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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Is it a bit wrong that I want a second PS4? @Eenuh is playing The Witcher 3 right now and I kinda wish I could play FIFA or some Battlefield at the same time. Definitely thinking about it when we eventually get our own house.


Confirmed, me and the bf have got two PS4s and there are two TVs in the flat. Split screen gaming is for peasants. If it has an online mode, it has local co-op for us.


And we only ever have to buy one copy of any game when it's digital; for example, I buy the game, download and play it on his console with my log-in and he just plays it on my PS4.

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#firstworldproblems crikey!


Haha, there's no way it'll happen any time soon, if it ever happens at all. It's probably easier for us to travel to the moon than it is to buy a house in the South of England. Prices here are disgusting.


Confirmed, me and the bf have got two PS4s and there are two TVs in the flat. Split screen gaming is for peasants. If it has an online mode, it has local co-op for us.


And we only ever have to buy one copy of any game when it's digital; for example, I buy the game, download and play it on his console with my log-in and he just plays it on my PS4.


That's awesome. What about if it's a retail release? Is there anything stopping you from playing it on two consoles? (not at the same time obviously, as you only have one disc)

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Haha, there's no way it'll happen any time soon, if it ever happens at all. It's probably easier for us to travel to the moon than it is to buy a house in the South of England. Prices here are disgusting.


If you think that's bad, think about London and the south east! Someone at work was telling me they practically bought a fucking mansion* up north somewhere for what is basically a shitty excuse for a house here.


I do like the idea of the ease of swapping between two PS4s - though was it much different with the PS3? I'd also ask, though it's such an easy fix anyway, does the pad only sync up with one console at a time? I know it sounds weird, but I'm very much a 'my pad' kind of guy when it comes to consoles.


(*not a mansion, but like...a decent sized house)

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If you think that's bad, think about London and the south east! Someone at work was telling me they practically bought a fucking mansion* up north somewhere for what is basically a shitty excuse for a house here.


I do like the idea of the ease of swapping between two PS4s - though was it much different with the PS3? I'd also ask, though it's such an easy fix anyway, does the pad only sync up with one console at a time? I know it sounds weird, but I'm very much a 'my pad' kind of guy when it comes to consoles.


(*not a mansion, but like...a decent sized house)


Bournemouth and the surrounding areas are fucking expensive, braaaah. Brighton was just as bad. It sucks living in the South...although, I do admit, everything is gorgeous down here. Coastlines are amazing, New Forest, etc, etc. I want to buy a house in the North, attach some wheels to it and push it all the way down to the South.


I have two pads - a sexy black one and an even sexier blue one. I flirt between the two. I mostly lean towards the blue one because it makes me feel like a God.

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Hey guys. I caved in.




Bloody system update taking ages - 250MB taking over half an hour and I have 100Mb internet!


Pic's not working for me - what did you go for in the end/what sort of deal did you manage to snag? I've noticed that sometimes PSN can be slow - I've got good VM internet too so I think it's something on their side.


Also obligatory...one of us, one of us, one of us! Whats your PSN? What games you got?

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One day I'll be as sexy as you :(


(padwise, I could never match your handsome face)




Hey guys. I caved in.




Bloody system update taking ages - 250MB taking over half an hour and I have 100Mb internet!


Pic is not working, braaaah.


Welcome! :D

Start adding us up! My ID is teh_jimzor. If you want an easy way to add people from here, you could add one of us off here and then just go to the friends bit and just add from there. LEECH AWAY.

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Pic's not working for me - what did you go for in the end/what sort of deal did you manage to snag? I've noticed that sometimes PSN can be slow - I've got good VM internet too so I think it's something on their side.


Also obligatory...one of us, one of us, one of us! Whats your PSN? What games you got?


Instagram was being a bitch so I uploaded it to imgur, you should hopefully be able to see now! I went black. Decided it'd fit in my room better despite the sexiness of the white. I got 500GB console, Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs and Uncharted for £299 from Argos, with £20 of free Argos vouchers. But I actually got £30 of free vouchers, £10 when I paid online, £20 that they gave to me when I picked up in store. Also got £22.05 cashback tracked on Topcashback, so all in all a pretty good deal.


Was tempted for the deal for the 1TB and PSTV included for £30 more, but decided I won't really use the PSTV and I was trying to get it as cheap as poss. Will upgrade HDD in the future if needed.


The vouchers will be very helpful in paying for PS+ and Battlefront later this month!




Pic is not working, braaaah.


Welcome! :D

Start adding us up! My ID is teh_jimzor. If you want an easy way to add people from here, you could add one of us off here and then just go to the friends bit and just add from there. LEECH AWAY.


My PSNID is paulmuchmore! I will start adding as soon as this damned update is done!

Edited by Mr-Paul
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Instagram was being a bitch so I uploaded it to imgur, you should hopefully be able to see now! I went black. Decided it'd fit in my room better despite the sexiness of the white. I got 500GB console, Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs and Uncharted for £299 from Argos, with £20 of free Argos vouchers. But I actually got £30 of free vouchers, £10 when I paid online, £20 that they gave to me when I picked up in store. Also got £22.05 cashback tracked on Topcashback, so all in all a pretty good deal.


Was tempted for the deal for the 1TB and PSTV included for £30 more, but decided I won't really use the PSTV and I was trying to get it as cheap as poss. Will upgrade HDD in the future if needed.


The vouchers will be very helpful in paying for PS+ and Battlefront later this month!




My PSNID is paulmuchmore! I will start adding as soon as this damned update is done!


I think it was @Cookyman who swapped out his HDD immediately for a 2TB one. Looking back, I kinda wish that I'd done the same. Although, it's not really that big an issue. However, if you're like me, you'll start saving screenshots and videos all over the place, which are a pain in the arse to move afterwards.


My advice: Get a bigger HDD sooner rather than later. You'll have less stuff to move now than you will later on.

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Thanks for the advice Jimzor. May have to look into it around Black Friday/Jan sales.


Very peculiar - PS4 was struggling through a 500MB update for Assassin's Creed. Said it had 5 hours to go after 30 mins of downloading! Got to 80MB downloaded, turned it to standby for a couple of minutes. Turn it back on and it's installed!


Time to get playing!

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I've avoided going to crazy with the sharesaves for got xactly that reason - I know I'll fill up fast with a load of stuff I don't do enough with! I'm intrigued by all these included TV deals going round, as I wouldn't object to buying one if unwanted...

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Started and completed Teslagrad today. Got the Platinum, too. Took me about 90 minutes.


Interesting little game. Cool puzzles with cool mechanics, however the controls are a bit...iffy. Not as precise as the game needs them to be. This makes some of the sections unnecessarily difficult.


Don't ask me about the plot...not sure if there is one :laughing:


Still, the puzzles were quite good. I enjoyed it for what it is.


It was free on PS+, so I can't complain too much. : peace:

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Can I just say, the ability to suspend a game, go watch Netflix/iPlayer, even put the console into standby, then come back to the game at the same point is pretty amazing.


It all just works so smoothly!


Just wait 'til you play some of the best games - revelations await you.

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Confirmed, me and the bf have got two PS4s and there are two TVs in the flat. Split screen gaming is for peasants. If it has an online mode, it has local co-op for us.


And we only ever have to buy one copy of any game when it's digital; for example, I buy the game, download and play it on his console with my log-in and he just plays it on my PS4.


I also have one!


So that's three if you're not counting Jim. THREE!

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