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When did Sony change it that you must have a payment method attached to your PSN account to be able to redeem a 1 month PS Plus code, one that I've paid for and not a free month trial?


Bought a 1 month code the other day as I need to renew my PS Plus but decided only to pick up the 1 month for just now but after inputting the code and selecting confirm, it was telling me to add a payment method. What the hell. I've read on reddit and such that it'll ask you to do that for a free trial but why should I need to do it for a month of PS Plus that I've paid for?!?! Not attaching a payment method to my account given how frequently Sony seem to be losing customers information to hackers.


Only work around I'm seeing is to input a payment method but then to immediately remove it once its gone through but it shouldn't be this much of a hassle to redeem something I've paid for, especially as it apparently doesn't do it if you buy a 3 or 12 month PS Plus membership. Bit shady if you ask me as it's clearly there to catch those using the month trial in the hope they forget about it and it automatically renews (another disgusting habit that it always resets to auto renew :shakehead).

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Sony decided to block my card for no reason what so ever, i used it to pay for Taken King back in September. So when i come to buy Walking Dead season 1 and Surgeon Simulator (both for Extra Life), it says "Payment not accepted, please try again". I contact Sony to ask for advice, whom promptly say the card has been blocked for 7 days for "security purposes". They did say i can use pre-paid cards instead, which isn't the point really.


Sigh, shall get this sorted.

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Yo! It's awesome man. Really great modern take on the CRPG like Baldur's Gate. Very sandbox, amazingly clever combat, fun writing. Very much recommended.


Thanks. : peace:


Sounds great. What I forgot to ask: Is it a game you can easily play in 1-2 hour sessions?

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*Waits patiently for @kav82 to try Bloodborne*


God, that game was a rollercoaster of emotion for me. Fucking hard at the beginning.


I got too scared to continue with Bloodborne. I really want to go back and restart but it terrifies me. And is difficult. Very difficult!


The beginning of the game is hell. Literally hell. It's basically a 'If you can't cope now, don't come back' type of intro, and I spent the first 4-5 hours HATING the game.


Then I beat Cleric Beast......


And it instantly became my GOTY. It also gets much easier after the first few hours.

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