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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Choze I got a diagram from VGChartz and transposed it here.


Console power:


Wii U: --

720 /: ----------------------------

PS4 /: ------------------------------


I'd hardly say that was 'bang in the middle', you nutter.

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Choze I got a diagram from VGChartz and transposed it here.


Console power:


Wii U: --

720 /: ----------------------------

PS4 /: ------------------------------


I'd hardly say that was 'bang in the middle', you nutter.


No. 'Vgleaks' are the ones who published the stuff as well as eurogamer etc. 1.2 TF GPU on the Durango (performance also in line with that power point leak last year) and 1.8 TF on the Orbis being the notable differences besides RAM bandwdth and setup.








Both are custom gpu. The 720 GPU being similar to a 7770 and the PS4 GPU inbetween a 7850 and 7870. Both are AMD so its easier to compare. A 7770 is half the retail price of a 7850. Performance difference is quite large in benchmarks.


Obviously things may change. PS4 nor 720 are finalised.


The interesting bits of 720 are the HDMI input (for 720 overlay when wathcing Sky,freeview etc. will attract many people), kinect stuff and focus on it being a much cheaper console this time round.

Edited by Choze
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Jonathan Blow on the power of PS4 and how sharing will change the way we play




Developing for PlayStation 4 is leaner than making games for PC and its Share button could change the way we play console games, says Jonathan Blow.


We spoke to the Braid creator after he took to the stage at PlayStation Meeting to announce that his next project The Witness will be a launch window exclusive on PS4. Blow seemed impressed by the new console’s power and its developer-friendly architecture.


“For The Witness we’re mostly interested in the base machine and how fast it is – the fact it has faster RAM than a PC, which really helps in shuttling graphics resources around, and since it’s not running a heavyweight operating system like Windows that gets in the way of your graphics,” he told us. “Rendering stuff through Windows has an impact on performance. Since a console is just about games, that doesn’t happen, and the equivalent game will run faster. And if you can target to specific hardware you can make it run faster, too.”


He added that the addition of the Share button is integral to the new console, stating that that PS4 has been built around the social feature.


“In general, as a platform feature, it’s super interesting,” he said. “One thing that most game developers have become really aware of is that over the past couple of years on YouTube the whole livecast and commentary thing is really huge.”


“A lot of people are paying a lot of attention to it now and it’s interesting to see what happens if you base an entire console around it. That’s what’s crazy about PS4 – it has a chip that’s always recording to a maybe two-minute buffer. After something cool happens, it’s there in the buffer. That’s the sort of thing that’s really going to change the way something’s used.”


You can read more from Blow about why The Witness is coming to PS4 first through the link, and the full interview later this afternoon.


I like J Blow's name.

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When I saw the launch details for the PS4, I thought all the share stuff looked amazing.


Now after some reflection I've realised, I'll never want to share, and there's just a wasted button on the controller for something I'll never do. Why not just put it in the menu somewhere?


After 34 pages I'm sure someone's said this already but I'm just admitting how caught up I was in the hype machine.

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Now after some reflection I've realised, I'll never want to share, and there's just a wasted button on the controller for something I'll never do. Why not just put it in the menu somewhere?


It's also currently only Facebook and Ustream (and PSN itself). Ustream doesn't interest me and Facebook is the last place I want to share gaming stuff.

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Unity is coming to all things PlayStation (PS4, Vita and PS Cloud) though it's little off at the moment - more will be announced in the coming months.


Should prove very good for the indie scene and even professional devs. I've heard even people from the bigger studios have been looking into using their tools for certain projects so knowing they can carry on developing on future machines, you can already export files to a PS3 (plus Wiis and 360s) though I'm not sure how many did, will make sure any knowledge gained is put to good use.



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