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Xbox One Console Discussion


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...A report...of a rumour.


Eurogamer started that trend. Instead of labelling a new item "Rumour: Unlikely headline goes here" they word it like "Unlikely headline goes here - Report". Presumably to hide the fact that it's a rumour.

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Yeah, I'm looking forward to after E3 as a whole. I just want to know what all three companies have to offer so I can start thinking about what to get. I'm really really hoping I don't want to buy another console this year. Especially as I'm moving to Paris in November for 6 months :)

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Don't be stupid. If Kotaku were fishing for hits they wouldn't have buried that information toward the end of an article about an Xbox exclusive. It would have had it's own separate article with that emblazoned as the headline.

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Yeah, I'm looking forward to after E3 as a whole. I just want to know what all three companies have to offer so I can start thinking about what to get. I'm really really hoping I don't want to buy another console this year. Especially as I'm moving to Paris in November for 6 months :)


Zut Alors - get the PS4!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm expecting a catastrophe on the scale of Sony's E3 2006. It won't be as funny a failure or have such a detrimental price point announcement, but it will be equally groansome from a gamers perspective. Coining that

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I think a lot of people will be surprised. Expectations have never been so low. I suspect it won't really speak to me and Microsoft would have made desperate cynical attempts to sign "awesome" exclusives.


I hope there's enough to keep Sony on their toes. Don't want them to get complacent.

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I find it laughable how people wrote ms off simply due to the ps4 reveal. Suddenly MS become the prophet of doom and before anything was shown of the next Xbox they are written off. I think tonight and e3 MS will show more than enough quality games to get people excited.

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I find it laughable how people wrote ms off simply due to the ps4 reveal. Suddenly MS become the prophet of doom and before anything was shown of the next Xbox they are written off. I think tonight and e3 MS will show more than enough quality games to get people excited.


I find it laughable you think it's as simple as the PS4 putting people off Xbox.


Microsoft did that all on their own and have been doing so for a couple years now.

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For me its a lot of things. The way they've taken the Dashboard, more towards a Windows Phone/8 style which I have never liked. Its all cluttered and full of advertising and hard to find what you are actually looking for.


The lack of exclusives coming to the console over the past few years and the ones that they do have I dont want anyway.


No interest in the Kinect, hate motion controls.


If the rumours are true then I dont want a set top box to take over entertainment in my room, my PC does all the stuff I need.


No way I am paying a subscription for online if its anything like Gold was. Playstation Plus has proven it can be done so much better.


We've had developers speaking out about MS and for Sony quite a bit the past few months, this has been saying a lot.


Sony just seems to suit my gaming tastes more.

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I find it laughable you think it's as simple as the PS4 putting people off Xbox.


Microsoft did that all on their own and have been doing so for a couple years now.


Yup. Microsoft have been living off 3rd party support for a while now and pushing the whole entertainment box far too much. I wouldn't mind but more than half of the entertainment stuff they announce never leaves the US.


I still enjoy my 360 and will no doubt pick up the NextBox. I really want to see what Rare have been allowed to work on though.


John Riccitiello said this the other day about the new Sony and Microsoft consoles.




I can’t keep track of the number of people who have told me they don’t believe the new consoles, long rumored to be coming from both Microsoft and Sony this fall, will succeed. I’ve heard this from some industry analysts. I’ve heard it from friends. I’ve even heard it from some pretty dedicated gamers.


When I press them, most everyone says they see games on smart phones and tablets taking over the game biz. They see the massive numbers of apps—mostly game apps—being downloaded onto iOS and Android devices and see the demise of console gaming as inevitable. They see the multi-year decline of console software at retail, as reported by NPD, and they think the console gaming is done. They see Apple’s PR machine touting the 50 billion apps downloaded, and they’re even more certain the battle is over and that the future is all about mobile. For them, consoles are over.




None of us has seen the future. But based on everything I know and what I have seen, most everything is pretty much in place for all of these things to happen, and to put console gaming front-and-center again. I see 2013 as the year that brings gaming pizzazz back to the living room, where it all really started.


But I do have this nagging fear that it is not too late to snatch defeat from the jaws of probable victory.


I keep asking myself how this might happen, and I come up with a four potential pitfalls that could turn my predicted console victory lap of 2013 into something a bit less grand. Trip on these, and what could be the start of a game console-driven revolution in the living room quickly turns into something that passes with more of a yawn than a cheer.


The first and most obvious of these pitfalls is if Sony or Microsoft forgets who brought them to the dance in the first place. Gamers. I certainly see the temptation to emphasize all sorts of experiences that these boxes might bring to the living room. These new machines can do a lot. The risk is that either or both of the new platforms emphasize these “value-add” experiences too much, both in the user interface on the consoles themselves, or in the story they tell consumers when they unleash their avalanche of advertising. To paraphrase a political slogan, it’s about the games, stupid.


We all know that the Xbox was meant as a trojan horse but if they don't start focusing more on the games I feel they will lose a lot of ground they gained this gen. I also don't think this entertainment box idea works if they keep charging for Live. I mean most electronic devices now offer the likes of Netflicks for free.

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Microsoft have some of my favourite gaming franchises, but I highly doubt they'll ever use them. The other Microsoft-owned exclusives I care little about. I got very tired of Halo during Reach (and I've only played 3, OSDT and Reach), Forza I was never a fan of and Fable was never amazing. Entertaining, yes, but not much more.


However, due to Nintendo's odd approach this generation, I think the Xbox could become the best seller due to the casual and Call of Duty approach.

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Others have already listed my concerns about the new Xbox so I won't bother repeating.


The main thing that'll swing me is what Microsoft actually develop first party game wise. I'm done with Fable (and really it should be put out of its misery), never cared much for Forza (wouldn't mind seeing PGR come back) and can live without another Halo or Gears for a couple more years. And they can stuff the Kinect stuff as I'm not interested.


I just want them to let Rare get back to making game-games and perhaps bringing about some new IPs. Hell, give me another Alan Wake game and I'll be there day and date for it. But if they fall too heavily on 3rd party support and bring little new to the 1st party stuff, I'll most likely stick with the idea of picking up a PS4 because at least there I know I'll get pretty much everything I'd want from the console: solid 1st party titles (both existing and new IPs), good indie support and (now that the console architectures will be similar) really good 3rd party stuff.


I won't be watching the announcement anyway. I'll just pick up whatever was said afterwards but I'd like to be optimistic about what'll come out of it but like everyone, there's quite a bit of trepidation.

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