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It has a kind of subtle look to it. I quite like it.


Also, why do people get so worked up about the outside case?


Well it's something you have to put in full view, so you want it to look nice - or unassuming.


You only like it because it's a bit......cubic.

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Fergal Gara (PlayStation UK MD): Sony's stance on preowned "isn't clarified yet" #1



Interesting answer during an interview with NowGamer as to whether PS4 will block preowned software:


Sony's stance on second-hand games working on PlayStation 4 'isn't clarified just yet' admits Fergal Gara, Managing Director Of PlayStation UK.


The admission came during our PS4 interview with Gara, when we asked that following confirmation that second-hand games won't be blocked on PS4 [source: EuroGamer], if Sony ever considered going down that route.


"Well first of all, we haven’t stated that second-hand games… we haven’t made a statement on the second-hand games question," answered Gara. "There was a lot of reaction to a patent that was filed, which is a matter of course for a technology business like us, to file various patents at various times, many of which many never see any application but they are good to have depending on ideas that might be building."


"So what we’re here to do is offer the best value and the best gaming experience for gamers," he continued. "The answer to the pre-owned question isn’t clarified just yet and we’re working through that and we’ll announce our position in more detail as and when we can."




If MS block used games I think Sony will as well.

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Conversely, Sony could be fucking with Microsoft by hinting that they'll go that way...and then not.



It's pointless to speculate until we know one way or the other.


I would love for them to be doing that, then MS launch a console with virtually no first party IP's, Paid for only online AND no second hand games, i would litterally mess my self with laughter

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If it came to pass, I'm sure I would be morally outraged and be caps locking all over this place but then if I take a second to think about it, I never actually buy second hand games and I don't borrow them from other people either. I don't even sell mine on after I'm done.


So in actuality, this wouldn't make a jot of difference to me on an immediate level. Since I tend to buy games I'm interested in one day one anyway, I also don't have to worry about it maintaining high prices on titles that otherwise might have hit sales already thanks to a flooded second hand market.


Besides, as I said before, any developer could do this for any game on any platform and even if Sony implement the tech into the PS4 directly, it will still be publisher descretion as to whether they will be enforcing its use.

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I would love for them to be doing that, then MS launch a console with virtually no first party IP's, Paid for only online AND no second hand games, i would litterally mess my self with laughter


Wouldn't be the first time the did something like that. Kaz did say they'd let Microsoft announce first.


Maybe their new tactic is to troll Microsoft.

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Just to add more fuel to the pre-owned fire...




"It's a massively important issue and I understand why it's one that keeps coming up and will keep coming up, because people want to know what the exact stance is," he said in reply to a question about potential pre-owned games prevention.


"At this moment in time the announcements have been about our philosophy and vision for PlayStation 4, our motivation to put the gamer at the heart of it and why we've got the development community on it.


"In relation to points like that, of course we're mindful of what the game development community wants and what the wider industry issues are with those things. I think in good time that will become clearer." Pushed on the issue, Sony's Denny would only acknowledge that the firm would do what it sees as "the right thing" by both consumers and the development community.


"It's not something that I feel I have any further announcement or comment to make on, other than to acknowledge with you that it's a massively important issue and of course we are going to do the right thing," he said.


The fact that they're still avoiding answering the question can only mean one of two things...


Either they're gonna charge a re-activation fee for pre-owned games (meaning that you can play used games on a PS4, but you have to pay a fee to the publisher for the privilege), or they're simply waiting for Microsoft to announce their plans first and will base their decision what MS decide to do.

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Either they're gonna charge a re-activation fee for pre-owned games (meaning that you can play used games on a PS4, but you have to pay a fee to the publisher for the privilege), or they're simply waiting for Microsoft to announce their plans first and will base their decision what MS decide to do.


A complete block is ridiculous but a nominal fee to the publisher sounds relatively reasonable - especially if it has an additional affect of actually reducing pre-owned game prices and they advertise the fact that you have to pay when sitting on GAME's shelves.


I do wonder though if there could be a bit more leeway in either case.


How likely do you think it would that they made it so that you can play pre-ownded discs, but you are limited to X amount of hours before having to pay that re-activation fee? They want to make all games available for trial over PSN anyway and this would be a potential way of mimicing part of the idea with a physical product.

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Sony consulted with a select group of PlayStation-owned studios as it was building the DualShock 4 controller for PS4, according to two developers at Guerrilla Games.


In an interview with CVG, Guerrilla game director Steven ter Heide said the new DualShock is "a great controller for an FPS".

"We've been having these discussions about putting a headset jack in there because everybody should be able to go online and have a chat, and they put it in there and it's awesome," he said.


"It sounds like a lot of really simple features that we've put in there but they make all the difference because it's in one comprehensive package. For example, there are little tweaks to the indentation on the sticks, where you have your thumbs on them, we've slightly raised them so there's a little bit more precision. They're slight changes but they make a huge difference."


He added that Sony took on feedback from a number of developers within the Sony Worldwide Studios network. Evolution Studios, for example, offered feedback on the motion control aspects with racing games in mind.


Guerrilla co-founder Hermen Hulst said the DualShock 4 was "a big step forward from what we have [on PS3]"


He went on: "It feels incredibly accurate, in your hands it feels solid, it feels really high quality with the materials that have been used, it feels like you're in control and particularly with that feeling of being a Shadow Marshal, this big hero guy with extra capabilities, it's very suitable.


"And like we said earlier, we've been feeding back on what it should be for so long that I think we have what we wanted to have. It's very suitable for Killzone."


Sony revealed the near-final DualShock 4 controller at its PlayStation Meeting last Wednesday. The impression the company wanted to project is that Sony has built its new hardware with developers in mind.


ter Heide said: "This was the first time we did this with PlayStation, where you get the entire group of core developers together and consistently give very deep, profound feedback on everything system-related, and that's really awesome.


"The guys who made [the system] are no longer in an ivory tower in Tokyo, it's shared with us and not just with us, but with Evolution, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, everybody and together we've built the machine."


Elsewhere in the interview Guerrilla confirmed that Remote Play would be a standard feature for Killzone Shadow Fall - allowing the game to be streamed onto Vita.


Sony is planning for Killzone Shadow Fall to be among the PS4 launch games later this year. The PS4 release date is set for "holiday 2013" in at least one of Japan, Europe and the US.


All this dialogue between Sony and their developers is really promising. I think Nintendo could probably learn a thing of three million from this. Microsoft too, but who knows what they've done.

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