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It has Gears of War: Judgement which I'd argue carries more clout than Sly Cooper does in the sales stakes.


I completely forgot about that. That series finished with 3. There's nothing else to explore, nothing interesting that they could do with a fourth game.

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I completely forgot about that. That series finished with 3. There's nothing else to explore, nothing interesting that they could do with a fourth game.


I still haven't finished 2, let alone started 3 - one day I'll get round to finishing them as I do enjoy the gameplay. Well maybe the People Can Fly have a few new interesting gameplay features that make up for a less than compelling story.

I completely forgot about that. That series finished with 3. There's nothing else to explore, nothing interesting that they could do with a fourth game.

You could make that argument about tons of sequels, though. :p

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

The way Nintendo has executed the Wii U's launch, both post-release and the whole build up to it, it's beggars belief that they've been launching consoles for over a quarter of a century.


On an aside, there's an interesting parallel where both the Wii U and the PS4 were announced without displaying the what the unit looked like (Well, the Wii U unit was there but it was purposely not being focuse on - really, it shouldn't have been there at all). Both did this deliberately but the results couldn't have been more different; for Nintendo it left a lot of people confused and undermined the console ('Is the controller a Wii add-on?' and all that blah) while Sony used it to their strength to make explicit their shift in philosophy, that the PS4 is a console made for and by developers - what it looks like doesn't matter, what it allows people to do is all that matters. Microsoft look likely to also have a really weak, jack of all trades, philosophy with their launch, too - although rumour has it they've delayed their reveal a month so maybe they're reassessing their positioning...but they're Microsoft so that's probably not happening.


It says a lot that it's so bloody unclear how Nintendo are positioning themselves almost four months after being released and yet the PS4, which isn't even out for at least another six months, has a very strong philosophy behind it. On the flip side, look at the Wii, which also launched with a clear aim about making gaming accessible and the PS3 which had an impressively lame start where it was the 'centre of the livingroomblahblahblaaaah', it took a few years to know what it was.


No Unreal 4 and no Frostbite 3 is a massive blow for a console that was attempting to recapture the 'core'.


I don't think Nintendo have realised the old paradigms don't really exist anymore. They aren't one of the 'big three'; it's Microsoft, Sony, PC dominating the 'core' market and then Nintendo are rabbiting on in the corner to anyone who will listen all of this happening in a world where entertainment is available almost instantly with on-demand services and anywhere with phones and tablets.


I'm sure I'll get called a fanboy again but whatevs, there's no denying Nintendo's strategy is wack.

Edited by Daft
Posted (edited)
You'll get called a fanboy because that's exactly what you are. It's becoming almost embrassing now.


Nntendo did this, it didn't work. Sony did the same thing, it was amazing. Nntendo have lost and got even considered blah blah blah the same old shit. You ended up mentioning unreal, but really it's a random post to attack Nintendo and praise the god of Sony in pretty much an unconnected post.


I really don't see what you're so confused about what the Wii u is, and more confused why use seem to think sonys "philosophy" is so clear and incredible... I also remember LOTS of people and journalists saying it was stupid not to show the ps4... But don't let that spoil your agenda.


Well, okay, that's cool except aren't those two things kind of true? That the Wii U reveal and the PS4 reveal, though having a similar 'mystery box' theme, were handled completely differently.


And, no I don't understand why the Wii U exists beyond being a console made by Nintendo, for Nintendo. Please, tell me its raisin d'être.


Sony has their 'five pillar' that they've repeated ad nauseam. It's not unlike Nintendo's 'Blue Ocean' strategy which was brilliant (where is that clarity of thought now?).


As for what journalists say about the hardware no-show? No, there's industry strategy and then there's media appeal.


It's bizarre you think it's a random attack on Nintendo. This is a thread about the Wii U not getting support for the Unreal 4 engine. Heaven forbid anyone actually try and understand why an engine that is scalable to mobiles isn't being brought to the Wii U, because I can tell you, me being a fanboy sure as shit isn't the reason.

Edited by Daft

What options?


  • UE4 'won't ' run on Wii U... but will run on browsers and mobile.
  • Most big studios now have their own HD engines, no need for UE use
  • So far, only 3 games announced on UE4 known, two of them MS exclusive.


I had to bullet point the actual facts here ... actual tangible facts because it looks like no one else has any facts only shit stiring Wii U blood lust bollox . For any bullshit ill just re-post this bullet list in larger and larger and bolder font style. B b b b b but please, feel free to add your own facts ... I'm waiting.


Only three games having been announce isn't a surprise considering there is no release date for the actual Unreal 4 Engine...as far as I'm aware.

Well, okay, that's cool except aren't those two things kind of true? That the Wii U reveal and the PS4 reveal, though having a similar 'mystery box' theme, were handled completely differently.


And, no I don't understand why the Wii U exists beyond being a console made by Nintendo, for Nintendo. Please, tell me its raisin d'être.


Sony has their 'five pillar' that they've repeated ad nauseam. It's not unlike Nintendo's 'Blue Ocean' strategy which was brilliant (where is that clarity of thought now?).


As for what journalists say about the hardware no-show? No, there's industry strategy and then there's media appeal.


It's bizarre you think it's a random attack on Nintendo. This is a thread about the Wii U not getting support for the Unreal 4 engine. Heaven forbid anyone actually try and understand why an engine that is scalable to mobiles isn't being brought to the Wii U, because I can tell you, me being a fanboy sure as shit isn't the reason.


I don't think they were handled differently; I think they were just perceived slightly differently. But there was negativity about Sony not showing too, but just not as much as Nintendo.


I think it exists to provide gaming entertainment for as many people are as interested. They all are. i thought you meant what's its over riding philosophy, you say Sony's is social, and they do too; but I don't necessarily think it's hugely clear and successful in that in what we know that, but I'm certainly excited about what it could be, but far from convinced. I actually think Nintendo's is, and alsways been, a similar one; just different takes on it. Some things it's untouchable on - local play, brining people and families together to play games. I think miiverse is a fantastically integrated system which will grow into something great as a social network, what it's rubbish at is the only stuff, it's getting better, but far behind.


Thing is with Sony, and the conference exemplified it, was they're PS4 philosophy is a little buzzwordy and abstract currently. Not very concrete. Some great stuff (am I the only one who thinks their coloured controllers and switching the split screen is an amazing idea?!).


Your critique on the engine seemed secondary to attacking nintendo not being for core gamers, not being classed as a big player, having a disastrous launch, being confusing and unclear; and sony being amazing. Epic not supporting nintendo isn't great news; I think Wii U is surrounded by negative news and a worrying future on the 3rd party front, but that doesn't make the Wii U a crap console, or make Nintendo useless or whatever. And you know what, it looks likely that WIi U will be just a Nintendo console with few 3rd parties. So be it.

  • 5 weeks later...

if it can enable movie playback via DVD over the pad then it will be awesome as its a feature the WiiU really should have, Netflix is cool but i have mountains of DVD's i could watch that don't cost me money


How many gigs of space does the Basic have after all the patches and title updates? I would be tempted for a £149 console if it wasn't for the fact I'd almost be forced to spend £50 on a hard drive to have DLC and digital downloads.

How many gigs of space does the Basic have after all the patches and title updates? I would be tempted for a £149 console if it wasn't for the fact I'd almost be forced to spend £50 on a hard drive to have DLC and digital downloads.


The basic really isn't worth buying.

Hmm I don't understand this, mind explaining?


If the 360 and PS3 is anything to go by, 32GB won't last long at all. So you'll still need to buy a HDD.

If the 360 and PS3 is anything to go by, 32GB won't last long at all. So you'll still need to buy a HDD.


Oh. I thought there was some disadvantage the premium had over the basic.

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