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Picture taken when I went out with my sister, cousin and some of their friends on Wednesday. Wasn't a great place (full of older people and lots of blonde bimbos which we laughed at), but at least the food was ok... though not worth paying €10 for (plus €2 for drinks, even coke, is a bit much).


Also, purple tops overdose. =P

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Picture taken when I went out with my sister, cousin and some of their friends on Wednesday. Wasn't a great place (full of older people and lots of blonde bimbos which we laughed at), but at least the food was ok... though not worth paying €10 for (plus €2 for drinks, even coke, is a bit much).


Also, purple tops overdose. =P

Too ... much ... hotness ... *head explodes*

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argh! girl posting!


following on from this post http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1093623&postcount=14833

i took photos of the outfit!

(taken on laptop webcam as i couldnt find camera - so you really cant see the lace detail of the skirt - and im standing on my bed so im not really that tall)








(and yes my room is messy - im a messy creature)

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