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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Sony don't need to rush in Japan. There's absolutely no pressure on them. It's the US they're gunning for, and need, and that line up reflects it.

Yup. Xbox may as well not exist in Japan so there's really no competition for them. And the Wii U is doing shit.



I wouldn't say that it's a bad lineup for Japan, in terms of what they want. They bloody love Dynasty Warriors and FF Online (in the form of XI, love which will no doubt transfer to XIV).

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I wouldn't say that it's a bad lineup for Japan, in terms of what they want. They bloody love Dynasty Warriors and FF Online (in the form of XI, love which will no doubt transfer to XIV).


Problem is though that they already have FF14 on their current PS3 and they'll be getting DW8 on their current PS3 well before it comes out on PS4.


It's not really a great lineup if they already own the games that will be available, minor graphical upgrade or otherwise. Doesn't matter if Microsoft or Nintendo flounder, it's still a very poor launch lineup because of the lack of exclusives. It's gonna have a very slow start with the lineup looking like that (and the western focused games aren't even worth mentioning, they wont sell for toffee).


Hopefully the Vita TV will kickstart that console's sales though. I reckon it has a decent chance at least :)

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It is because they know they're going to upgrade to a PS4 anyway (since Nintendo offers a completely different experience and Xbox is non existent) and the thought of being able to play games they regularly play is enough to push people.


Games like FFXIV on PS4 I can easily imagine having the graphical quality of the PC version while being noticeably clippy compared to the version on PS3. That's a game people play day after day so I have no problem believing that people would want a 'superior' version of it on a console they're going to buy at some point anyway.


Also remember that to Japan, a lot of these are actually like exclusives! (Except if you count PC). Nintendo aren't offering all of these, and they don't bother with the Xbox.

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Summary of the conference,


Conference Details

Note: None of this may come West. These are announcements for Japan.

(First half thanks to /u/Lucosis [1] from this thread[2] in /r/Vita[3] )


New Vita Hardware

  • 5in LED screen (Not OLED like current PS Vitas)
  • 1GB onboard storage (NOT additional RAM)
  • 1 hour more battery life
  • 20% thinner
  • Micro-USB standard charger. No more proprietary cable.
  • MSRP ~199.000 yen (around $200) 10/10/13 launch date.
  • 64GB vita memory card for 10.000 yen (~$100 USD)



  • New Gundam game shown off (I honestly don't know anything about Gundam)
  • God Eater 2 Release 11/14/13 with special edition new vita model
  • New Soul Sacrifice?! Inafune taking the stage. "Soul Sacrifice Delta release "March 2014" "Not just a new update" Has new elements, bosses, monsters, and a "Neutral" force in addition to evil and good.
  • Something about "New Collaborative battle" relating to Soul Sacrifice. Coming 2013.9.14. Seems to be a large update to Soul Sacrifice?
  • Sega PSO producer taking stage.
  • "Phantasy Star Nova" new game coming for the vita 2014
  • It is the same world as PSO2. Can be an addon to PSO2 or stand alone and played offline (translator was shaky, may be wrong)
  • Sony giving full support to PSO2 and Nova going forward. Flagship title for the system (apparently not in the US...)
  • New titles being shown
  • Jpop anime game! (Not my scene) "School Idol Paradise"
  • Some teaser that I couldn't catch the name for. Completely in Japanese though.
  • Terraria Vita being shown now, no release date.
  • Another Anime game with crazy, cleaver wielding teddy bears. "Danganropa" I think. Also coming with a new Vita in a special edition bundle.
  • New hardware so pretty! Damn you Sony!
  • Amnesia World something something December 19th 2013 with a bundle with Vita-2000
  • Final Fantasy 10 HD info now. Limited edition console!
  • Playstation Plus update for JP market. 5 games that I didn't catch. (Will add later)
  • Vita-1000 playpack bundle with memory card included with preloaded games selling in Japan. Looks like they are still supporting the old hardware.
  • Sizzle-reel for upcoming games. Dragon's Dogma Quest was in the middle of it; looked interesting.
  • Old hardware showed up in the sizzle a few times.
  • There will be a JP GT6 bundle.


PS4 will launch in Japan February 22nd, 2014

  • Knack will be included for early JP PS4 adopters (to help offset the late release in all likelihood)
  • Bunch of games announced we know about for PS4 and some JP ones that aren't intelligible from the stream.
  • FFXIV available on PS4 to PS3 subscribers at no additional cost. And a PS4 beta is planned.
  • Watch_Dogs video
  • Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends coming to Vita and PS3 also announced for PS4.
  • Yakuza Restoration announced.
  • More JP stuff (check here for details: http://www.siliconera.com[4] )
  • Deep Down shown.
    1. Appears to be the official title.
    2. Takes place in the future, not past.
    3. Future tech mixed with medieval monsters and armor.
    4. Possible souls-style game
    5. Has online play of some sort.
    6. PS4 exclusive explicitly stated.

    [*]Indie talk

    [*]PS3 -> PS4 game upgrade trade-in program discussed.

    [*]PS+ discussed, nothing new, DriveClub + Res0gun confirmed for JP.

    [*]Music Unlimited talk.

    [*]Video Unlimited talk.

    [*]JP reservations begin Saturday, October 5th 2013, payment plans discussed.


PS Vita TV Hardware Announced (/r/VitaTV[5] )

  • Plays Vita physical games (and likely digital as well) on your TV. Plays PSP digital games (Vita-compatible ones at least).
  • 6cm x 10cm (Smallest PS device).
  • Allows for video serviced on your TV (Think Apple TV).
  • Access to PS Store videos and services.
  • Functions as a PS4 extender via Remote Play (i.e. Play your PS4 from the bedroom in your living room that has PS Vita TV hooked up to it.)
  • Global Release - Japan first.
  • 9954 Yen (~$100)





Watching this and the bit where they're playing Tekken on the PS Vita TV makes me think Nintendo are missing a real trick not releasing a similar device.

Edited by Daft
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Oh dear - XBoner can argue all they want but this can't be good news for them...



From Edge


Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance



PlayStation 4 is currently around 50 per cent faster than its rival Xbox One. Multiple high-level game development sources have described the difference in performance between the consoles as “significant” and “obvious.”


Our contacts have told us that memory reads on PS4 are 40-50 per cent quicker than Xbox One, and its ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is around 50 per cent faster. One basic example we were given suggested that without optimisation for either console, a platform-agnostic development build can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One. “Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer.


Microsoft is aware of the problem and, having recently upped the clock speed of Xbox One, is working hard to close the gap on PS4, though one developer we spoke to downplayed the move. “The clock speed update is not significant, it does not change things that much,” he said. “Of course, something is better than nothing.”


Even this close to launch, “the hardware isn’t locked,” said another source. Sony and Microsoft are each still working on the graphics drivers for each console, and Xbox One is lagging behind in this regard – Microsoft “has been late on their drivers and that has been hurting them,” said one source. Another described Xbox One’s graphics drivers less charitably as “horrible”. Both consoles’ graphics drivers will continue to improve right up to – and beyond – launch, which will even up the difference in performance a little.


Xbox One does, however, boast superior performance to PS4 in other ways. “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces – that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU – Xbox One will be likely be faster,” said one developer.


Both platform holders are, of course, encouraging developers to take advantage of each console’s unique features (the DualShock 4’s touch pad and Kinect, for example) but there’s little enthusiasm for either among the developers we spoke to. “They really want us to make use of platform specific stuff to give their version a leg up over the other,” said one source. “But unless there’s a good design reason or incentive we rarely do.”


Indeed, despite that gulf in speed, the differences between cross platform launch window games will be negligible; with tight deadlines to meet, it’s more expedient for developers to deliberately create near-identical versions.


“The poor [graphics] drivers have made it difficult to push either of them, and the developers aren’t familiar with the hardware yet,“ said one source. Another stated that we’ll begin to see far greater use of each platform’s unique features once we’re past the first wave of releases, when developers have more time and experience with each console’s quirks.


One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and framerate; better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers.


This claim was later countered by a contact at a different studio. “It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn’t make financial sense,” they said, “unless it’s a very simple tweak.”



From neogaf - Come on Major Nelson, come here and tell us how all the devs are wrong and there's no difference in power between both consoles.



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You ignoring the bit where it says in some conditions the xbox will perform better? The xbox 360 is loads less powerful than the ps3 and it didn't do it any harm... This place has got a real childish streak. Some rampant sony fanboys in here!!


Anyways, it's the sony lovers I'm actually wanting some help from so don't take it personally and disregard this message :) So, I've had pretty much every handheld and console that's ever been released. I've always got consoles at launch and there's no way I'm getting an xbox (even though the launch lineup looks better to me); but for some reason I don't have a desire to get a ps4... which is weird. The social stuff looks great and obviously eventually it'll have so many third party games I won't say no. But for launch I'm not tempted, obviously the obvious answer is to just not get it and get it later when there're games I want. I know that, and will probably do it, but I like shiny things.


So, what is so great about the ps4 at launch? I'm not interested in the multi platform games that are on the ps4 as they'll be upscaled version of last gen games, I'll get them on the wii u. So that leaves knack and kill zone, knack looks average to me and kill zone has always been reasonable if a little flat, definitely not worth buying a console for. Just wondered if there were other factors I should be considering. Or if I'm misjudging some games. Admittedly I know nothing about the machine or really the games and these are based on presumptions and watching all the conferences since its unveiling, but I don't keep up.


Quite simply, what's so great about the ps4?

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The Xbox 360 wasn't loads less powerful - it actually had huge advantages over the PS3, namely unified RAM, processing architecture that didn't rely on multithreading nearly as much as the Cell, and a better GPU. It was far easier to develop for. The Xbox One and the PS4 are almost architecturally identical meaning there won't be any complications or differences that arise from idiosyncrasies to do with the way the systems are put together - except, the PS4 is more powerful. The only advantage the One has comes from the fact that DDR3 RAM has slightly less latency than GDDR5 ram, a fact more than compensated for by the ridiculous bus width of the latter.

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Details on the PS3-to-PS4 game upgrade.


For Battlefield 4, early copies of the game (so launch day and probably a few weeks after) will come with a voucher to get the digital PS4 version for £10.


If a similar thing happens with Black Flag, I may get the PS3 version, grab the code, then trade it in straight away.

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I thought the wii u was the kiddy console :)


So about the ps4. Whys it so special? I really wish it was backwards compatible. Is the PSN store backwards compatibleocr is that completely different too? If I could move everything over Itd be way more tempting. And lastly, what's the latest with vita remote play, is actually meant to be really good or has there been no hands on yet.

Edited by dazzybee
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I thought the wiki u was the kiddy console :)


So about the ps4. Whys it so special? I really wish it was backwards compatible. Is the PSN store backwards compatibleocr is that completely different too? If I could move everything over Itd be way more tempting. And lastly, what's the latest with vita remote play, is actually meant to be really good or has there been no hands on yet.


A trip to the Wii boards will instantly validate your previous assumption.


Anyway, backwards compatibility isn't such a big deal so long as you keep your PS3. I'm sure that PS1 games will still work

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