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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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It's very true, whenever someone comes online a message pops up on the gamepad. The home button will flash if you're using the pro controller. I'm not even sure why why the Wii U was brought up. This is the PS4 thread after all.


Well that's great. And if you want to message them to start a game?


I think it's fair to say that an off topic musing was exacerbated by you here - let's keep on topic of PS4 again?

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I wouldn't say it was really two and a half years later that Playstation caught up. I mean, they had friend notifications on the PS3 in 2006. So they were doing it ten years ago (don't mention friend codes, don't mention friend codes). There was a hiatus on PS4 because of the friend list size increase.

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I'm feeling very smug right now :p


You should get out more. :p


Honestly, the UI is one of the big reasons why I traded mine in. The thing is stupidly clunky, confusing and crowded. It's baffling just how far they've fallen from the classic blade days of the 360. It seems with every iteration of the dashboard they've got progressively worse.


This is kind of the problem.

Previously, I found the One's dashboard to be perfectly fine, and quite speedy. Particularly when they added the ability to change background colours and images etc. Seemed like steps in the right direction.


But now, having not used my One for a while, it's like someone has just removed any last redeeming quality of the interface. Even the achievement tally on the Friends section showing the gamer score leader board for the last 30 days has gone - a feature I loved. It's there again now, but massively tucked away making it an absolute pain to see.


I cannot believe how they've changed it to what it is right now. And I' m pretty sure it's no where near as quick to navigate, even though it was never fast beforehand.


Tis a shame. But, I definitely got my monies worth for the year and a half I had it. Some amazing exclusives that seem to have trailed off a bit now.

Don't regret purchasing it in the slightest.


And given it's the PS4 topic, and given what's going on above this post :heh: I'll stop talking about the Xbox One now. Sorry y'all!

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The first thing I will be doing with this update is not turning on my Friends Online Notification. The option should be there because people want it, but lord knows why you'd actually want it on. Maybe I'm just super popular and I don't need to know when any of the 130+ people on my friends list are actually online.


I couldn't turn that 'X has joined a party' notification off quick enough.

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Been waiting ages for both of these things! :bouncy:


Yeah those are both top things - whilst I could live without them I was initially irked with the PS4 that it didn't seem to have an appear offline option as the 360 did, as sometimes I wanna just jump on and play something without invites or notifications bothering me - I always feel a bit of a dick when someone wants to play or chat and I'm just like 'oh sorry, not on for long!' then end up playing Rocket League for another 10 hours or something silly.


PC/Mac stream sounds incredibly intriguing though! Does it mean streaming anything, like the PSVita/PSTV or at a different sort of functionality? I can really see that blowing things open depending how well it all works - I'd set a PC up in my room just for that alone if it's good enough!


The first thing I will be doing with this update is not turning on my Friends Online Notification. The option should be there because people want it, but lord knows why you'd actually want it on. Maybe I'm just super popular and I don't need to know when any of the 130+ people on my friends list are actually online.


I couldn't turn that 'X has joined a party' notification off quick enough.


I'd like it if it's implemented with a selectable list of friends for exactly that reason. There's a few people I'll play certain things with or just gas with whilst I'm online - it's nice if I can see a notification when these folks come online rather than everyone.

Edited by Rummy
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Given that Mircosoft seem to be trying to unify the PC and XBOX One:




Do you think that Sony will begin trying to stop PS4 exclusive titles from going to PC?

It might also be that Microsoft relaunch the XBOX One with better specs sooner than the natural end of this generation cycle.

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I'd like it if it's implemented with a selectable list of friends for exactly that reason. There's a few people I'll play certain things with or just gas with whilst I'm online - it's nice if I can see a notification when these folks come online rather than everyone.


Notifications can be tailored to certain friends.


I take it back. This is pretty great.

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Purchase complete :)




Ended up with the white one which I didn't expect but GAME let you choose either colour as part of the bundle. Got those games and a year PS Plus subscription (my XBOX Live had just come to an end, handily) which has me set.


I had to laugh at the lad serving me. I took my One in to trade and he made a comment to his colleague saying he wasn't completing the sale as he was disgusted I was trading my One in for a PS4 :heh:. All light hearted of course.


He was saying how loyal he was to xbox and how he had been to Microsoft headquarters, so he was firmly in the One camp.


As I was stood having my trasde in done, another lad came in behind me with an Xbox One in hand, asking the other staff member if he could trade in for a PS4 :laughing:

The guy serving me just looked skywards and shook his head. Couldn't help but chuckle.


Not set up yet, need to walk the dog so once I'm back I'll get it going. :)

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Ended up with the white one which I didn't expect but GAME let you choose either colour as part of the bundle.


I fear for your poor pad :p


Nonetheless, welcome to the club - hope you'll enjoy it :)


(p.s add me too! Rumdumcious!)

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Resident Evil? Gotta get them Platinums! :D


Exactly! :wink:


I fear for your poor pad :p


Nonetheless, welcome to the club - hope you'll enjoy it :)


(p.s add me too! Rumdumcious!)


And oh God me too. Might just wear gloves. :heh:

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I shall do a mass add! And hey hey hey!! I like the look of Knack! It was part of the bundle, and worthless to trade in so I kept it. I will play it though, I thought it looked decent enough for a quick play through?


How much was the bundle btw? Just curious as haven't followed prices much since last year.

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How much was the bundle btw? Just curious as haven't followed prices much since last year.


Well the actual bundle was 299.99 which is more than the one I'd eyed up online at 279.99.

But the store one had Knack and either Street Fighter or Far Cry Primal. The trade in value of Far Cry and Street Fighter was 26 quid which was was more than Until Dawn (which was in the online bundle with Knack) which was like 9 quid so it was very similar price wise.


I just traded Far Cry in straight away as I didn't fancy playing that (yet) and picked up Tearaway (which I'm very keen to play) and the PS Plus subscription.


The bundles in Game are no where near as good as the likes of ShopTo, or even other places online, but I had a chunk of reward points to use plus 12.50 on a gift card that I forgot all about til I found it in my wallet, which has helped me out massively.

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I shall do a mass add! And hey hey hey!! I like the look of Knack! It was part of the bundle, and worthless to trade in so I kept it. I will play it though, I thought it looked decent enough for a quick play through?
Only joking ;)


And I haven't actually played Knack, but have been tempted to pick it up before given how cheap it can go for; it does intrigue me. I won't buy it, but would definitely give it a play on Plus.

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There's so much more potential for Knack though!


I think I've mentioned it before but in the sequel they should definitely play around with scale more...


e.g... Go into a fight as giant Knack against another hulking robot opponent... but then have to shrink down at some point to little Knack, use cover to evade huge attacks, stealthily make your way around and have to climb up inside the giant through a grate in the back of the foot or something... platform up through the internals of the machine, weaken the enemy, exit through the head, jump down, and then deliver the finishing punch as giant knack etc...

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I actually prefer Knack to the Lego games. Sadly. Ha!


Each to their own. I wanted it to be more like Ratchet & Clank...


It's a shame because it's pretty solid. It just doesn't really do anything even remotely remarkable.

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