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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Although I like the idea of it, I'm finding the Dualshock 4 to be a shoddily manufactured piece of equipment. I've got that horrible sticky shoulder buttons problem and as well as that, the rubber on the left analogue is starting to wear off. Plus the battery life on the thing is horrible.


Anyone else having similar problems?



Hmmm sounds like your not the only one.


Podcast Beyond: Is Your PS4 Controller Messed Up?


One fan says his is.

by Greg Miller

April 8, 2014




PlayStation. Does the word send a chill down your spine? Does it caress your senses with wave upon wave of irresistible pleasure? No? Do you like PlayStation? Then you're certainly in the right place. Welcome to Podcast Beyond, your link to the IGN crew that pushes news, opinions and utter hilarity straight to your ears (and subsequently, your brain).


One Beyonder writes in saying his DualShock 4 is falling apart -- and that it's a wide-spread problem. The Internet's No. 1 PlayStation podcast tackles the issue, and then Greg, Colin, and Marty wade through a week's worth of news while answering your questions.


After we finished recording the show, PlayStation gave IGN the following response to the broken PS4 thumbsticks:


"A very small number of users have reported to us that the rubber surface of their Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK 4)'s analog sticks have torn. Although the rubber material of the analog sticks fulfills our quality assurance standard, we will inspect individual DUALSHOCK 4 controllers experiencing this symptom, and will replace them with new ones for free as long as they are within the warranty."




Podcast Beyond, Episode 337 (MP3) - 59 MB

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Help me out here, brahs.


I have recently discovered/remembered that I quite like gaming.

"Gaming is good. You like this," said the Brain to Jim.


I've also realised that there are a fair few PS3 games that I want to try out. However, I'm not an idiot, and am also aware that there will no doubt be a fair few PS4 games that I want to play, too. Tomb Raider UltraSuperDefinitiveHyperVersion and Watch Dogs (I've lost faith in the Wii U version appearing...not even sure if it'll be good anyway on any system) and a few others.


Basically, what is the situation with regards to backwards compatibility on the PS4? I've never owned a Playstation system, but I am interested in picking up a PS4 in the future, because I'll need to in order to get my sports fix. I don't really want to have to get a PS3 AND PS4. Will there be a solution provided in the future that allows the PS4 to play PS3 games? Will you only be able to download them or will it be as simple as a software patch that allows you to play the disc versions of games. I.e, will I be able to pick up a cheap PS3 game from Amazon or whatever, put it into the PS4 and it'll work (in the future)?


Cheeeeers. I'm guessing the answer will be that most of this is unknown at this point.

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Basically, what is the situation with regards to backwards compatibility on the PS4?


'Playstation Now' is coming... it's a way of being able to stream all of the old games - yes ALL of them apparently including PS1/2/3/4? - for a monthly fee, so it will largely depend on your internet connection.


Because I'm old fashioned I have a PS3 so that I can play the actual discs and a PS2 for everything else, I realise that the idea of having all these consoles might not appeal but really I still think it's the best way but at least 'Playstation Now' will be a solution of sorts that you'll be able to access on lots of devices but yeah... that's the situation currently. :)


I'd consider picking up a new PS3 super slim for cheap if you can so that you can play PS3 games in the meantime while considering purchasing the PS4, my PS3 still gets a lot more play time than my PS4 because it has all the great games on it that I want to play which aren't available elsewhere but there are at least a good few decent PS4 games out currently - inFamous Second Son for one :heart: - but there are plenty more on the horizon. : peace:

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'Playstation Now' is coming... it's a way of being able to stream all of the old games - yes ALL of them apparently including PS1/2/3/4? - for a monthly fee, so it will largely depend on your internet connection.


Because I'm old fashioned I have a PS3 so that I can play the actual discs and a PS2 for everything else, I realise that the idea of having all these consoles might not appeal but really I still think it's the best way but at least 'Playstation Now' will be a solution of sorts that you'll be able to access on lots of devices but yeah... that's the situation currently. :)


I'd consider picking up a new PS3 super slim for cheap if you can so that you can play PS3 games in the meantime while considering purchasing the PS4, my PS3 still gets a lot more play time than my PS4 because it has all the great games on it that I want to play which aren't available elsewhere but there are at least a good few decent PS4 games out currently - inFamous Second Son for one :heart: - but there are plenty more on the horizon. : peace:


I don't really want to have to spend 130+ quid on a PS3 and then spend another few hundred on the PS4. It seems a bit counter-productive to me (plus all the issue with space, storing controllers, etc) Will wait for this Playstation Now information. Cheers, brah.

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If I were you I'd pick up a PS3 and subscribe to Plus. You'll not only get access to a crap load of cheap and amazing PS3 games but you'll slowly gather a library of titles to play when/if you decide to get a PS4.

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If I were you I'd pick up a PS3 and subscribe to Plus. You'll not only get access to a crap load of cheap and amazing PS3 games but you'll slowly gather a library of titles to play when/if you decide to get a PS4.


How long is Plus going to keep going for, though?

I'd feel a bit silly about getting a PS3 now, as it's at the end of its lifecycle. I kinda want the PS4 because...it'll have new, exciting, graphically impressive games. I've got a Wii U, and power-wise the PS3 is close to it. So, there won't be that instant-wow, I guess.

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How long is Plus going to keep going for, though?

I'd feel a bit silly about getting a PS3 now, as it's at the end of its lifecycle. I kinda want the PS4 because...it'll have new, exciting, graphically impressive games. I've got a Wii U, and power-wise the PS3 is close to it. So, there won't be that instant-wow, I guess.


Playstation Plus is going to be around for a long time, it has been gaining in popularity year on year, I only recently - within the last half a year - started discovering why it's so good as I've accumulated quite a few free games from it ready for when I want to play them. I believe that Sony have even gone on the record to say that just because the PS4 is out doesn't mean they'll stop supporting the PS3, so they will likely still be giving out free games for the PS3/PSV/PS4 for the foreseeable future. :)


For me it's all about the exclusives like the Tales of... series, I have three games on the PS3 just counting those, well technically four as I have Tales of Symphonia Chronicles which contains both of the games on one disc, in HD, Tales of Graces f which was originally going to be on the Wii but we know what happened there... :indeed: then you have Tales of Xillia which is a brand new entry in the series with a sequel which will be coming out sometime this year presumably.


But I'm underselling it by just talking about the RPG's as you have the Uncharted series which is fantastic, Metal Gear Solid 4 which is worth playing at least once, Ninja Gaiden Sigma - hnnnnnnngggghhh! love Ninja Gaiden - plus the inFamous games - double hnnnnnnnnnghhh! - and much more besides especially when you consider the PS1/PS2 games which you can buy digitally for really reasonable prices in addition to getting an extra 10% off with Plus... frequent sales too which are good. :D


I'm not trying to pressure you but it's definitely worth it brah! : peace:

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Hmm, so it isn't likely that Sony will end up dropping PlaystationPlus support for the PS3 anytime soon? What about game releases?


I'm tempted. I have to admit...there's only so much Mario a man can take. Bit bored of Nintendo right now.


Do you ever buy from ShopTo?


If so, take a look at their bundles...




Have a look at the main PS3 section on the site, there seems to be plenty of games coming out for it still - even a few I was unaware of - but yeah there's enough games on it, especially if you haven't played any of them, you'll have no shortage of titles to play!


You could buy a second-hand PS3 if you want but I'd advise just buying a Super Slim as I had a normal Slim PS3 die on my recently, plus my original model PS3 almost got the the point of overheating after years of use, a lot of the first PS3's have no end of problems if you buy them second hand at this stage, so yeah I'd go with the latest model if you've got the cash to spare. :) ShopTo give you a years replacement warranty too so just in case anything did go wrong, they would take the old console away and deliver you a new one but I don't recall hearing any problems about the new ones.


By the way, do you like the Tales of... games? If you do and if you decide to buy a PS3 let me know as I have a second sealed copy of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles which I'd let you have for cheap - £20 free postage - if you're interested to get your collection started, have a think about eeet anyway. : peace:

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If you go with a PS3 (which I heartily recommend) then you'll be able to pick up a ridiculous number of top tier games for next to nothing from the likes of CeX and GAME online (preowned). We're talking sub-£5 here for most games.


For your starter kit, let me recommend Dark Souls, Uncharted 2, Ni No Kuni, Fallout 3 (and New Vegas if you take to it), LittleBigPlanet 2, Portal 2, Skyrim, The Last of Us and Red Dead Redemption.


Except for the Last of Us, and to a lesser extent Dark Souls and Ni No Kuni, most of those should cost next to nothing.

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It's almost sickening how you can just turn up late, Flink, and reap the rewards without any drawbacks. You are in for a fucking ride, son.


Having everything at once can be a burden, though. Ration the games out.


I'd drip-fed myself a smattering of good games before I found I was really wowed by the system, so by the time Fallout 3 came along I felt deserving of something epic, and by fuck is that game epic. It was almost as if my entire life had been building to the moment I loaded that game for the first time. Gross exaggeration, but you know what I mean. If you bought everything Sheikah mentioned in his 'starter kit', (what a vomit-inducing phrase, btw) you would not be able to fully appreciate the games. Play one or two at a time and savour them while they last.

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@Fierce_LiNk What everyone else says. Tbh, you could go either way PS3 or PS4 and I'm sure you'd be happy. The PS3 has so much unique content and the PS4 has a lot of new stuff going for it and a lot of promise - they are different propositions. PS3's are pretty cheap, I'd say grab one of them with Plus and in a year or whenever a big PS4 game is realised you should pick up a PS4, too - at which point you'll won't even need to buy any games for it because of your Plus library.


tl;dr - Either choice is good.

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Alright brahs, you've given me something to think about. I'm going to wait until E3 comes before I make my mind up with what to do. I think my problem is that I'm sick of solely only playing Mario titles on a Nintendo system and watered down third-party games...if they turn up at all. I got Injustice as a gift and the Wii U version doesn't even have the Man of Steel costume packs...fucking scandalous. Little things like that piss me off. No Alien Isolation for Wii U is the final straw.


So yeah, E3. Cheers for the help, people. Tempted to get the PS3 first, then save up for a PS4. By the time that happens, the backlog of PS4 games should be bigger and the system should be cheaper.

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That's exactly why I'm waiting to get a PS4. There's plenty I've got left to play, and PS+ keeps adding more good games.


You may even end up buying a Vita due to PS+.


Nah, that won't happen.


Do you even handheld?

I don't even handheld. :(


Not a fan of them unfortunately. I love playing on a huuuuuuge screen. I don't like having to look down constantly.

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As someone that recently-ish :heh: picked up a PS3 (last September) I'd definitely recommend it, @Fierce_LiNk.

Not only can the console now be purchased on the cheap, but there are so many bargains to be had on the games as well!


I've been filling the gaps in Nintendo's release schedule quite nicely with it. :D

So far I've got through:


Grand Theft Auto V

The Last of Us

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate


Resident Evil 5



After Burner Climax

Everybody's Golf

Space Channel 5: Part 2

Tokyo Jungle


And I'm currently playing Dark Souls II.


Still lots left for me to check out as well, plus I'm also considering a PS4 in the future. :)

Being late to the party can indeed be awesome. ;)

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Buying a PS3 back in September was one of the best gaming decisions I have made. I haven't spent a penny since the initial outlay of £230 for a console, The Last of Us, GTA 5 and fifteen months of Plus. Plus has provided me with at least 20 top top quality games since then, many of which I've barely touched, as well as Vita and PS4 games that I don't have need of now, but are there for the future. The sales on the Playstation store are also brilliant, not that I've really touched anything else other than the Plus games!


I know you're a big football fan, and the latest Pro Evo is free on Plus right now. So the sooner you jump in, the more you'll get :)

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