Ville Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 Grazza said: The thing with Zelda games is that they're not always good, but I'm always gagging for the next one. Mario = platforming, Zelda = exploring. It's Nintendo's main and most important tool to cater to that need. Yes, I want them to calm down, forget about gimmicks, forget about trends and such, but Zelda can be about anything. I always want to see what they can do with any console, even if the results are sometimes better than others. But the thing is, they're not on par with other games anymore. PC and 360/PS3 have some amazing AAA titles, which make the Skyward Swords feel like mediocre games. Others have evolved, Nintendo not so much :/
nekunando Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 Grazza said: The thing with Zelda games is that they're not always good.. I would probably say that they are always good.. but not always great The thing with The Legend of Zelda is that it could be so much more and I'd love to see Nintendo shake things up a lot whilst still managing to keep the charm that makes the series special
Grazza Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 Ville said: But the thing is, they're not on par with other games anymore. PC and 360/PS3 have some amazing AAA titles, which make the Skyward Swords feel like mediocre games. Others have evolved, Nintendo not so much :/ I can't disagree, but I still blame the Wii for that - it hardly encouraged inspiration or passion. Let's just give them the benefit of the doubt and see if they can make a great game for Wii U. If someone showed me a console only slightly more powerful than the GameCube, with a motion controller that didn't have nearly enough buttons, then asked me to design the next great Zelda I'd think "Ah, stuff it!" / nando / said: The thing with The Legend of Zelda is that it could be so much more and I'd love to see Nintendo shake things up a lot whilst still managing to keep the charm that makes the series special More like get it back, I hate to say.
Daft Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 Aneres11 said: Yeah I have to agree re the Vita version. If it wasn't punctuated with the touch / swipe sections (although I understand why they were put there due to it being a launch game / utilising Vita's features), then it would easily be up there with the enjoyability of 2. Well, almost. I was skeptical of the Vita version at first but it's a huge achievement to get a game of that quality / scale down onto the Vita - and do it so well too. Re moving it forward, I couldn't give you anything - yet I'm sat saying it needs a refresh lol. Whut. Not sure what I want exactly?! Very strange! Yeah, the whole balancing on a log rubbish that they brought back after dropping after the first game was bizarre. Also, the end fight - dumb (utterly stupid end fights are becoming a series trademark). As for a next game, I think it'll benefit from a break. By the time the next game is released I'll probably be pretty eager. Also, it might be time to switching the characters up. Drake has kind of had his story. Now I think about it, a prequel with younger Drake would be pretty awesome. I liked playing that bit in U3. I dunno, I have faith in Naughty Dog. Personally I'm borderline; I could play another game without any major switch up but after that I could see it starting to lose me (not that I wouldn't still play it).
Jonnas Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 Besides Sonic that had me disillusioned for a good while, I think the only series that I fully, genuinely grew tired of were 2D Mario (even before NSMB) and Castlevania, burned that Metroidvania formula to death (though I haven't really played OoE, which changes it, I think?). I also stopped playing Pokémon due to everyone else I knew stopping as well, hence not having a point to playing them anymore. Spin-offs are still fair game. Finally, the Tales series. I became fed up with Namco's bullshit regarding these games' releases, which affected my excitement for them. Sheikah said: 10 years would be a minimum. Considering you get a Master Sword, save Zelda and 'seal away' Ganondorf in nearly every one you need at least 10 years to make it somewhat fresh. In fact they should just kill Ganondorf. They need to stop sealing him away, he's just a pain in the tits. I think they killed Ganon most of the time, actually. He was only sealed, like, twice. I also think that the villain's identity has zero impact on what's making Zelda stale. Hell, villains have been fresh faces in the last three Zelda games. Retro_Link said: Is it though? It did Metroid the world of good. Kid Icarus was recently reinvented and made relevant again. The last F-Zero was 2003 so 10 years before we get a new one of those. Luigi's Mansion 2002 Waverace 2002 1080 in 2004 Excitebike Mario Golf etc... What about fans of those series? It's only because it's Mario and Zelda that it sounds extreme, but if it meant they were changed for the better and it allowed Nintendo the opportunity to work on other titles. See, Metroid and Kid Icarus are bad examples, as the new iterations would feel fresh even if they came out immediately after their predecessors. The gap had nothing to do with it. (And last time I checked, Excitetruck and Excitebots are supposed to be part of the Excite series. And even if you don't count them, wasn't there an Excitebike title for Wiiware? Excitebike World Rally or something?)
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 20, 2013 Author Posted January 20, 2013 In terms of third party games, Resident Evil needs to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle and shouldn't return until it's sorted itself out.
Agent Gibbs Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Daft said: Controversial here, GTA. Don't care. America LOL. I get it. I'm bored. Please, there's a whole world to explore. V will be the fifth GTA in a row set in America. I know you can quite happily argue that GTA is meant to be set in America but, no, don't care. It bores me. 100% agree, GTAIV killed it for me, it was dull, the same repetitive mission over and over and over again, then silly additions like friend phone calls - GTA's saving grace previously was its story and humorous characters Other than GTA.... Resident Evil is terrible now its Gears of Duty Zombies this one pains me as i love the series....... Final Fantasy for me since 9 its not had the same charm, 10 was good but a little linear, 12 was great game play wise but suffered from poor characters. but the rest have been just bad 13 being the abject worse, it was basically an interactive movie I look forward for a new numbered entry to the series that isn't an MMORPG but i fear it will be a similar linear affair. The series needs a rest until it returns to its JRPG story driven roots
Retro_Link Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Jonnas said: See, Metroid and Kid Icarus are bad examples, as the new iterations would feel fresh even if they came out immediately after their predecessors. The gap had nothing to do with it.I don't understand? Metroid and Kid Icarus would have felt fresh if the next instalments had kept coming out every couple of years after Super Metroid and whatever the Kid Icarus equivalent is? How can you guarantee that? The gap to Prime and Uprising and the advancements in console capabilities allowed both series to come back and offer something very different, new and unique for the series. Also Excitetruck/bots just carry recognisable branding, they're very different games to Excitebike/64.
Sheikah Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 @Jonnas Even if there is another villain in the newer games, Ganondorf somehow often returns at the end. And when they don't seal him away he just comes back in another generation. The Ganondorf thing was just an example anyway, there's lots of things they keep re-using that waters down their impact and makes the series stale.
nekunando Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Fierce_LiNk said: In terms of third party games, Resident Evil needs to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle and shouldn't return until it's sorted itself out. Yeh.. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a perfect example of game that takes a well known series, creates an entirely new experience and manages to get it right Resident Evil 4 did something similar for the Resident Evil franchise but the time seems to have come where they need to get back to the drawing board again, I guess
Grazza Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Retro_Link said: The gap to Prime and Uprising and the advancements in console capabilities allowed both series to come back and offer something very different, new and unique for the series. I don't think it was the actual gap though, just that they didn't know how to put Metroid into 3D. If they had made one on the N64 it would have either been a 2.5D platformer (not very successful at the time - ie. Yoshi's Story) or a low-res 3D game. They had to wait for the GameCube to do it justice.
Rowan Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 A lot has already been mentioned but I definitely feel that Mario needs some time off. Not just the 2D platform games but the sheer amount of sports and party titles he's involved with is getting a bit too much. Likewise with Mario Kart though I would be open to Nintendo opening it up to a Nintendo Kart game. The mainline Pokemon games I feel are aimed at younger people who just got their first handheld console and RPG game who are experiencing Pokemon games for the 1st time so can I understand why the core elements have remained largely the same but that still doesn't make it right. Even though it's been 4 1/2 years since Brawl; I don't think Smash Bros Wii U should come out so soon for the reason Nintendo may be in the mindset of getting a sequel out asap for the sake of there being a new console. Luckily Smash is in the right hands so this shouldn't happen. The 3DS version is fully justified though as it'll be the 1st portable Smash. Maybe release the 3DS one a year before the Wii U version? I don't see either version coming out until 2014 at the earliest. Both LittleBigPlanet and the Uncharted series need a rest.
Jonnas Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Retro_Link said: I don't understand? Metroid and Kid Icarus would have felt fresh if the next instalments had kept coming out every couple of years after Super Metroid and whatever the Kid Icarus equivalent is? How can you guarantee that? The gap to Prime and Uprising and the advancements in console capabilities allowed both series to come back and offer something very different, new and unique for the series. Metroid Prime made the jump to 3D. Something that also happened with Mario and Zelda, with smaller gaps. You can argue that MP was only possible with the Gamecube, but anyone could've attempted an N64 game, and the result would be undeniably different than Super Metroid. And Uprising was an entirely different genre. If someone wanted to make a shoot'em up or a beat'em up or a hack'n slash (or a mix of everything) featuring the KI characters, there was no way it would be similar to the originals, ever. In fact, Uprising is so loosely related to the originals, one could almost count it as a new series. Sheikah said: Even if there is another villain in the newer games, Ganondorf somehow often returns at the end. And when they don't seal him away he just comes back in another generation. The Ganondorf thing was just an example anyway, there's lots of things they keep re-using that waters down their impact and makes the series stale. The last time that happened was Twilight Princess, 4 games ago (Unless you played some weird copies of SS, ST and PH) But it's a bit of a moot point, as we're still agreeing on the essential, anyway.
Sheikah Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 (edited) Jonnas said: Oh I'm not counting the recent handheld titles. I don't consider them to be on an equal footing/importance and they always feel more spin off cash generators with a gimmick mechanic than anything else. I would also argue with the flaming orange hair and same voice actor used for Ganondorf used for Demise in Skyward Sword that this is essentially proof of what I'm getting at with Nintendo. Even when 'it isn't', it still kinda 'is'. :p Edited January 21, 2013 by Sheikah
Jonnas Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Sheikah said: Oh I'm not counting the recent handheld titles. I don't consider them to be on an equal footing/importance and they always feel more spin off cash generators with a gimmick mechanic than anything else. Meh, your loss
Ville Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Sheikah said: @Jonnas Even if there is another villain in the newer games, Ganondorf somehow often returns at the end. And when they don't seal him away he just comes back in another generation. The Ganondorf thing was just an example anyway, there's lots of things they keep re-using that waters down their impact and makes the series stale. The problem with the Zelda games is that they have an actual narrative. In Mario, it doesn't really matter if you always fight Bowser in the end, as there's not much story there anyway. However, with Zelda it gets really frustrating, because the whole game you are fed cutscenes and story involving some new villain (like in TP and SS), who then ends up being nothing more than a minion of Ganon, The Inevitable End Boss Who Magically Appears Out of Thin Air. That's just lazy and bad story-telling.
Oxigen_Waste Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 I'm tired of every single series that stops evolving. Hell, if I'm being honest, I hate this "series" mentality that dominates videogames in general. A series should never stretch on for more than 3 titles, if you ask me.
Sheikah Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Jonnas said: Meh, your loss I played them to form this opinion. :p
Andyliini Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Metal Gear Not a bad series, but pretty stagnant. People often say that Zelda is repetitive, Mario is repetitive, this and this game is repetitive, but Metal Gear gets a free pass, although most of the time, the series uses the same story elements, same gameplay, etc. Personally, it's hetting boring. Kingdom Hearts Granted, I have only played the original Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories. When I first played the series, I got burned out during the first game. I gave it a new chance a year ago, and finished the first game, but got burned out right after the beginning of CoM. Decided that this is not my cup of tea. I don't think there are many other series that I'm truly bored of.
Hogge Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Andyliini said: Metal GearNot a bad series, but pretty stagnant. People often say that Zelda is repetitive, Mario is repetitive, this and this game is repetitive, but Metal Gear gets a free pass, although most of the time, the series uses the same story elements, same gameplay, etc. Personally, it's hetting boring. Lolwut? Have you even seen anyone playing MGS4? The gameplay has been completely and utterly revamped. The jump from MGS3 to MGS4 is kinda like the leap from Resident Evil 3 to Resident Evil 4. I don't think that Zelda is repetitive either. But I think it's got lots of flaws. I completely disagree with the notion that the lack of voice acting is a part of the experience. Skyrim takes place in a nordic-inspired setting, yet the characters speak english, not ancient Norwegian. Same goes for Dragon Age. You don't hear anyone complaining, do you? In many ways, I think that Nintendo just need to make Zelda more modern in many ways. No, I think that New Mario Bros should take a break. The name itself implies that it's supposed to be a novelty. But when you've had the novelty four times over in the last few years, it's not so novel anymore. Everything with "Wii" in its name (except for Mario Kart). Seriously, the ammount of times me and my mates have watched E3, waiting for Pikmin, Zelda, Starfox, F-Zero, new IP's... and then going "dafuq" when they proudly reveal complete stinkers like Wii Music or Wii Fit, showing absolutely nothing a gamer will appreciate. Call of Duty. Sorry, no, just no. You can't imply that you're realistic and then have players fire high caliber machine guns from your shoulder while standing up. You can't claim to be balanced and then enable players to quickscope with sniper rifles. And to be honest, the story is pure s**t.
Andyliini Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Hogge said: Lolwut?Have you even seen anyone playing MGS4? The gameplay has been completely and utterly revamped. The jump from MGS3 to MGS4 is kinda like the leap from Resident Evil 3 to Resident Evil 4. Yeah, I tried it, but didn't like the game at all. Still have in my shelf, maybe I'll take on it one day. While it worked a bit different way, I felt like it was more of the same. But that's not the idea of this topic. You have your opinions, and I have mine. Let's not argue. :awesome:
Retro_Link Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 (edited) Rowan said: Even though it's been 4 1/2 years since Brawl; I don't think Smash Bros Wii U should come out so soon for the reason Nintendo may be in the mindset of getting a sequel out asap for the sake of there being a new console. Luckily Smash is in the right hands so this shouldn't happen. The 3DS version is fully justified though as it'll be the 1st portable Smash. Maybe release the 3DS one a year before the Wii U version? I don't see either version coming out until 2014 at the earliest.I'm kinda worried about the future of Smash Bros. The success of the series now means it's at the stage where it will receive an instalment on each console. And this I think somewhat dumbs it down. The first Smash Bros was just this crazy unique idea that people never thought would happen... Mario knocking seven bells out of Link. Melee was able to go one better by being this huge celebration of Nintendo. Brawl and moving forward however is where I kinda worry for the series because now I think Nintendo just look at it as another Mario Kart. Switch some characters in and out, create some new levels (that kinda don't feel original anymore), bring back old levels from previous games etc... (Of course now we also have Namco co-developing it which has me atleast somewhat concerned) For me personally Melee has been the high point, others I know loved Brawl... but in either case how does the series successfully move forward without becoming what Mario Kart has? One answer to this might be in the single player campaign. In order to keep the game fresh the adventure mode could be the differentiator. How about it the next Smash Bros, instead of the single player being a unifier for all Nintendo's franchises, where they're all brought together in one world... this time the characters visit each others games. We already have the Mario side scrolling levels where we get to see Link jumping on Goomba's etc... but you could take it one stage further. So you could have something like @Fused King suggested, where one 'level' plays out like a Paper Mario style RPG featuring the Smash Bros cast. The next level could fling the characters into a Smash Bros Fire Emblem style strategy game. And the next could be Smash Bros Kart etc... So you'd get all these different Nintendo game experiences wrapped up in one incredible single player adventure mode. Edited January 21, 2013 by Retro_Link
Aneres11 Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Retro_Link said: I'm kinda worried about the future of Smash Bros. Yeah agree with this one Retro. I was gonna put this one on my list too but got bored typing. I didn't like Brawl really. The single player was total torture and if I wanted to play multiplayer then I'd just stick to Melee as online for Brawl was dreadful sadly. I think for the next game we just need to see more of a single player experience as the multiplayer aspect is virtually nailed. I wouldn't want to see too much of a change on that side of things. The character rosta also went a little off the scale last time I thought. I don't mind a big selection, but at least make some characters play differently and not just be carbon copies in a different skin. Be interesting to see how they plan to add the 3DS into them mix - whether it's a separate game or some sort of link up.
Beast Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 Has anybody even said Call of Duty yet? That shit's getting stale now! Every year or two, everybody expects it and now it's just getting repetitive and slightly boring although granted, I do find Black Ops II to be the best COD (yes, better than COD4...controversylol). COD needs to have a long break and come back in a few years time with a bang. I also think the Mario and Zelda games need to have a break as well. Resident Evil needs to start getting it's act together as well. No more shit like 6 and more shit like 1-4. I'd love to see Outbreak 1 and 2 on the 360 but I'd love to see the old style gameplay with the best graphics. It would be awesome! Kingdom Hearts need to release a game either on the PS3 or the 360 or they need to release 1 and 2 on the PS3 in HD so I can play that game forever.
Goron_3 Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 I'm a bit worried about Smash as well tbh. The N64 game and Melee were incredible; they were easy enough to get some newbies into and not have to worry about combo's etc, whilst the game is still played by literally tens of thousands. In fact, in terms of the competitive state of it, it's one of the best fighting games ever made imo, alongside SF:3rd Strike. Brawl was a big step backwards in terms of the combat though; they got rid of combos and even put in tripping which was a big kick in the face. There is still a Brawl community but it's nowhere near as respected as melee was. Brawl is also one of the most broken, glitchiest games ever and it's no wonder they've asked Namco to get involved. Presentation wise though, it was great and I loved it.
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