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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Well i feel more happy i'm waiting until Feb to buy a PS4 all the time with these delays......i just hope it doesn't hurt the launch in general with all these games being delayed, i want the PS4 to do well, because so far i'm getting a WiiU vibe with all these delays and launch window like releases......


rather cynical that though, i doubt it will be THAT bad, sony got the marketing down

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Its a disappointing delay but I cant be too annoyed. I was going to buy Contrast so yay. I also have to keep me busy for the rest of the year on PS4.




Lego Marvel






Its not like I'll be short of games to play and the fact that this now comes in early 2014 along with Infamous in Feb could ease any game drought there might be.

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It's kind of weird to me that Playstation now has a 'nostalgic' history. Sony have always been the challengers to the de facto Nintendo, the young turk. It's nice to realise that change. Just how god awful the PS3 started its life and how they pulled themselves back has really cemented their place at the heart of the industry for me.


And in just over five weeks, we'll have the PS4 with us. I'm excited.

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Finally played a PS4 earlier, Ubisoft had an event in my university student union.


The controller feels amazing, and this is coming from a guy who does not like the Dualshock in it's current form. The sticks were too close together in my opinion, and it never suited my hands. DS4 feels a lot more suitable for me, sure there's others I prefer, but an improvement is an improvement.


Thanks to the promo guy being a bit of a pleb and tripping the wire knocking out the power to all the demo units (I shit you not), I managed to get a slight browse around the home menu before he asked me for the controller so he can set up the demo.


The demo itself was Assassins Creed 4. And my god Ubisoft, I've never been about the graphics, but it looked like an upscaled piece of shit. It was also kind of buggy, and when I questioned the guy why I'm constantly being prompted to press O to counter when no one was around, he just told me to ignore it and it'd fix itself.


Unless that PS4 exclusive content is a real big deal, I can't see why any one would bother waiting for this and slamming down an extra tenner on average for it compared with its previous gen version.


As for the system itself? Hard to judge considering the software, but that gamepad impressed me. The back blue light was what caught my attention walking past the room!

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That's a great ad, really tugs at the heart strings (and I never even grew up with a PS1 or PS2 as a kid!)


My only real complaint is the decision to use Resident Evil 4 as the PS2's defining game. I would never associate RE4 with the PS2, it's a GCN game through and through! (If they wanted to pick a defining PS2 horror game to do that flashlight gag with, I would've picked Silent Hill 2...)


Mind you though, it does also sort of highlight how the Playstation ecosystem also sort of lost its identity with the PS3... (But that's not really the advert's fault, just more a matter of Sony moving away from the kinds of games they pushed in the past...)


But yeah, it's a great ad! :D

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That AC4 gif thing is so painful to watch, not only can you barely tell the difference, but is this really what "next gen" is all about? Why are we not hearing more about what makes next gen next gen, just slightly prettier versions of old games feels the most stale the industry's ever been.


When do we think we're going to get a great sense of how the OS is and particularly the social services?

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That AC4 gif thing is so painful to watch, not only can you barely tell the difference, but is this really what "next gen" is all about?


AC4 isn't a next-gen game. If it was it wouldn't be coming out on current gen systems. Isn't that kind of obvious?

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I won't be buying current gen games on my PS4 when I get it unless they've at least been partially developed for it or are clearly better on the platform, ACIV does not fall into this category, besides I don't even like Assassin's Creed that much but I certainly would not pay full price for one of those games let alone more just because it has 'PS4' on the box. :p


Exclusives and proper next-gen games all the way for me. :)

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