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I have no baby photos online. Thankfully. But I think my sister may have put some childhood ones in Fbook. Let me see.


Oh. One. My sister and I, loving life. I was 4/5 here.




I've noticed how everyone, including me, has begun to post like Wesley. It feels so much more succinct.

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New theme = baby photos!




Me, in the most recent good picture of me there is.


Awesome picture. Awesome eyes! =D


Whoo baby pics!






As you can see, I've been hot and sexy from the start.




Or maybe not...


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I was wondering if Rez had suddenly decided to become rokhed, lets hope it doesn't come with the shite personality eh?


Haha, I don't think Rez will be changing anytime soon. I thought the Rokhed thing was some sort of elaborate joke, but it was real. I've never really known a person to change personalities so quickly and so badly.

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