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Got to say I'm yet to really start enjoying this that much. Was doing a mission (can't remember what it was called - basically wave after wave of enemies coming at you) I was playing solo. I was crying out for some help - died 3 times and gave up.


Aren't there meant to be randoms out there playing along side me?

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Got to say I'm yet to really start enjoying this that much. Was doing a mission (can't remember what it was called - basically wave after wave of enemies coming at you) I was playing solo. I was crying out for some help - died 3 times and gave up.


Aren't there meant to be randoms out there playing along side me?


There are meant to be, but because the game is larger than the beta (which only left you in Russia) i guess they are elsewhere, or in free-roam Earth.


I had to do a public match earlier on my own because the random whom followed me decided to wander off.

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Got to say I'm yet to really start enjoying this that much. Was doing a mission (can't remember what it was called - basically wave after wave of enemies coming at you) I was playing solo. I was crying out for some help - died 3 times and gave up.


Aren't there meant to be randoms out there playing along side me?


I've just sent you a friend request. I'm up for some fun if you are. :D

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Ok so I just had a few hours playing this with 2 others (1 friend from work and 1 random) and it was ALOT better than playing solo. Can't emphasize that enough!


We completed Devil's Lair which was pretty tough. Wave after wave of enemies and loads of big boss type characters which took an age to take down!


Is it me, or is this game pretty repetitive?

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Is it me, or is this game pretty repetitive?


It's just you :p


Nah, playing the missions over and over again by yourself is repetitive, yes.

But I've played the strikes/missions/pvp-modes mostly with a mate and it was always different.

By the way, sorry @Daft and @Sheikah. Couldn't join you as I was already in a party with my mate ;)


Checking my profile on Bungie.net...20 hours with my Titan and almost 4 hours with my Warlock. :laughing:


Reached level 24 just now. My Titan's looking good. : peace:

Got these two beauties:




My first legendary item :D




My first exotic item!


And I found legendary Gauntlets :yay:

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Cracking games with a 6 man N-E group tonight. Lost some and won some.


I'm not a fan of the TDM game at all. Some of the maps are far too big for that game type and you end up walking around for ages looking for someone to shoot. At least with the control game type you know where the opposition will be heading for.

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Cracking games with a 6 man N-E group tonight. Lost some and won some.


I'm not a fan of the TDM game at all. Some of the maps are far too big for that game type and you end up walking around for ages looking for someone to shoot. At least with the control game type you know where the opposition will be heading for.


That Moon map was boring as fuck.

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Missed the action as I had something that came up that meant I couldn't get online after dinner till half 9 (you did send me an invite earlier, @Sheikah, and apologies for not replying or accepting. Was finishing up a mission then had to head offline to sort dinner) and even then I could only stay on for half an hour. So ended up playing a couple of Control matches with randoms and actually had a lot of fun and was doing pretty well. First match I just got wasted but quickly picked things up and from the second match onwards I was getting kills against clearly more experienced players!


And as a result of a couple of matches, I got to level 10! :yay:


Also managed to finish that Moon mission that others has mentioned.


The one with the sword. That was pretty cool but 3 different mini-bosses and no real dodge mechanic, at least on the Titan, meant it felt a bit like a slog having to do the double jump thing then swing the sword to move away from the swarm prince things.



Got tomorrow off so after some cleaning, I'll be able to play a bit so gonna make the most of it as I won't be able to touch it again till Sunday night/Monday.

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Had some great fun tonight with @S\.C\.G. Haha, how fucking loooooong was that Strike mission where we kept dying over and over.


Also, can't look at NEUK again without think "fuck". Thanks to @Eenuh for ruining that one for us. :p


Seriously enjoyed that. Could have played for another hour or so. Damn work. Won't be able to play again til Monday I reckon as Ine has family over from Belgium. Feelsbadman.

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Thanks for tonight guys, another amazing night starting with decimation which then turned to elation as we were getting slaughtered in PVP but we turned the tide around, then ending with around two hours of story missions with Jimbob and Flink. :D


Dat tank! The big purple eyyyyye! And of course the Captains! Oh my... the Captains! :shakehead


But we persevered, triumphed and conquered! (after dying a lot)


Eeet was good! : peace:

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That Moon map was boring as fuck.


Didn't help that half of their team quit.


Had an absolute laugh with Blade yesterday. It got to the point where I was actually crying with laughter.


We were doing a strike mission with a random guy and came to the final fight of the level. We were stuck in a little room but had to try and make a push out of said room to be able to start attacking the boss. I eventually got out and then Blade went in, guns firing and started chasing the enemies. He kept chasing them only for them to lead him to a doorway where about 7 other enemies spawned right in front of him. At this point he turned around and just started pegging it back screaming. I seen the whole thing and couldn't stop laughing.


It was basically this moment right here.


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These are only some of the surprises we have planned for you. Very soon, strange characters will arrive in the Tower with special offerings in hand. Public Events will erupt from the skies over your favorite destinations with greater frequency. And, Bungie will enter the fray with some bounties of our own for you to claim – if you can.



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All of that sounds epic. I'm gonna have to do some seriously levelling up to be able to do the raid mission though.


I had my first public event last night. I was just doing a bounty mission on one of the earlier levels and the event started. We had to kill all the enemies that were getting dropped off in waves. It was pretty easy. Hopefully it's the first of many.

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Hey guys please add me I'm only lv 10 but I will

Be on lots this evening.




Is my ps4 psn tag thanks


I meant to add you last night, actually I've been meaning to add you long before then - us Cornish gamers should stick together - but you're welcome to add me instead as I won't get around to adding anyone else until late tonight.


PSN - Metal-Mutiny


See you online hopefully! : peace:

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I don't like it when you unlock your subclass and lose basics like grenades, and double jump :blank:


I had to change class just to get over a ledge :blank:


Yup. I agree, I changed subclass at level 17 and I was shocked to see I had to level them all up again. I think the basic ones like double jump etc should be selected already.

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Just played some Salvage multiplayer, really like it. I prefer defending one area at a time and working close together in a smaller team, won 5 matches on the trot. :)


Will be playing some Venus missions tonight if anyone wants to join me.

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