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*is residing at Reading university*:indeed:


Yeah sorry, I'm now back in Bath.... :(


....But if I'm home anytime soon then perhaps we could arrange something. Might be better to get a bigass London meet going with all the cool people (e.g. not our northern rivals *cough* Dan Dare and his posse *cough cough* losers *cough*) to make things more wholesome and perhaps a little less weird! We shall have to see!

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Well, Jay knows shorty and nami who also live in Sheffield but they're not in the picture

Nami is the only one who was known first, then N-E. Even though jayseven and I knew each other time ago, N(64)-E came first.


We've still never all been in the same room! Make it so.

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It shall be 'so' :)



Pookiablo; we had a london meet over summer! Definitely not the last. Yeah it was insane to begin with, but it's suddenly so normal that I know these guys in real life -- and I know them better than some of the people I've supposedly known for 2 years at uni...

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Nami is the only one who was known first, then N-E. Even though jayseven and I knew each other time ago, N(64)-E came first.We've still never all been in the same room! Make it so.


We could have been if lazyboy hadn't buggered off home for tea! tea I tell you..choosing tea over us lot, pssh. :shakehead

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Me and my girlfriend the other weekend when i visited her at Northumbria uni. Was a school disco theme in the union :)





Apparently i look like Sawyer in the background :P


Lol yeah, for a second, I actually thought "Why is there a poster of him in the background?" and then I realised it was the guy from Lost.


Daniel-san, I feel morally compelled to petition the return of your beard. It was a thing of awesome.


I disagree. I'm not saying it wasn't awesome - I just hate beards. :smile:

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It shall be 'so' :)



Pookiablo; we had a london meet over summer! Definitely not the last. Yeah it was insane to begin with, but it's suddenly so normal that I know these guys in real life -- and I know them better than some of the people I've supposedly known for 2 years at uni...


Yeah dude I recall it. I desperately wanted to come but I was still living in France at the time so it wasn't gonna happen :( I'm back now though, so there's plenty of possibilities from here on in!

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Wax eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :grin:


Yooooooooow, Kelly Clarkson!


Why hello there :awesome:


How did you not get lucky?! That's crazy XD


Maybe it's the dancing? Or possible the fact that my group of friends are mainly girls, thus other females may think I swing the other way. If only one lived at Ballymena :wink:

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