customers things they'll want. I don't think it's a moral issue, it's just that if you don't see something you want, you don't spend. No apologies were necessary - Nintendo didn't do anything wrong - but you can't fake excitement and I think until now a lot of people weren't feeling it. Now we've seen what we've seen, I hope the Wii U has the success it will surely deserve.

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This is quite the Japanse thing, mind you.


It is indeed.


But I don't think it's a silly thing. I'd definitely be apologising to my costumers if things weren't going as smoothly as expected, it's a nice way to sympathise with customers.


That and it's the anti-"entitled gamer bullshit" response. Nothing pisses me off more to have customers complain about something they don't like in the video game they put money down for, only to have the publishers and cock sucking game website parasites refer to it as "entitlement issues".


Nintendo, by apologising, have recognised people are entitled to every penny they spent on games and hardware. Major props for Iwata issuing another apology, because it's definitely an embarrassing, yet respect worthy thing to do.

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Really not digging this "you have to transfer your Wii data to Wii U" thing in order for the VC discount to apply. icon13.gif

The VC games that I downloaded on Wii are listed on my Club Nintendo account, that same account is also linked to my NNID. They know which VC titles I downloaded on Wii, so why the hell should I have to transfer them to Wii U to get the discount? ::shrug:


Oh well, don't reckon I'll be getting many VC games on Wii U anyway. I downloaded Balloon Fight earlier (the fact that they're sticking with 50hz is not cool :angry:) and will probably get Super Mario Kart when that appears, but that'll be all.

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It is indeed.


But I don't think it's a silly thing. I'd definitely be apologising to my costumers if things weren't going as smoothly as expected, it's a nice way to sympathise with customers.


That and it's the anti-"entitled gamer bullshit" response. Nothing pisses me off more to have customers complain about something they don't like in the video game they put money down for, only to have the publishers and cock sucking game website parasites refer to it as "entitlement issues".


Nintendo, by apologising, have recognised people are entitled to every penny they spent on games and hardware. Major props for Iwata issuing another apology, because it's definitely an embarrassing, yet respect worthy thing to do.


I do see where you're coming from on this and of course I value Japanese mores (in fact I wish such humbleness and respect for your fellow man would catch on elsewhere!); just on a personal level I find corporate/state/media apologies utterly worthless. It's kind of the obverse of the hype/PR guff that Daft was mentioning. I'd rather just see Nintendo remedy it by putting their best foot forward.

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I wanted to be leaf. Nintendo did not disappoint.


Yoshi should be great, although I hope it develops a style of its own, rather than living in the shadow of Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Confirmation that certain games will be shown and playable at E3 is a great start.

Wonderful 101 looks fun.

Wind Waker HD looks nice for those that want it. (I don't care)

Fire Emblem cross-over should be sweet, although I need to see moar.

XENOFUCKINGBLADE stuff made me cry.


More of this please, Nintendo. Can't wait for E3 now.


Hype Hype Hype.

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I do see where you're coming from on this and of course I value Japanese mores (in fact I wish such humbleness and respect for your fellow man would catch on elsewhere!); just on a personal level I find corporate/state/media apologies utterly worthless. It's kind of the obverse of the hype/PR guff that Daft was mentioning. I'd rather just see Nintendo remedy it by putting their best foot forward.


Ahhh I get what you mean now and to be honest, I feel the same a lot of the time.

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Cool Today's Wii U direct is great Lego City Undercover March 29th Mario Kart Wii U at E3 and a Mario 3D game at E3 and Zelda Wind Waker on Wii U OMG and a open world Zelda Wii U game another OMG oh yeah and Miiverse App for my IPad can't wait

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