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How tall are you and what is your weight?


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Yeah so I've been losing weight the past few years as most of you know, I'm 5ft 11 and weight 11 stone. But I still have a clear belly and even a bit of weight on my chest, so I was thinking of going down to 10 stone but I fear that might be too low. I was wondering what people weigh on here that around my height. I don't bother with BMI charts as they are very inaccurate.


Give me some help guysss.

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well 10 stone is the lowest i should be at 5ft10, so I reckon that perhaps that would be a little too underweight. Sure you should just keep plodding on, lose half a stone and see how you feel? Like you said BMI is not wholly accurate, and every single person is different. The only way to really find out is to do it yourself

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I'm 5'8'', and around 11/11.5 stone and would describe myself as slim. I don't have any belly to speak of, just a touch of fat on my love handles and chest which doesn't bother me at all.


You coud go down another stone but of course what you want really is to lose the fat. So I would suggest you just work the fat off and let your weight determine itself.


One thing I'd suggest though is to check your pertruding belly is entirely due to excess fat rather than poor posture. Perhaps your belly isn't a big as you think, but rather exaggerated by your pelvic tilt. Obviously everbody's composition is different so it might not be the case, but it's just something to consider.

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People put far too much emphasis on scale weight, it's your body fat you need to get sorted. I notice a major change in my body composition when I added in weight lifting to my routine. My weight didn't change on the scales but I added half a stone of muscle and lost half a stone in fat. Goes without saying the more muscle you have the more calories you'll burn anyway.

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Had to give my height and weight for a friend's experiment at Uni back in November and I doubt I've changed since then. 186cm and 73kg.


Little strange that since my last year at high school I've only put on about 8kg but then my diet has changed since then (i.e. I am eating less/not always having lunch depending on what it is I'm doing through the day) but not doing that much in the way of exercise other than walking, although that is something I am wanting to change this year by going back to the gym.

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well 10 stone is the lowest i should be at 5ft10, so I reckon that perhaps that would be a little too underweight. Sure you should just keep plodding on, lose half a stone and see how you feel? Like you said BMI is not wholly accurate, and every single person is different. The only way to really find out is to do it yourself


That's quite nice to know actually - I'm 5ft 10.


I don't really know my weight. I vaguely guess about 13 stone, but I could be more/less. It's been a long while since I weighed myself as I find it a pointless number.


I've no desire to get into weight loss, I've been happy with my body for a few years now and find that if I do become unhappy it will be measured on inches and body fat percentage rather than weight, it's not really accurate on how unhealthy or healthy you are.

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That's quite nice to know actually - I'm 5ft 10.


I don't really know my weight. I vaguely guess about 13 stone, but I could be more/less. It's been a long while since I weighed myself as I find it a pointless number.


I've no desire to get into weight loss, I've been happy with my body for a few years now and find that if I do become unhappy it will be measured on inches and body fat percentage rather than weight, it's not really accurate on how unhealthy or healthy you are.


According to weightwatchers/bmi, people of our height "need" to be between 9'13 and 12'6. So you aren't really far from healthy anyway! I personally would love to be 13 stone =P Think its nice for women to have some curves :) I very much doubt that I could ever be 10 anything let alone 9'13 XD

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6' 3" and about 14 stone, but I don't weigh myself (I only know I'm 14 stone because the gym instructors have checked on occasion).


Instead, I use the pinch test. If I can pinch a fair bit of fat, then I want to get rid of it, as I feel better when I'm lean and tight. However, I do not do any special exercise to get rid of it. Weight-training, a lot of walking and 5 minutes' warm-up before weights should get rid of it on its own.

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I'm 6 foot 1 and I'm 16st 13lb. I feel fat now! haha. I've been going up and down in my weight for some reason, even though I've been doing pretty much the same thing for almost a year and a half now. I want to get to 15st and then tone up this year and I think I can do it.

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5'11" and 11.8 stone. Put on half a stone since I hadn't gone to the gym for the past 5 months but I'm back on it. Strangely enough I still have a fairly defined stomach...which is weird. I would have thought after 5 months it would have vanished.


My aim this year is to gym and eat as much as humanly possible. I wanna be fat. Just for fun.

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No idea about stones, pounds, ounces, feet or inches but I'm 179-180cm (depending on which measuring tape you ask) and weight 74-77kg depending on which scales you ask.


My BMI is probably a bit high but then again my bodyfat, which is more important, is around 16% which is in the athletic range. My muscle, which isn't that much, has put my weight up a bit in the past few months.

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No idea about stones, pounds, ounces, feet or inches but I'm 179-180cm (depending on which measuring tape you ask) and weight 74-77kg depending on which scales you ask.


My BMI is probably a bit high but then again my bodyfat, which is more important, is around 16% which is in the athletic range. My muscle, which isn't that much, has put my weight up a bit in the past few months.


Going by the "worst" numbers your BMI is 24, and that's still considered within the normal weight, so you're not actually considered overweight (which is above 25).


Also, looking at my own BMI, I think I remember my weight wrong. 70 kg with 170 gives me a BMI about 24 as well, but I distinctly recall myself being closer to underweight, so it makes more sense that my weight is about 60 kg, which puts me at 20,8 (underweight being below 18,5).

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BMI is utter ass.



Yep. You could have two guys weighing the same and being the same height, yet one is a fat based slob and the other a hunking slice of man, with pecs and abs of steel. Yet their BMI will be the same.




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Yep. You could have two guys weighing the same and being the same height, yet one is a fat based slob and the other a hunking slice of man, with pecs and abs of steel. Yet their BMI will be the same.





Not really, because in those cases it will be clearly obvious who is fat and who isn't. For the majority of people it's a good guide. Although a little bit pointless as you should be able to see whether you're fat or not, although some people are deluded.

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Not really, because in those cases it will be clearly obvious who is fat and who isn't. For the majority of people it's a good guide. Although a little bit pointless as you should be able to see whether you're fat or not, although some people are deluded.


Well not really, you don't need any scale or measurement to tell you if you're fat. Your eyes will suffice. It's a pointless scale and though years ago it was the gold standard, it's rarely used by anyone with a brain cell.

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