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Nintendo Direct 23rd Jan - Wii U only - Worldwide


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I think @Goron_3's probably right with Pikmin, Game & Wario and The Wonderful 101 in that case.


Though surely Revelations will now be shown so I wouldn't expect it be to be fully First Party, with maybe appearances from Monster Hunter and a Third Party show reel.

They did specifically say Iwata will reveal new games though so those three don't exactly fall into that catalogue, but I'd be surprise if at least one didn't get a date

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This just came up on the American FB




Notice it says Nintendo games. Could be a sign that this is entirely first party


I highly doubt it. RE:Revelations for Wii U was just announced and I have no doubt that they'll be showing that off tomorrow...

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Going by whats on the official page


Wii U Direct is coming soon! Make sure you tune in for this global presentation by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, for the latest on upcoming Wii U titles.


I see the latest on upcoming Wii U titles as showing more of LEGO City Undercover, Wii Fit U, Game & Wario, Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3


Possibly a couple of new games announced but nothing major.


I hope I am wrong.

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I highly doubt it. RE:Revelations for Wii U was just announced and I have no doubt that they'll be showing that off tomorrow...

That is annoyingly probable, yes


Going by whats on the official page




I see the latest on upcoming Wii U titles as showing more of LEGO City Undercover, Wii Fit U, Game & Wario, Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3


Possibly a couple of new games announced but nothing major.


I hope I am wrong.

Official tweet that announced it clearly states Iwata is revealing new games

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C'maaaan, Nintendo. I berieveee in yooou.




Every one have your images of a Japanese guy eating cuttlefish and asparagus at the ready..

I wonder if I can be bothered to knock an image up for this, but it'd be a waste considering this Nintendo Direct will probably please a lot of people, therefore implying the consumption of vanilla paste..

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i really hope the new metal gear solid, makes its way to the wiiU, i assume it wil, because of snake his appearance in smashbros brawl lol ''fingers crossed''




thanks for the link


Konami did say the Wii U might be geting a Metal Gear Solid game

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We are geting new games and I hope Metal Gear Solid gets announced and anyone think Resident Evil: Revelations will get announced for Wii U


I'd love to see MGS: Ground Zeroes or maybe an exclusive MG game. But I'm not at all interested in a port of an old 3DS game.

I'd prefer to have Nintendo announce some completely unknown, core, exclusive content.

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I just hoping that it isnt all about Pikmin 3.


Someone mentioned issue about lazy ports earlier. As i can only afford one console per generation and i choose to buy the one produced by nintendo id rather have a lazy port from well known franchises than none at all. Otherwise id miss out on a lot of decent games.

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I just hoping that it isnt all about Pikmin 3.


Someone mentioned issue about lazy ports earlier. As i can only afford one console per generation and i choose to buy the one produced by nintendo id rather have a lazy port from well known franchises than none at all. Otherwise id miss out on a lot of decent games.

It won't be.


It's confirmed that this will be Wii U.

It's confirmed Iwata will reveal new games

It's now confirmed that it's first party only.


Prepare for the megaton

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Confirmed, the Nintendo Direct is FIRST PARTY ONLY


That doesn't mean that they'll only "be talking about what kind of Wii U titles and services Nintendo is developing". They could talk about 3rd party titles in addition to stuff from Nintendo...


That comment about this including "services Nintendo is developing" makes me think of the Virtual Console. Could we finally see details (and a possible release!?) of the Wii U VC service? (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! MY GAMEPAD IS CRYING FOR DKC, SUPER METROID AND WIND WAKER TO BE PLAYED ON IT!!!)

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We could see some awesome 3D adventures of epic proportions, racers, fighters and first person shooters and praise Nintendo for being as awesome as ever.


Or they might spend the whole evening talking of how amazing "Wii Fit Ur fat arse" and "Wii ruin Music" are. And then half the Nintendo community is going to immediately throw either themselves or their Wii U's out the window.

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We could see some awesome 3D adventures of epic proportions, racers, fighters and first person shooters and praise Nintendo for being as awesome as ever.


Or they might spend the whole evening talking of how amazing "Wii Fit Ur fat arse" and "Wii ruin Music" are. And then half the Nintendo community is going to immediately throw either themselves or their Wii U's out the window.


Please God NNNOOOOO!!! Enough of the casual rubbish. They apologised and promised to deliver to the hardcore crowd. Now stand and deliver Nintendo! I'm starving!

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It's confirmed that this will be Wii U.

It's confirmed Iwata will reveal new games

It's now confirmed that it's first party only.


Prepare for the megaton


Your hype rubbed off on me.




Wii U Music meets this criteria!


Hype Ballon Deflated!


I need to stop thinking about this Nintendo Direct now...


But I will not.

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Please God NNNOOOOO!!! Enough of the casual rubbish. They apologised and promised to deliver to the hardcore crowd. Now stand and deliver Nintendo! I'm starving!


I'd like to see that quote in which NINTENDO apologises for the 'casual rubbish'.

All I seem to recall is Iwata promising for wider and deeper gaming experiences, which would mean catering to both the core and expanding the gaming population.


Now would be a good time to unleash the Virtual Console with Gamecube support. ;)


I'd say this is highly likely!


Perhaps one of the first games they'll show off for the GameCube department in the VC will be F-Zero GX, coupled with an announcement of the return of the Falcon!


Oeh, I quite like the ring of that: 'F-Zero: Return of the Falcon'

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