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Some of you get so much sleep, I'm envious.


I used to sleep a lot, used to be between 10-14 hours, I loved it, but nowadays I rarely have a sound nights sleep, so much like Ashley, at most I get 6.


I usually find this is broken up of 2 hours at the most before something sets me off and wakes me - usually a dream of some kind.

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Five hours isn't enough, Ashley. You're sending yourself to an early grave. No wonder you always look so ragged. :p


That's because of overwork, not undersleep. :heh:


I usually get between 36-42.


I asked for sleep patterns, not cup size!

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I get up at 5.30 on week days (and leave the house at 7.00). I don't usually finish working until 10pm, sometimes later, so very rarely go to bed before midnight. That means that anything longer than five hours is a luxury for me!

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During the working week I generally get around 6-7 hours sleep and although I feel tired when I first awake, after a shower and some brekkie I'm fine.


Ideally I reckon I need 9 hours. That's generally what I get at weekends and wake up naturally without an alarm and feel fresh.


I am rubbish at going to sleep though. Too much running through my head, then when I get into bed I watch some tv or muck about with my phone or read. I generally lay in bed for at least an hour before trying to go to sleep. Bad habit that I can't seem to shift.

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5 hours for me last night and i'm feelin' it today, i'm absolutely shattered. Even a massive Relentless drink hasn't done much to energise me. I think it's all a big lie.


Definitely having a nap after work. What are your guys nap habits? Was talking about this the other day, my gf has like 20 min 'power naps'. I find that ridiculous! To me a nap is a good 1-2 hours, anything less is just closing your eyes for a bit surely?!

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I usually get around 5-7 hours, which does me fine. And after that amount of time is when I naturally wake, so it's not a forced short sleep. Don't know how people sleep for 12 hours, my body just doesn't need that much, and I'm an active person!


Last night I slept for 8 hours from 3am-11am, but before that I'd been up for over 36 hours thanks to travelling back from America on an overnight flight, not being able to sleep on the plane, and my body clock being stuck six hours behind. Tried to sleep earlier, but for some reason I was wide awake, my body wouldn't sleep until it was night-time in Chicago!


Back to work at half 5 tomorrow morning so hopefully that shocks me back into the right sleeping pattern.

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Definitely having a nap after work. What are your guys nap habits? Was talking about this the other day, my gf has like 20 min 'power naps'. I find that ridiculous! To me a nap is a good 1-2 hours, anything less is just closing your eyes for a bit surely?!


Not necessarily. I've had naps of 15 minutes where I've felt really well-rested afterwards. Likewise, I've had naps of several hours after which I've been, if possible, even more tired than before. To my understanding it's all about sleep cycles, whether you wake up in the middle or at the end of one.

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For me, I need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep otherwise I can pretty much write the next day off.


But my sleeping pattern is completely screwed up at the moment, thanks to uni and not having to be in at a specific time every day but rather different times on every day. So while I was getting on top of my sleeping issues, I'm now having problems again and finding myself awake at really strange times in the morning again. Diet (and stress) probably has a lot to do with it but that's not what this thread is about.


I do find it hard to sleep past 9am though (unless I'm completely burnt out). For whatever reason, if I try to have a long lie in, I start to feel sick which is a bit strange.

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5 hours for me last night and i'm feelin' it today, i'm absolutely shattered. Even a massive Relentless drink hasn't done much to energise me. I think it's all a big lie.


Definitely having a nap after work. What are your guys nap habits? Was talking about this the other day, my gf has like 20 min 'power naps'. I find that ridiculous! To me a nap is a good 1-2 hours, anything less is just closing your eyes for a bit surely?!


Apparently a nap of 15-20 minutes is absolutely ideal to rejuvenate yourself! I did like an hour and a half after work yesterday and felt terrible afterwards.


I quite often will take 20 minutes or so on a Saturday afternoon on the sofa after one night out but before another.

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