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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I really hope Sony doesn't go through with the idea of blocking used game sales. That could be a massive boon against the Durango presuming Microsoft goes through with it as well.


Sony could easily get back into dominance next generation considering how screwy Microsoft is becoming, and I'd love to see it happen. It's just, so fucking awkward seeing how many people subscribe to Live and feel it's value for money, despite being bombarded with a crap load of stuff like advertisements. All I can hope is that if Sony doesn't capitalise on this, some one new enters the industry and at a reasonable price, because I don't think Steam Box will be the right choice.

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Wow...that looks kind of legit.



Touch pad (with Start and Select to either side) - check

Speaker - check

Move integration -...check

Wider grip - check

New trigger - unknown


Is that a headphone jack on the bottom?


If that's it, I'm happy. Like I said, I like the crazy glowing ball on the Move.

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Apparently the d-pad is the same as the Vita one. Not owning one I can't tell though.


It looks like a bigger version of the Vita one. Expect the 360 to have a similar one - now that Nintendo's parent is over, everyone can have a decent D-pad.


It's probably much rougher than the finished product will be (as design isn't important for these oens). I expect a couple of changes:

- D-Pad and buttons will probably be made from see-though plastic, similar to the Vita.

- The touch pad will probably have the same pattern and finish as the Vita's.

- A nicer shape and overall form.


I really don't like the Move light, and I hope it's only on when a game needs it. Even when it's off I don't know how it won't look ugly, unless they make it a lot smaller.


Also, if look at bendy thing where the wire meets the controller - it's a wired one. It's possible that the dev unit doesn't have bluetooth (the final one probably will), hence why the controller needs a mic input.


Also, is that a Wii dev kit above it? It looks like GameCube controller ports.


Edit: Actually, it looks like it does have bluetooth with 8 simultaneous connections (those 8 lights in a row), but the controller is still wired. The wired controller (and wired headset) are probably made as cheap as possible, so Sony don't need to provide a bluetooth headset with the dev units.

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Yeah the Move light is an issue for me too.


Tbh it looks very 'third party controller'... but like you say I'm sure (or at least I'd hope) the final one looks a more finished product. The touchpad section just doesn't look finished. What's it being used for again.


Still, I don't mind the DS3 at all, and you'd think it could only get better.

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Possible uses for the touch pad:


- Scrolling through items/weapons, with an on-screen pop-up. It would have kinetic scrolling like on phones. A bit better then only 4 slots or previous/next on the D-pad I suppose.


- Grenades. Swipe in direction you want, and stronger swipes mean you throw further. Even throw behind you. It would be harder to use, but probably much more useful once you get used to it. Someone chasing you in Uncharted 4? Try a sneaky backwards grenade throw.


- Map screen. Scrolling/zooming/rotating would work really well.


- Quick time events. But hopefully not.


- Sports games. It would possibly give you better control when shooting and doing free kicks/corners (the latter two with rotation for spin) in Pro Evo/FIFA.


The touch screen would surely have to be bigger than that to make it worthwhile?


It's not a screen. Just a touch pad.

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My god that controller looks horrendous. Really hope that isn't going to be the next controller.


Also don't see what it does that I care for...couldn't care less about having a touch screen, move or speaker. Swapping the D-pad with the left stick would have been a good move.

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It does seem to have a bit of an identity crisis and as a result looks a bit of a mess/unfinished (which maybe it is).


It's kind of like... we've got to get a bit of Motion control in there, we've got to get a bit of Touch control in there...


and as a result, a few of the staples aren't being done as well as they could be/improved enough either.

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I honestly don't get what people think looks so bad about it. It's not really that different. Also, I don't think it's as big as people think it is, it's mostly longer and a tiny bit chunkier.


The DS3 looks cheap as hell if you get past its iconic status.


Just swap round the speaker and the PS button...or I'll complain.


Edit: ...and yeah, the detail above the sticks is crap and overdone.

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People are going to moan whatever. Probably best for Sony - Microsoft too, if they're smart - that they ease people into changing such an established controller. Personally, it has all the functionality in it I want and the basics of the design look greatly improved. The details here and there probably aren't set and even if they were, just like every fugly controller ever released, people will just get used to it.


It's amazing how much some people moan about change.


So this pretty much confirms the PS4 will come with a camera, too. At the very least this'll be an interesting set-up.


I'd like to see how they're going to use the light. Would be great if they used it as a health indicator. Or in a horror game it could throb red, simulating your heartbeat. Shit like that, sounds daft, but it's at least an option to be explored.

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I honestly don't get what people think looks so bad about it. It's not really that different. Also, I don't think it's as big as people think it is, it's mostly longer and a tiny bit chunkier.


The DS3 looks cheap as hell if you get past its iconic status.


Just swap round the speaker and the PS button...or I'll complain.


Edit: ...and yeah, the detail above the sticks is crap and overdone.


In layout it looks precisely like the original controller, which apparently they wanted to change, except really fat and stupid looking and with a load of functionality that the 90% probably couldn't care less about.

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I think you're having a bizarre over-reaction. It looks fat? Look at the buttons, the whole controller is only slightly larger. And 90% probably don't care? Well thanks for pulling stats out your ass. Why don't you wait and see what developers will do with a controller with this kind of functionality standardised before shitting all over it.


Seriously, 'fat and stupid'? You sound like a teenage girl.

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I think you're having a bizarre over-reaction. It looks fat? Look at the buttons, the whole controller is only slightly larger. And 90% probably don't care? Well thanks for pulling stats out your ass. Why don't you wait and see what developers will do with a controller with this kind of functionality standardised before shitting all over it.


Seriously, 'fat and stupid'? You sound like a teenage girl.


Move on the PS3 and the touchpad on the Vita are my basis for saying this. I honestly don't think most people care about these sort of things, purely because the existing methods are more than fine.


Seriously though, front to back, it's a beast. From that image I saw it's almost like two controllers sandwiched together.


The worst thing is, if this ever did become the real thing, that they haven't really changed anything like we thought they would. No one seriously believes the design they came up with with in the last millennium was perfect. I'd like to see what more they could do if I'm being honest.


To be fair it does look a bit shitty, I think the DS3 looks really sleek in comparison. Either way, I doubt it's actually going to look anything like this.


Yeah, for me it was instant when I saw the image that it was just not right. You can break down the feature list but at the end of the day it's just polishing a turd. :p

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