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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I'm all set up now and got everything up and running.


The UI is really nice and fast. I couldn't belive the speed of trophies compared to cheevo's on the One.

I also liked how when you unlock a trophy it shows a photo of it happening! That's a really nice touch.


The share button is also nice an fluid for screen shots etc.


Still prefer the One controller, but that niggle aside I'm really happy with it.


If anyone wants to add me I'm Aneres11. Added you Rummy and Retro. :)

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I'm all set up now and got everything up and running.


The UI is really nice and fast. I couldn't belive the speed of trophies compared to cheevo's on the One.

I also liked how when you unlock a trophy it shows a photo of it happening! That's a really nice touch.


The share button is also nice an fluid for screen shots etc.


Still prefer the One controller, but that niggle aside I'm really happy with it.


If anyone wants to add me I'm Aneres11. Added you Rummy and Retro. :)


Don't forget to post your ID here


Really need to get people using this more.

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Online notifications for friends are great. The PS4 OS is pretty much perfect now/as soon as 3.50 is out of the beta.


I disabled all notifications except the online notification for a mate I play CoD Black Ops III with.


I've played CoD this morning before work. When I had to leave I put the PS4 into rest mode.

Came back home, pushed the PS button on my DS4, 3 seconds later I was ingame, 30 seconds later I was in a match.

A couple of minutes pass: I see the online notification for my mate. Invited him to a party, he started the game and 45 seconds later we both were in a match.


Everything is so smooth and quick. I love it.

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The slowest thing in the whole OS is when you press "upload" on a video. Gets even slower if you try and start a second upload. Any chance that's been improved?




Tested it twice. First video:


(time after "upload" has been pressed while having the video selected until you can choose the platform you wish to upload to)


1) 11.9 seconds

2) 13.3 seconds


Second video while first one was uploading:


1) 34.5 seconds

2) 37.7 seconds


So yeah, about 12 seconds and 36 seconds...:hmm:

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Just a heads up, I had to delete my whole friends list to get a glitched trophy to pop on Sonic Generations. If you have got a friend request off me, despite being on each other's lists previously, that is why. :D


What trophy was that for?! :confused:

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What trophy was that for?! :confused:


The online ones. Any time to try to access the time trail levels or the 30 second challenge it throws an error up. You have to delete your friends list so the server doesn't have to look for them and then the game works. It's been like that since it launched. 360 version had no such issues but then that version also ran a lot better, as well.

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So I've had my PS4 / Vita for almost a week now and there's a couple of things I've been pretty chuffed with.


I downloaded the PS App and messages app the other day.


When I was playing RE: 0 last night, I got a message and didn't want to stop playing and reply from my PS4 (was doing a speed / no save run), so when I encountered a door opening scene (the many you get with RE games :heh: ) I was using my phone to check the message and quickly send a reply.


Find it to be such a good feature.

I believe that the PS app used to let you message directly from that app up until a few weeks ago, when they introduced the messages app - which people on the Play Store were bitching about in the reviews :woops: - but I like it!


I was playing my Vita on Sunday (remote play from my PS4 which was upstairs), and noticed that the Vita was continuing to tell me when friends come online, even though I was playing my PS4 through it. :o


Really neat little touches.


I'm well impressed with the way everything is integrated. And it's nice that you can choose how much, or little you want of that.


A guy I sit with in work has a day off for The Division today, so it's pretty cool I can check my phone to see if he's online, and then send a message to ask how he's finding it.


With the upcoming remote play from PC / MAC, I couldn't really ask for much more from it at the moment. My gaming time isn't as high as it used to be, but there's a couple of games released a while ago I want to pick up on the cheap which will tide me over nicely for the next few months. Add in the PS Plus games which from what I've read, generally give you some decent play experiences, and my Vita which has its own set of games I'm eyeing up, and I'm set.


Now I just want me a Crystal controller. :)

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Following on from my post about the Alienation release date and Drahkons post about Invisible Inc, here's a trailer for a bunch of PS Store games heading our way very soon.



EDIT: A classic game is being revived in April.



I used to play the hell out of the original on the Amiga! I will be keeping a close eye on this one...

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Yeah, thanks @Hero\-of\-Time :p Now there are even more games I want to get...Salt and Sanctuary looks incredible


Been keeping an eye on this one myself for quite a while now and was pleasantly surprised when the release date suddenly popped out of nowhere and so soon too.


Definitely grabbing this day one although I would have preferred to play it on the Vita, so hopefully that version isn't delayed for too long.

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I'll be getting a PS4 in a couple of weeks, so holla if you spot a juicy bundle.


Knocked up a list of games I'm considering:


Bloodborne (can borrow from a friend so it would be rude not to)

Black Ops 3

The Witcher III




Rocket League

The Division


No desire to play through Uncharted/Last of Us again, and I'll only look to MGS5 if I'm short for choice. I played through Ground Zeroes at a friend's and found the controls/movement frustrating. Plus I know the story aint gonna make a lick of sense. Let me know if there's anything a bit quirky I've overlooked - saw Tearaway Unfolded for a tenner but would need convincing.


Mostly waiting for Uncharted 4 multiplayer amirightguys?

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For a social shooter I would pick Destiny over The Division (gameplay/mechanics and PvP are tight). Pretty cheap now too and you're getting quite a lot of content for your money. Make sure to get the Taken King edition if you fancy it, not just the original game. I've sunk so much time into this game and the N-E community co-op experiences have been second to none.


A great roguelike I've been playing recently is Nuclear Throne. Think Hotline Miami gameplay but when you die you start from the beginning. It's on PS4 as well as Vita.

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That was my thinking, I've kinda missed the boat on Destiny and I don't think my friends are overly keen. There's a bit more buzz about The Division what with it being so new, and I'm getting the impression it won't be such a slog to complete.

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